< Generation 20: The Gate of Sanctuary Generation 22: Apocalypse >
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- For the script of this questline, see Script - Generation 21: The Guardian's Path.
Generation 21: The Guardian's Path (Chapter 6 Finale) is the third and last part of Chapter 6. The race continues to The Elder's body between the Alban Knights and the Prophets in the Knights' forgotten sanctuary, Avalon. Meanwhile, the Milletian struggles to balance their numerous powers and accomplishments boiling within them, questioning their purpose on Erinn.
All missions in this storyline are fixed to Basic difficulty. (?)
Warning: During the portions of this Generation that take place in Avalon, both of the Avalon Field Raids (Sylvan Dragon and Mokkurkalfi) can spawn and attack the player during cutscenes or while talking to the NPCs. Use extreme caution when a raid is in progress if a quest objective is near a Raid Zone, and waiting for a Raid to end might be needed.
NPCs involved in The Guardian's Path
NPCs involved in The Guardian's Path
One Who Knows the Way
Shades of Ash
Shades of Ash
Strange Boy, Avelin, Altam
Hello. I've got something you're going to want to see. I'll fill you in when you get here. - ?
- Upon logging in after completing Generation 20: The Gate of Sanctuary, you will receive the quest.
- Talk to the Strange Boy at the Emain Macha Assembly Area.
- Prompted Not that I can recall or Say nothing.
- You will receive Greatsword Hilt.
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 2,000 G]
- This mission is just dialogue. Prompted: Shut up, I hear something or Ignore him, followed by You are or I... I do not know.
- Talk to the Strange Boy at the Emain Macha Assembly Area.
- Talk to Altam at the Emain Macha Assembly Area.
- Talk to the Strange Boy at the Emain Macha Assembly Area.
- Talk to Avelin at the Emain Macha Assembly Area.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
One Who Knows the Way
One Who Knows the Way
Avelin, Talvish, Pihne, Caswyn
We've finished discussing what happened. Please meet us at Avalon Gate. - Avelin
- Talk to Avelin at Avalon Gate.
- Talk to Talvish at Avalon Gate.
- Prompted: I am still in shock., I was in shock but am fine now., or Meh, it was no big deal.
- You will receive Greatsword Hilt.
- Talk to Talvish at Avalon Gate.
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Head over to the gate as indicated by a green circle, then use Judgment Blade on the blue circle when the prompt I believe it is my turn appears on the screen.
- A cutscene will occur when successful.
- Note that the mission will autocomplete, but you may get stuck in the exit phase. If this happens, exit manually.
- Talk to Avelin at Avalon Gate.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Approaching the Unknown
Approaching the Unknown
Approaching the Unknown
Avelin, Talvish
The gate opened. We don't know what's waiting on the other side, so we need to be careful. Let's go. - Talvish
- Pass through Avalon Gate
- Note that as of release date, a system bug may leave you unable to enter Avalon following the prior quest. If this happens, simply cycle camp from the character window under Special Unit, then enter Avalon as usual.
- You will emerge into the Outskirts of Avalon. A cutscene will play once you both cross the gate and make enough distance upon entering.
- Since the quest specifically mentions Avalon Gate, use of the Moon Gate system does not count, even if you have been here already to participate in Avalon Raids or for Kaelic's Erg enrichment services.
- Talk to Avelin at the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Scout the area.
- A cutscene will occur when you touch the white rock near the Watchtower.
- Talk to Avelin at the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
The Faded Holy Name
The Faded Holy Name
Avelin, Talvish, Caswyn, Altam, Llywelyn
You said that the Prophets moved further in... Wait, is this a graveyard? - Avelin
- Look for the Prophets at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Touch the encased Marcan at Knights' Epitaph. You'll be prompted to enter the mission, The Trapped Prophet [50,000 EXP, 20,000 G]
- Marcan can be used as a Training Dummy. Hitting him will remark 'Clean Hit' or 'Critical Clean Hit'
- Use Judgment Blade on Marcan to clear the mission.
- Talk to Avelin at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Regroup with Avelin to face the new Apostle and ultimately defeat it.
- Talk to Avelin. You'll be prompted to enter the mission, The Excavated Cradle [100,000 EXP, 30,000G]
- Avelin and Talvish will assist you. You'll be fighting a mock battle of Hasidim. Be ready to use Shield of Trust.
- Hasidim is nearly invulnerable. Avoid his attacks for 1 minute.
- The easiest way to do this is to mount a pet, move away from the battle, and use Crisis Escape.
- Altam, Llywelyn, and Caswyn will arrive to help. Avoid Hasidim's attacks for another 2 minutes.
- The battle will pause for a short dialogue to appear in which Llywelyn explains what to do.
- Hasidim and the knights will move to fixed positions. A marked circle will appear where they want you to stand. Quickly navigate to the marked circle. If you take too long, they will proceed without you.
- At the marked circle, wait for Hasidim's light dust to reach you and the knights. Dusty crystals will appear above your heads. While the crystals are shown above your heads, use Shield of Trust.
- Hasidim's mineral explosion indication and Shield of Trust both have an approximate 5 second activation. Failure to block Hasidim's attack will automatically end the mission in failure.
- After Hasidim is vulnerable, you must defeat him. Arcana attack skills are recommended.
- Talk to Altam at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Memories of the Forest
Memories of the Forest
Avelin, Talvish, Llywelyn, Altam
An Apostle, made with the body of a knight! We must find the Prophets before they desecrate this land even further. - Talvish
- Move deeper into Avalon.
- A cutscene will occur when you approach the Knights.
- Talk to Llywelyn in Avalon.
- Prompted [Tell us about your family.] or [(Stay silent.)].
- Talk to Talvish in Avalon.
- Talk to Avelin in Avalon.
- Talk to Altam while he is investigating.
- Examine Yggdrasil.
- Altam and Llywelyn will move to the south side of the tree. They will be surrounding a crystal, click on the small crystal for a cutscene.
- Talk to Avelin in Avalon.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Traversing Through Time
The Shadow in the Light
The Shadow in the Light
Avelin, Brilluen, Llywelyn, Altam
I sense that we're catching up to the Prophets. Let's quicken our pace. - Avelin
- Examine the Prophets in their strange state.
- They are located slightly north of the nearby Moon Gate.
- A cutscene will occur.
- Defeat the Sylvan Dragon.
- Speak to Avelin. You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Awakened Forest Guardian. [100,000 EXP, 30,000 G]
- Altam, Avelin, and Llywelyn will assist you. This is a mock battle against a Sylvan Dragon.
- Sylvan Dragon has a variety of attacks. It's best to stay away from his front side, stay away from his tail, keep a short distance, and be ready to move away if he faces towards you.
- Be wary of his stomp attack. You are the only one affected by it. If it hits you, you will lose all remaining HP and be put 99 HP into deadly status. He will likely follow up with another attack before you can move away so you will be knocked unconscious.
- The knights will remark that Sylvan Dragon is immune to attacks. In a previous version of this fight, you had to wait a few minutes for Avelin to announce the dragon's weak point. You no longer need to wait for this announcement.
- Sylvan Dragon begins with immunity to many attacks: it's untested which work and which don't. After taking some threshold of damage, Avelin will remark that it has become weakened. Once weakened, all attacks will work.
- Fight the Sylvan Dragon until it's at 10% HP then a dynamic cutscene will occur.
- After the dynamic cutscene, you will need to use Defense against its powerful attack which is a black circular wave expanding on the ground.
- If you do not use Defense, you will be hit and the mission will fail. Do not mistake this as needing to use Shield of Trust.
- The powerful attack will leave Brilluen and Pennar with low HP. They will be vulnerable for the remainder of the fight. If they are defeated, the mission will end in failure.
- Defeat the Sylvan dragon to complete and exit the mission.
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Talk to Avelin in Avalon.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
The Conclusion
The Conclusion
Avelin, Caswyn, Llywelyn, Altam, Talvish
D-did you see that? It was just like in your vision! Wow! - Altam
- Talk to Altam in Avalon.
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Watch Caswyn at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Talk to Talvish at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- The Greatsword Hilt will be removed from your inventory.
- Talk to Talvish at the graveyard by the Outskirts of Avalon.
- Investigate the Abandoned Camp.
- There will be a short cutscene when you approach.
- Talk to Avelin at Avalon Gate.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
Traversing Through Time
Traversing Through Time
Talvish, Aodhan, Rua, Kristell, Duncan, Endelyon,
We've gotten permission to grant the Elder's request. It seems we need your help once again. - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish at the Avalon Gate.
- You will receive Greatsword Hilt.
- Prompted: Can we do this together? or Okay..
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- You will be teleported to Emain Macha after completing the mission.
- Talk to Aodhan in Emain Macha.
- Talk to Rua at the Bean Rua Club or her house.
- Talk to Kristell in Dunbarton.
- Prompted: (Fill her in on everything.) or (Shrug and smile.).
- Defeat the Crystal Boars in Northern Dunbarton.
- Speak to any one of the trio of travelers outside of Dunbarton, east of the path leading to Tir Chonaill.
- After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, The Encroaching Strangeness [100,000 EXP; 30,000 G]
- The mission starts with 3 travelers and Crystal Wolf x10. As you defeat wolves, more will appear.
- Wolves have 1,000 HP and know counterattack and defense.
- After defeating more than 25 wolves, Crystal Boar x4 will appear.
- Boars have 1,500 HP and know counterattack and defense.
- After defeating the boars, Crystal Bear x3 will appear.
- Bears have 1,800 HP and know smash, counterattack and defense. They have an agressive AI and will not load skills often.
- If any of the travelers die, the mission will fail.
- Defeat all remaining enemies to complete and exit the mission.
- Talk to Duncan in Tir Chonaill.
- Talk to Endelyon in Tir Chonaill.
- Do a Part-Time Job for the Tir Chonaill Church and talk to Endelyon.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
A Glimpse of the Future
A Glimpse of the Future
Andras, Pencast, Eirawen,
I heard that you stopped by Tir Chonaill and Dunbarton. You should visit bigger cities, too. - Talvish
- Talk to Andras in Taillteann.
- Clear the shadow mission Provocation. This can be completed on any difficulty.
- Talk to Pencast in Tara.
- Take the Lost Cat to Pencast.
- Talk to Eirawen in Tara.
- Prompted: I will help. or (Do not answer.)
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Perilous Getaway
Perilous Getaway
Eirawen, Altam, Llywelyn
People are worried, so please search Blago Prairie to reassure them, Stay safe... - Eirawen
- Search Blago Prairie.
- Touch the glowing light on the ground between Eluned's Winery Moon Gate and Lezarro's Winery Moon Gate, just south of the vineyard.
- Touch it a second time to be prompted for a shadow mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Where the Traces of Gold Lead [100,000 EXP; 30,000 G]
- Defeat the Armored Girgashiy
- It has about 515,000 HP, uses Staff Swing, Holy Contagion, and Mineral Hail. Its Mineral Hail will do less damage than the Girgashiy in Generation 19 even when you don't use Shield of Trust.
- You can receive training counts for Shield of Trust in successfully defending the apostle's Mineral Hail skill.
- It is weak to Judgment Blade and will be defeated with one or two hits.
- Shortly after the fight starts, Altam and Lywelyn will arrive to help.
- Talk to Altam in Blago Prairie.
- Prompted: Sure, I got this. or ...
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Small Barb
The Colors of Nebula
The Colors of Nebula
Hey, you're so busy these days! Don't you miss me? We should hang out! - Merlin
- Talk to Merlin at the Qilla Base Camp
- Prompted: What do you want? , (Look doubtful.) , or (Greet warmly.)
- Camp with Merlin at the Qilla Base Camp
- Talk to Merlin south-west of the moon gate, where he has set up a camp near the cliff overlooking the beach.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting you will enter the Shadow Mission, Merlin's Past [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Prompted: (Tell him about the Knights.) or (Shrug nonchalantly.)
- After the dialogue and cutscene, you will automatically complete and exit the mission. You will receive the Mysterious Stone and Goddess Feather.
- Talk to Merlin at the Qilla Base Camp
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Small Barb
Small Barb
Talvish, Castanea, Krug, Altam
I heard that you're traversing Iria now. It's becoming a longer journey than I have expected. Thank you for taking your time with this. - Talvish
- Talk to Castanea in Filia.
- Talk to Krug in Vales.
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Talk to Altam in Vales.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
Kernals of Dark Omen
Kernals of Dark Omen
Kernals of Dark Omen
Avelin, Caswyn, Altam, Llywelyn
I'm sure you've heard by now, but the Prophets have escaped. I can't believe this... - Avelin
- Talk to Avelin at Avalon Gate.
- Talk to Caswyn.
- Talk to Avelin.
- Prompted: (Ask.) or (Do not ask.), then (Wait for him to explain.) or (Tell him to forget it.)
- Talk to Avelin.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Avelin, Altam, Llywelyn, Injured Member of Eiler Unit, Caswyn, Pihne
We would be grateful if you accompanied us, but we cannot force you. If you choose to, however... We will see you in Avalon. - Avelin
- Talk to Avelin in Avalon.
- Defeat Mokkurkalfi
- Speak to Avelin again to be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Corrupted Plains Guardian [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- Altam, Avelin, and Llywelyn will assist you in fighting a Mokkurkalfi
- Fight Mokkurkalfi until it is healed by Giant Worms twice, then a dialogue will occur.
- After the dialogue, survive for 40 seconds while your allies build campfires.
- Attract and lure the three Giant Worm to separate campfires which will cause them to vanish. If you kill the worms, they will simply respawn.
- Defeat Mokkurkalfi. This version has 50,000 HP.
- A cutscene will occur. The mission will complete and exit.
- Talk to the Injured Member of Eiler Unit at Forgotten Shore.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Colossal Enemy by the Shore [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- This is just a dynamic cutscene.
- Talk to Caswyn at Forgotten Shore.
- Talk to Llywelyn at Forgotten Shore.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Ambush [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Talk to Caswyn.
- After the dialogue, make your way to the city ruins within 85 seconds.
- You may follow Avelin, Altam, and Llywelyn there, you have plenty of time even without a mountable pet.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Scars of the Star
Scars of the Star
Scars of the Star
Llywelyn, Avelin, Altam, Talvish, Brilluen
We should head on now. I have a bad feeling about this... Be prepared for anything. - Llywelyn
- Touch the glowing light on ground.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit
- After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, The Daydreaming Star
- A cutscene will occur.
- Prompted: (Approach.) or (Keep walking.), then (Approach.) or (Keep walking.)
- Talk to Talvish
- Prompted: I heard your voice. or (Shrug nonchalantly.)
- Inspect the Greatsword Hilt.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission. [50,000 EXP; 20,000 G]
- Free a member of Arthuan Unit from the traps at City Ruins.
- Talk to either Avelin or Altam. This can be done in any order.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit.
- If you accepted for Altam, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Altam's Nightmare [0 EXP; 0 G]
- When given the opportunity, follow Altam, the mission will fail if he gets too far, and you will have to try again.
- Do not start a conversation with Altam on your own; the mission will glitch and need to be reattempted. You will automatically start a conversation if you let the scene play out.
- Prompted: (Hug Altam.) or (Slap Altam.)
- If you accepted for Avelin, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Avelin's Nightmare [0 EXP; 0 G]
- When given the opportunity, follow Avelin, the mission will fail if she gets too far, and you will have to try again.
- Free a member of Arthuan Unit from the traps at City Ruins.
- You must free the member you didn't free in the last step.
- Talk to Llywelyn.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
The Raven in the Ruins
The Raven in the Ruins
Talvish, Llywelyn, Avelin, Altam, Kaelic, Brilluen, Pennar, Marcan, Pihne, Caswyn
I'm glad we're all safe, but it's not over yet... Let's take down the Prophets together. - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish at City Ruins
- Defeat the new Apostle
- Speak to Talvish again to be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Gravebound [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- Avelin, Altam, Llywelyn, and Talvish, will assist you in fighting a Hasidim.
- Avoid Hasidim for 60 seconds, then a dynamic dialogue will occur.
- Try to lure Hasidim to the north-east side of the city ruins and use the ruins obstruction as cover.
- Avoid Hasidim for 60 seconds.
- Hasidim will put a randomly chosen ally under health drain. Attack Hasidim with 8 critical hits to free them, then a dialogue will occur.
- This attack can kill the ally. If they die, the mission will fail.
- Fast attacks such as Final Hit or Way of the Gun helps complete this step.
- Defeat Hasidim. A cutscene will occur and the mission will complete and exit.
- Caswyn and Pihne will arrive to help, but Brilluen, Marcan, and Pennar will also fight your allies get near them at the westernmost side of the ruins.
- All Prophets have about 20,000 HP, and will resurrect after a short time following knocking them out.
- Interrogate Brilluen at City Ruins.
- Talk to Altam.
- Talk to Kaelic.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Enter Mission or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter the Shadow Mission, Sanctuary Erg [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- Deliver an Incomplete Haunted Erg Crystal to Kaelic. They drop from the nearby Ghost of Alban Priests.
- Deliver 4 Incomplete Haunted Erg Crystals to Kaelic, then combine them as he requested.
- Search for and touch 8 glowing lights on the ground around the City Ruins eastern area.
- Select (Focus.) and pick up Sanctuary Erg Crystals that drop.
- Holding the Ctrl key will let you target the shining spots.
- Holding the Alt key will let you see the shining spots very easy.
- Deliver 8 Sanctuary Erg Crystals to Kaelic, then combine them as he requested. Afterwards a short cutscene will occur, and the mission will complete and exit.
- Talk to Talvish.
The Hand Outside the Stage
The Hand Outside the Stage
The Hand Outside the Stage
Altam, Llywelyn, Merlin, Treasure Hunter
Hi! How's the investigation going? I wanted to talk to you about...um...I-I just have a question for you! - Altam
- Talk to Altam at the Knights' Epitaph.
- Prompted: Yeah. or (Shrug it off.)
- Talk to Llywelyn.
- Talk to a Glutton Monkey at Zardine Hot Springs in Iria.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Prompted: (Tell him.) or (Do not tell him.)
- Talk to the Treasure Hunter.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Gill of a Silent Promise
Gill of a Silent Promise
Llywelyn, Caswyn, Pihne, Altam, Avelin
How goes your rest and relaxation? I'm speaking with the being we found in the City Ruins, and have learned a few things I wish to discuss with you. Please come and see me at your earliest convenience. - Llywelyn
- Talk to Llywelyn at the City Ruins in Avalon.
- Talk to Caswyn at Yggdrasil.
- Talk to Altam in the City Ruins.
- Talk to Avelin.
- Touch the glowing light on ground.
- Talk to Avelin.
- You'll be prompted to enter the mission, Memories Upon the Altar [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- You'll be fighting Tagar. Tagar has a similar moveset as a Grim Reaper. Moving around quickly will allow you to evade her attacks. Healing potions, March Song, and Anchor Rush are recommended.
- Tagar is invulnerable to damage until you drop up to two pillars on her.
- Wait a short while for Llywelyn to suggest dropping a pillar on her. The pillar will have a red highlight underneath it. Stand under it, and wait for Tagar to appear before attacking it.
- Only the pillar with a red circle highlighted on the ground will take damage. Tagar must be close enough and not in the animation of disappearing into the ground. Tagar will fall to the ground if successfully hit.
- After Tagar is vulnerable, you must defeat her. Arcana attack skills are recommended.
- Defeat Tagar.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Ripe Fruit Upon the Tree
The Scents of Night and Day
The Scents of Night and Day
What just happened? Something feels different. I'm presently on the cliff by the edge of the City Ruins. It seems that Avalon itself has changed somehow. Please, make your way over to me. - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish on the northwestern cliff of the City Ruins.
- Talk to Talvish at Berg Mesa.
- To reach Berg Mesa, right click the Unicorn that travels between the cliff and Berg Mesa, and press Mount. You can also use the Moon Gate or Traveler's Guide to teleport there.
- Talk to Talvish.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Engage in Battle (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter Shadow Mission Keeper of the Gate [100,000 EXP; 30,000G; Vestige of Purification]
- Defeat Creag.
- Creag is invulnerable to damage until you hit the orb near the Sanctum portal. However, light circles will periodically spawn under you which will teleport you back to the starting area.
- You may not summon pets or partners; they will be automatically de-summoned.
- Making it to the orb will be difficult at Human or Giant movement speed. Use March Song or Shylock's Step to help.
- If you have a Dream Catcher, you may use Transformation Mastery to turn into a Wisp or Bat to increase movement speed. This method works for both Humans and Giants without advanced Music skills or potions.
- Anchor Rush can be used to make it to the orb in a safe manner.
- Creag has no attacks of its own.
- Enter Sanctum.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Ripe Fruit Upon the Tree
Ripe Fruit Upon the Tree
Talvish, Avelin, Altam, Llywelyn
This place... Yes, there can be no doubt: this is the Sanctum. - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish.
- Talk to Avelin.
- Talk to Altam.
- Prompted: Count on YOU? or Thank you.
- Talk to Llywelyn.
- Talk to Talvish.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Face to Face
Face to Face
Face to Face
Talvish, Cichol
Let's head inside the ruins. It's finally time to see for ourselves what lies deeper within. - Talvish
- Walk onto the Temple in Sanctum.
- Talk to Avelin.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Engage in Battle (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter Shadow Mission That Which Remains [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- A cutscene will occur.
- Talvish, Altam, Avelin, and Llywelyn will appear to assist you.
- Pennar and the Black Wizard will appear to fight you. Brilluen will run to the coffin. Simply wait until Brilluen reaches the coffin to trigger dynamic dialogue.
- Hasidim will spawn, wait 60 seconds for the next dynamic dialogue to occur.
- Hide behind the coffin, or any of the scattered ruins, to avoid the enemies.
- All four allies will become trapped in crystals, but the enemies will stop attacking. Attack the crystals to rescue the allies before the 60 second timer runs out. Afterwards, a dynamic dialogue occurs and the mission will complete and exit.
- Final Hit and Way of the Gun will help accomplish this task.
- Avoid the red circles that appear, they will drastically reduce your movement speed.
- Talk to Talvish.
- Talk to Cichol.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Engage in Battle (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter Shadow Mission The Breath of Peaceful Slumber [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- Defeat the Doppelganger.
- The Doppelganger will constantly be in Awakening of Light state and regenerate HP, but unlike its Generation 10 counterpart it will not use Spear of Light or Fury of Light.
- The Doppelganger spawns copies at the start, but will not actively create any more.
- Periodically the screen will flash and four pillars will illuminate a dark fog. If you don't hit these pillars in time, more Doppelganger copies will spawn.
- After it loses ~50% health, the pillars will instead grant Shadow Spirit stacks to the Doppelganger. At this point no copies will appear.
- Anchor Rush will be useful in going to each pillar.
- Using Windmill, or Anchor Rush, will cancel Shadow Spirit.
- Lowering its Defense and Protection is highly recommended.
- Using Divine Link will help distract the Doppelganger and its copies.
- After defeating the Doppelganger, a cutscene will occur, and the mission will complete and exit.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Warp and Weft
Warp and Weft
Avelin, Llywelyn, Altam, Pihne, Caswyn, Merlin, Talvish
Are you okay?! What's happening...? - Avelin
- Talk to Avelin.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Talk to Merlin again.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
The New Divinity
Eclipse and Corona
Eclipse and Corona
Talvish, Altam, Merlin
...... There's something I need to tell you. - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish.
- Talk to Talvish again.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Approach Talvish (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter Shadow Mission Twilight, Moonlight, Starlight [0 EXP; 0G]
- A cutscene will occur.
- You will role-play as yourself, with no skills available, and your movement speed drastically reduced.
- Defend Altam. If Altam is defeated, the mission will fail.
- Pick up the Prayer of Protection where shining light hits the ground and use them while near Altam to protect him from Talvish's Judgment Blade. If successful, he will only take 1 damage.
- The shield created by the Prayer of Protection only lasts for about 1.5 seconds, so wait to use it when the Judgment Blade's sword appears.
- Talvish will use four Judgment Blades before the mission auto-complete. Altam can only survive two hits, but it is unlikely you will reach the Prayers of Protection and get back to him in time to defend against the first one.
- A bug may occur during the cutscene dialog where one the the buttons to advance the dialog will not appear. This can be fixed by toggling fullscreen momentarily(ALT+ENTER)
- Talk to Altam.
- Talk to Merlin.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Let Merlin examine you (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. After accepting, you will enter Shadow Mission Winds of Madness [0 EXP; 0G]
- You will role-play as Altam.
- A cutscene will occur.
- Within 10 minutes, defeat the Holy Sprites to weaken the barrier.
- Some Holy Sprites may spawn on the way to the barrier.
- Using Bash and Charge should help you do this with plenty of time to spare.
- The Holy Sprites are not to be underestimated despite Altam having Rank 1 skills; you may wish to "lure" sprites away from the others.
- Getting defeated will result in failure.
- Stepping in particular areas will cause you to be trapped in a crystal. These areas are revealed as gray swirls when the message "A powerful wind blows through the temple" appears. Attack the crystal to escape.
- Destroy the barrier.
- Talk to Altam.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
The New Divinity
The New Divinity
Merlin, Talvish
C'mon, keep it together, Merlin. You've got this... Uh, I mean... You! YOU'VE got this! Ugh... Man, that looks like it really hurts. Are you all right? Don't you go and die on me! I mean, yeah, death works differently for you, but still! - Merlin
- Talk to Merlin.
- Prompted: ...... or ...What?
- Talk to Talvish.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Engage in Battle (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. Afterwards, you will enter Shadow Mission Guardians [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- Fight Talvish.
- When Talvish waves his arm in front of himself, he will emit a sound similar to casting Meditation and the two reapers at his sides will somersault and release two long waves of dark energy forward at your position. The direction of the attack is locked as soon as Talvish begins his animation, so take that time to move out of the way.
- When Talvish says "I'm sorry..." he will raise up and summon five Judgment Blade attacks which fall away from him, it is generally safest underneath him during this time. Afterwards, he will release a wave of red energy, instantly killing you if you fail to use Shield of Trust.
- When Talvish says "I will show you the proof of the prophecy", he will rise up and attack with Celestial Spike. This causes drastic movement speed reduction, and applies a debuff that prevents using Crusader Skills, potentially causing death by the Judgment Blade wave mentioned above. Stop this by hitting Talvish with Judgment Blade or Windmill before the attack finishes, or get away from him with Anchor Rush.
- Talvish can Teleport and also use Rage Impact to stun you at close range.
- Pets and Partners cannot be used; they will automatically be desummoned.
- Talvish passively takes 80% less damage from Bash, Final Hit, Firebolt, and Chain Impale.
- Drop his health down to 80%. After a while, a cutscene will occur and you will receive Nascent Divinity, Divine Blast, Blink, and Nova Obliteration at Rank Novice.
- Hide from Talvish as soon as he reaches 80% health, as he can kill you during the dialogue.
- Bring his health down to 30%. Dialogue occurs and the mission will complete and exit.
- Talvish will now start using Ice Spear and Lightning Rod.
- Nascent Divinity is the transformation that allows the use of Divinity Skills, but also prevents you from using any other skill except for Crusader Skills. In this fight, it has unlimited duration and no cooldown.
- Divine Blast is a ranged normal attack. Attacking with the gauge that appears filled to max will increase its damage and grants a Divinity Stack that increases Nova Obliteration's damage.
- Blink is a teleport, and can be used to avoid his scythe.
- Nova Obliteration is an area of effect that causes massive damage, increased by the amount of Divinity Stacks.
- Celestial Spike can grant large amounts of Divinity Stacks, but use this at your own risk.
- While the dialog ending the mission plays, it is still possible for Talvish to kill you, in which case the mission will fail without giving an opportunity to revive via Nao's Soul Stones. As soon as Talvish's health is below 30%, run away and hide, and when the dialog ending the mission starts, click through it as fast as you can.
- Note that you can deactivate Nascent Divinity if using your normal skills are more effective. Talvish is perfectly vulnerable to Meteor Strike.
Frosted Land of Twilight
Frosted Land of Twilight
Talvish, Merlin, Avelin, Shuan, Caswyn, Pihne
This must be some cruel charade... It cannot be the truth! - Talvish
- Talk to Talvish.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Talk to Avelin.
- Talk to Shuan at Avalon Gate.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Defend Avalon Gate (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. Afterwards, you will enter Shadow Mission The Watchman [100,000 EXP; 30,000G]
- It is essentially the Baltane Mission Gatekeeper, but despite the timer being 30 minutes, you will only have to defend the base for around 5 minutes, then defeat the first wave of powerful enemies before the quest will end.
- A conversation with Shuan will occur.
- Prompts are based off your Special Unit squires(?). Your selection will increase likeability and abate (all?) stress.
- Talk to Shuan.
- Talk to Caswyn.
- Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, 10,000 G]
The Guardian's Path
The Guardian's Path
The Guardian's Path
Caswyn, Talvish
You ought to rest as well. - Caswyn
- Find the glowing light located near the river, northeast of the Tir Chonaill Inn.
- Touch the glowing light on ground.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Recall (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. Afterwards, you will enter Shadow Mission Talvish's Summons [50,000 EXP; 20,000G; Red Stone].
- This is just a dynamic dialogue.
- Use the Red Stone.
- You will be teleported to Berg Mesa.
- Talk to Talvish inside the Sanctum.
- Prompted: Understand what? or (Let Talvish continue.)
- Talk to Talvish while using Nascent Divinity.
- Prompted (Wave him off.), What do you want to tell me?, (Wait.) or (Leave.)
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 5,000 G]
Faces Dappled with Starlight
Faces Dappled with Starlight
Merlin, A Wanderer, Llywelyn, Caswyn, Pihne, Avelin, Altam
Everything's settled down now, right? It's all really over? Say, do you remember that place? Where we drank that...uh... Well, you know what I'm talking about, haha. Anyway, come meet with me there! And don't tell anyone, 'kay? You have to come alone! - Merlin
- Talk to Merlin in the Muyu Desert.
- You will be prompted to enter a Shadow Mission, Listen to Merlin talk (Enter Mission) or Forfeit. Afterwards, you will enter Shadow Mission It All Began with Bunnies [0 EXP; 0G]
- You will role-play as Merlin. He has Rank 5 in basic combat and magic skills.
- Defeat two Bunny Bucks.
- Defeating the Bunny Kits will cause them to respawn in bigger numbers.
- Talk to A Wanderer.
- Follow the Wanderer to the destination.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Talk to Llywelyn in Tara.
- Prompted: (Ask about Altam.) or (Ask about Llywelyn.)
- Talk to Caswyn located southwest of Avalon Gate.
- Talk to Pihne.
- Talk to Avelin at the Infirmary at Avalon Gate.
- Talk to Altam.
- Talk to Avelin.
< Generation 20: The Gate of Sanctuary Generation 22: Apocalypse >
Promotional artwork paired with the G21 trailer in NA and overseas servers.
Promotional artwork paired with the G21 trailer in overseas servers.
Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |