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Not to be confused with Rest


Respite.png Uses your inner willpower to restore health and stamina. However, this disrupts the balance of mana in your body. Using magic or alchemy too soon after using this skill will result in a penalty. Higher ranks of this skill dispel poisons.


  • Requires Knuckles equipped in order to use.
    • Knuckles with 0 durability will not permit use of this skill.
  • Allows one to restore their own Health and Stamina within 5 seconds.
  • The user is unable to move during the duration of Respite.
    • During this time, the user is vulnerable to attack which will also cancel the skill.
  • Respite will apply Respite Aftereffect to the user.
    • While under the influence of Respite Aftereffect, attacking with Magic or Alchemy, or using Snap Cast, Healing or Party Healing, will cause the user's Health, Mana, and Stamina to drop by 25% of their total stats.
      • Respite Aftereffect's Duration lasts for 180 seconds, which is one minute longer than Respite's Cooldown Time.
      • Logging off freezes the duration, and it resumes when logging back in.
      • If Respite is canceled/interrupted before the healing begins, Respite Aftereffect will not be applied.
  • Starting at Rank 9, Respite has a chance to cure poison.
  • Meditation does not halt nor reduce the Stamina regeneration of Respite.
  • Respite's HP recovery directly conflicts with the HP loss from Dark Knight's Disarm phase.
    • Dark Knight's Disarm reduces 10 HP per second. With Respite at Ranks Novice through 7 (8 - 9 HP recovery per second), HP loss is slightly decreased. With Respite at Rank 6 (10 HP recovery per second), the HP loss is halted. With Respite at Ranks 5 through 1 (11 - 15 HP recovery per second), HP is slightly recovered.
  • Respite can be canceled in the middle of the recovery process.
  • Skill enters cooldown upon activation, rather than recovery completion.
  • Respite can be used to train "Use a Healing Spell" requirement for Magic Mastery.


Rank N F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Required AP - 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 30 35 40 45
Required AP (Total) - 3 8 15 24 35 48 63 80 99 120 145 175 210 250 295
Additional HP - +3
Additional HP (Total) - +3 +6 +9 +12 +15
Additional Stamina - +1 +2
Additional Stamina (Total) - +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
HP Recovery [/sec] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
HP Recovery (Total) 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Stamina Recovery [/sec] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Stamina Recovery (Total) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Aftereffect Duration [sec] 180
Penalty on HP/SP/MP if
Magic or Alchemy is used
Poison Recovery Chance (%) - 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Channeling Duration [sec] 5
Load Time [sec] 1.7
Cooldown Time [sec] 120
Stat* CP (Total) - 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 9.0 13.0 17.0 21.0 25.0

*Respite does not add to Skill Combat Power.

Obtaining the Skill

Training Method


  • Respite does not have to heal anything for the "Use Respite" requirement.
  • "Use Respite in Distress" means to use Respite while under 20% of maximum HP.
    • The healing process must start in order to receive training. You do not actually have to regenerate health in order for this to be met.
    • An easy way to put yourself in distress is touching the Sword of Elsinore at Avon.
    • Another way is to use Magic or Alchemy during Respite Aftereffect to damage Health.
    • Alternatively, you may hit barriers in the Saga I Episode 7 mission, Yesterday's Friend, as they deal damage with each consecutive hit.
    • You may also use Dorcha Conversion to lower your health.

Novice Rank

  • AP: 0
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 4 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 50.00 3 150

Rank F

  • AP: 3
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 4 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 10.00 10 100

Rank E

  • AP: 5
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 5 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 7.70 20 154

Rank D

  • AP: 7
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 5 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 5.00 20 100

Rank C

  • AP: 9
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 6 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 4.00 25 100

Rank B

  • AP: 11
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 6 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 3.50 30 105

Rank A

  • AP: 13
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 7 Stamina per second
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 3.00 40 120

Rank 9

  • AP: 15
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 8 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 55%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 2.00 50 100
Use Respite when in distress 5.00 20 100

Rank 8

  • AP: 17
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 8 HP per second; Recover 9 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 60%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 1.50 100 150
Use Respite when in distress 2.50 40 100

Rank 7

  • AP: 19
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 9 HP per second; Recover 9 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 65%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.75 200 150
Use Respite when in distress 1.25 80 100

Rank 6

  • AP: 21
  • Stat Improvement: SP +1
  • Effects: Recover 10 HP per second; Recover 10 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 70%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.37 400 148
Use Respite when in distress 0.63 160 100.8

Rank 5

  • AP: 25
  • Stat Improvement: SP +2, HP +3
  • Effects: Recover 11 HP per second; Recover 11 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 75%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.18 800 144
Use Respite when in distress 0.32 320 102.4

Rank 4

  • AP: 30
  • Stat Improvement: SP +2, HP +3
  • Effects: Recover 12 HP per second; Recover 12 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 80%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.18 800 144
Use Respite when in distress 0.32 320 102.4

Rank 3

  • AP: 35
  • Stat Improvement: SP +2, HP +3
  • Effects: Recover 13 HP per second; Recover 13 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 85%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.1 1000 100
Use Respite when in distress 0.15 600 90

Rank 2

  • AP: 40
  • Stat Improvement: SP +2, HP +3
  • Effects: Recover 14 HP per second; Recover 14 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 90%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.1 1000 100
Use Respite when in distress 0.15 600 90

Rank 1

  • AP: 45
  • Stat Improvement: SP +2, HP +3
  • Effects: Recover 15 HP per second; Recover 15 Stamina per second; Cure Chance: 95%
Method Exp. Count Total
Use Respite 0.1 1000 100
Use Respite when in distress 0.15 600 90

Master Title

the Master of Respite

  • Max HP +20
  • Max Stamina +20

Related Enchants

Name Type, Rank Enchants Onto Effect(s) Comes On/From
Expert Suffix, B Knuckles
When Tumble is Rank 9 or higher Max Damage +8
Max HP +20
When Respite is Rank 5 or higher Will +8~16
Note: Formerly known as "Master"
Enchant Scroll (Giant Red-eyed Ornata Spider, Alby Basic, Ciar Intermediate, Math Basic, Reward from Pounding and Rush of Love Quests)


  • This skill is also known as Self Medication, Recovery, or Restore in oversea servers.