This page regroups all quests that fall under the Fighter talent.
Story Quests
Rush of Love
Rush of Love is a Sidequest story set sometime after Generation 16: Macbeth. It also serves as the tutorial questline for the Fighter talent.
Equip a Knuckle weapon or rebirth a character in the Martial Arts talent to start this questline.
- New characters must complete the Tutorial [Guide] quests found in the Basic quest tab. Once all tutorial quests have been completed, the quest will be available on that character.
NOTE: All crafting involved in this quest chain is impossible to do with current cooking rework. I attempted them all at R5 cooking and failed each one.
- Quests in this chain complete automatically.
- In all places that apply, the food's star quality does change results.
- Cecilia's Part-Time job may not be available during specific quests due to her involvement in the storyline.
- For completing this sidequest, you will receive the Journal Achievement "Rush of Love" and the Expert Enchant.
- In addition, depending on your choices, the NPC with the highest affection for you will appear at Tir Chonaill at a specific time.
- Cecilia will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Bank at 12:00PM~6:00PM.
- Mina will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Healer House at 6:00PM~12:00AM.
- Ysolte will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Bank at 6:00AM~12:00PM.
NPCs involved in Rush of Love
NPCs involved in Rush of Love
"Horrifying" Herbert
"Horrifying" Herbert
Meru the Merchant, Cecilia, Ysolte, Mina, Keane,
The Blago Prairie is crawling with bandits. If only someone would take care of them... -Meru the Merchant-
- Speak to Meru the Merchant at Emain Macha Trading Post.
- You will be prompted: Yes or No. You will then be prompted Go Now or Later.
- Defeat the Bandits of Blago Prairie
- Selecting Go Now in the first step will trigger the Shadow Mission, ""Horrifying" Herbert (Shadow Mission)". Time limit is 20 minutes.
- Walk towards Cecilia and Ysolte to trigger some dialogue, followed by a fight consisting of the following: Bandit Goblin x1, Bandit Giant x1, Bandit Human x1, Bandit Goblin Archer x1, Bandit Imp x1 and a Bandit Boss.
- Cecilia and Ysolte are fairly weak attack-wise, leaving you to do most of the fighting. Even so, they both have high HP and are able to survive for quite a while.
- These monsters have much lower attack than their normal counterparts, even on Hard Difficulty.
- After clearing the monsters, Mina and Keane will arrive, followed by another spawn of monsters, which are the same as the latter group but with two of each bandit and "Horrifying" Herbert instead of a Bandit Boss.
- Mina and Keane also have high HP, so don't worry about them dying.
- This Shadow Mission awards 8,000 EXP.
- Talk to Meru the Merchant in Emain Macha.
- He will reward you 3,300 Ducats.
- Talk to Cecilia at Town Square in Emain Macha.
- She is actually located southwest of Emain Macha's Square.
- Prompted: Side with Cecilia or Side with Ysolte and then Stay or Run Away.
- You will be awarded 5,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Keane's Type
Keane's Type
Cecilia, Ysolte, Mina, Keane
Find out all about Keane! What are his hobbies? What kind of girls does he like?! - Cecilia -
Warning: Shena's shop and part time job will not be available for the duration of this quest.
- Talk to Mina at Tir Chonaill.
- Talk to Cecilia at the Town Square in Emain Macha.
- Prompted by Cecila: Keane's Birthday, Talk about Mina
- Prompted by Cecila: Accept, Refuse
- Prompted by Mina: Shake Hands, Leave Her Hanging
- You will be awarded 2,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Cecilia's Pepper Grilled Silk-Striped Marlin
Cecilia's Pepper Grilled Silk-Striped Marlin
Cecilia, Ysolte, Mina, Keane
Help! I don't know how to cook! I'm waiting at Emain Macha Restaurant. If I put my heart into it, Keane will love it, right? - Cecilia
Warning: Shena's shop and part time job will not be available for the duration of this quest.
- Talk to Cecilia at Emain Macha Restaurant.
- She will prompt you Yes or No, followed by: Sure or Just be careful... and finally Do not even mention it or Yeah, you really do
- She will then give you a Gold Pouch with 10,000 gold.
- Purchase a Silk-Striped Marlin from Cadoc in Port Cobh.
- The Silk-Striped Marlin costs 20,000 gold, twice the amount of money Cecilia gave you.
- A normal Silk-Striped Marlin will not work.
- Talk to Cecilia at Emain Macha Restaurant and deliver the dish.
- Prompted: Nope or It was enough, followed by The best or I cannot boil water, then Cook for her or Ignore her.
- You will receive a Ladle and a Cooking Pot, as well as rank F Cooking and the book Master Chef's Cooking Class: Baking if you did not already have them.
- The Cooking Pot has 20 Durability compared to the regular version (30 Durability).
- Talk to Cecilia again. Prompted: Cook for her or Ignore her.
- If you choose to ignore her, she asks again. If you agree the second time, Pepper and Olive Oil will be provided.
- If you refuse completely, the quest objectives are still fulfilled and the Marlin will disappear from your inventory. Change channels to receive the next quest in the chain.
- As of the Culinary Artist Update, this dish is impossible to make. You will make food waste every time. The quest will continue either way.
- Create the Pepper Grilled Silk-Striped Marlin using Cooking. It requires Baking (Rank F Cooking). You must stand next to the nearby Cooking Oven to create the recipe.
- The baking recipe requires 82% Silk-Striped Marlin, 10% Olive Oil, and 8% Pepper.
- Note: Shena, who sells Olive Oil and Pepper, is not present. The ingredients must be obtained elsewhere.
- There is a glitch that causes her to appear next at the town square, right next to Del. However, her shop is inaccessible.
- Although a quest item, the special marlin is tradable. As such, players can have a higher-ranked chef create the dish for them instead.
- Failing the recipe will still complete the quest requirements but lead to alternate results.
- Talk to Cecilia and give her the Pepper Grilled Silk-Striped Marlin.
- You will be awarded 6,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Ysolte's Show-off Pork Steak
Ysolte's Show-off Pork Steak
Cecilia, Ysolte, Glewyas
A pork steak? Sounds disgusting! Why don't you help me out? I'm at the Emain Macha Restaurant. - Ysolte -
- Talk to Ysolte at the restaurant in Emain Macha.
- Prompted: Prepare His Present or Get Some Rest, followed by: Help Cecilia or Forget it and finally Yes or No.
- Obtain Pork from Glewyas in Tara Royal Castle.
- He'll be in the kitchen on the first floor.
- Prompted: The best pork... or Ysolte.... You will then receive Pork Steak.
- Talk to Ysolte at Emain Macha Restaurant and deliver the dish.
- Speak to Ysolte again for the recipe. Prompted: Cook or Refuse.
- Create the Show-off Pork Steak using Cooking. It requires Baking (Rank F Cooking). You must use the nearby Cooking Oven to create the recipe.
- This recipe requires baking and the following ingredients: 35% Pork Steak, 30% Whipped Cream, and 35% Cooking Potion.
- Talk to Ysolte and give her the Show-off Pork Steak.
- If you refuse both times, the quest will still be completed and the pork will disappear from your inventory.
- You will be awarded 6,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Mina's Crunchy Mushroom Cookie
Mina's Crunchy Mushroom Cookie
Mina, Stewart
Are you busy? I have a favor to ask of you... Please meet me at the Tir Chonaill Grocery Store. - Mina
- Talk to Mina by Tir Chonaill Grocery Store.
- Prompted: Forgive or Do Not Forgive, followed by: Yes or No.
- If you kept the Waxen Wing of the Blue Goddess, you may use it to teleport to Tir Chonaill.
- Talk to Stewart who in Dunbarton School.
- He is inside the Magic Classroom.
- Prompted: Hazelnut Mushroom... or Mina....
- Select Mina... in order to receive a Scathach Beach Hazelnut Mushroom.
- Selecting Hazelnut Mushroom... will leave you at a dead end, in which case you can talk to him once more to receive the prompt again.
- Talk to Mina at Tir Chonaill Grocery Store.
- Prompted: Cook or Refuse.
- If you agree to cook, you will receive Whipped Cream and Wheat Flour.
- If you refuse, you will be prompted with Cook or Break Free.
- If you choose Break Free, the quest objectives will still be fulfilled.
- You will be awarded 6,000 EXP for completing the quest.
Keane's Birthday Party
Keane's Birthday Party
Keane, Mina, Cecilia, Ysolte
The birthday's already started! Where are you? Meet us at Tir Chronaill Square! We've got all kinds of tasty food, so hurry! - Mina
- Join Keane's birthday party at Tir Chonaill Square.
- Prompted: Take the Taitinn Carp Brochette or Take the Chocolate Cake, followed by: Ysolte is gullible or Cecilia is wrong, and finally Stop Mina or Stop Ysolte.
- You will be awarded 2,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Fighter for a New Century
Fighter for a New Century
Keane, Cecilia, Ysolte
Keane's going to teach me the way of the Fighter! Come and watch me train if you have time. - Cecilia
- Talk to Cecilia at Tir Chonaill School.
- Prompted: Start from the Basics or Skip the basics.
- Choose Start from the Basics to enter the Shadow Mission, "Fighter Basics", where you role-play as Cecilia.
- Cecilia has Rank F Knuckle Mastery, Combo Mastery, Charging Strike, Somersault Kick, and Pummel, Rank D Defense, Smash, Counterattack, Windmill, Combat Mastery, Critical Hit, and Sword Mastery and Rank 9 Rest and Cooking.
- The Mission is similar to that of a Beginner Battle Class Board.
- Normal Attack Keane five times in a row. Repeat two more times.
- Normal Attack Keane three times and load Counterattack as the fourth command. Repeat two more times.
- Use Windmill. Repeat two more times.
- After completing the three tasks, the mission will be complete.
- Talk to Cecilia at Tir Chonaill School.
- Prompted: Watch Training or Later.
- Choose Watch Training to enter the Shadow Mission, "A Fighter's Agility", again role-playing as Cecilia.
- Use Charging Strike followed by four Normal Attacks. Repeat two more times.
- Use Charging Strike followed by Somersault Kick and end off with a Normal Attack. Repeat two more times.
- Use Charging Strike, then Somersault Kick and finish with Pummel. Repeat two more times.
- After performing the task, whether successful or failure, the cooldowns of the skills will reset.
- After completing the tasks, the mission will be complete. You will also learn Combo Mastery, Charging Strike, Somersault Kick, Pummel, and Tumble.
- Talk to Cecilia at Tir Chonaill School.
- Prompted: I will help or I am busy.
- Talk to Ysolte at Tir Chonaill School.
- Prompted: Ready or Wait a Sec.
- Choose Ready to enter the Shadow Mission, "A Fighter's Strength", role-playing as Ysolte.
- Ysolte has all of Cecilia's skills, except Charging Strike, Somersault Kick, and Pummel are replaced with Focused Fist, Spinning Uppercut, and Drop Kick.
- Use Focused Fist followed by four Normal Attacks. Repeat two more times.
- Use Focused Fist followed by Spinning Uppercut and end off with two Normal Attacks. Repeat two more times.
- Use Focused Fist, then Somersault Kick and finish with Pummel. Repeat two more times.
- After completing the tasks, the mission will be complete. You will also learn Focused Fist, Spinning Uppercut, Drop Kick, and Respite.
- Talk to Ysolte at Tir Chonaill School.
- You will be awarded 12,800 EXP for completing the quest.
Herbert and the 40 Bandits
Herbert and the 40 Bandits
Keane, Mina, Cecilia, Ysolte
I heard Herbert is seeking revenge. Could we speak privately? I'm at Tir Chonaill Square. - Mina
- Talk to Mina in Tir Chonaill Square.
- Prompted: Listen Now or Listen Later.
- Talk to Mina in Tir Chonaill Square.
- Prompted: Stop Them or Leave Them Alone, then Cecilia, Ysolte, Mina.
- Look for clues about Keane's disappearance at Spiral Hill in Dugald Aisle.
- Head over to the top Spiral Hill located at the southeastern most point of Dugald Aisle. The existent NPC will correspond to your previous choice; talk to her.
- Prompted: I am ready or I am not ready. Choose I am ready to enter the Shadow Mission, "Saving Keane".
- Talk to Mina in Tir Chonaill School.
- Prompted: Ready or Not yet.
- Choose Ready to enter the Shadow Mission, "Rescue Keane".
- Move towards Keane while avoiding the Bandits.
- You will automatically be in a state similar to Hide, and will only be able to walk. However, you use a "sneaking" animation instead of the regular walking one.
- If you get too close to a Bandit it will notice you, resulting the mission's failure.
- These Bandits stand still, so don't worry about them walking to you.
- Afterwards, defeat Bandit Human x2, Bandit Goblin x2, Bandit Goblin Archer x2, Bandit Imp x2, and Bandit Giant x2.
- You will be awarded 13,200 EXP for completing the quest.
Peas in a Pod
Peas in a Pod
Cecilia, Ysolte
I'm so glad that Keane is safe! I've learned a lot about myself from this ordeal... Can you meet me at Tir Chonaill Windmill? I want to talk... - Cecilia
- Meet Cecilia at the Tir Chonaill Windmill.
- Prompted: Something More or Little Sis.
- Talk to Ysolte at the Tir Chonaill Blacksmith's Shop.
- Prompted: Ysolte or Mina.
- You will be awarded 3,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Love and War
Love and War
Keane, Mina, Cecilia, Ysolte
Keane says he needs to see you. I don't know what this is all about, but please meet him in Tir Chonaill Square. - Mina
- Talk to Keane in Tir Chonaill Square.
- Prompted: Something bothering you? or Your stomach hurts?, followed by: Is this about the bandits? or Looks like a woman problem!, then All three like you? or All three have stomachaches?, and finally Help Cecelia, Help Ysolte or Help Mina. You will enter the Shadow Mission, "Duel by Sunset".
- Depending on the NPC you picked, you must aid her to defeat the other two.
- The Female Fighters are far more powerful than the Bandits fought in previous missions. Any combination of Fighter Skills performed by them can easily get you beaten.
- Using the Summon Golem skill to clear the mission results in a bug where you cannot view the final cutscene necessary to complete the mission. To prevent this bug, do not finish off the final opponent with your Golem, but reduce their health to near deadly and take them out yourself.
- Talk to Keane in Tir Chonaill Square.
- Prompted: Console Keane or Watch Quietly.
- The NPC selected by Keane will be determined by your choices.
- You will then be warped to Emain Macha's Cathedral.
- Talk to Keane.
- A cutscene will occur. You will then receive the Journal Achievement "Rush of Love" and the Expert Enchant.
- Depending on your choices, the NPC with the highest affection for you will appear at Tir Chonaill at a specific time.
- Cecilia will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Bank at 12:00PM~6:00PM.
- Mina will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Healer House at 6:00PM~12:00AM.
- Ysolte will appear in front of Tir Chonaill's Bank at 6:00AM~12:00PM.
- You will be awarded 3,500 EXP for completing the quest.
Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |