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Script - The First Battle of Mag Tuireadhmini

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For explanations and advice on quest completion, see [Guide] Encore for an Empty Theater.
For the associated Chronicle Mission, see The First Battle of Mag Tuireadh (Chronicle Mission).

[Guide] Encore for an Empty Theater

Lo, the stages of the Globe are beset by eerie plays. Thou art blessed with access to all of Avon's fair stages, and so I do believe thou art most capable to investigate. Can I rely on thine aid? – Lanier

Ah, well met! (Character Name), 'tis fair winds indeed that see thy ship returned to Avon. Though the plays have concluded, still the actor finds herself in need of the aid of an audience.
Shall I compare Avon to an unfinished script? Listen close, and thou mayst even now hear the scratching of the pen. (Character Name), thou art no stranger to our stage, so I need not tell thee how scant few plays are permitted to traipse across it.
But even now a clamor disturbs this silent, dreary land of exile, this lanely garret of the gods' abhorred.
Yes: a play unsanctioned and unknown even now stamps its way across our creaking, groaning boards.
Sets, actors, and scripts, provenance all unknown, have descended upon this lonely land. I am an actor. I love well the theatre's fair uproar, but... in such a place as this, I fear we may see consequences.
My nature forbids me to ignore such a sight. Yes: I stepped upon the stage and took a role. And then, sudden as sleep, I was cast from the Globe.
O strange and sudden exile! Were it not for the script still at my feet, mayhaps I would have thought the whole exercise a phantom of my unconscious mind.
Any stage would welcome thee, (Character Name). Thou art esteemed by theatre itself. Someone must take my place inside, and thou... thou surely would not be so displaced as I.
The task I set before thee is no mere Theatre Mission. But perhaps...
Yes, I will term it a Chronicle Mission. Remember these words.
Wilt thou once more step into the sonnet of this town? Play a role in a Chronicle Mission, and I believe thou may yet discover whys and wherefores to spare.
> Prompt: Nod your head or Not right now.

> Prompt: Nod your head

An actor needs a script. Learn thy role, and the Globe's doors will open. Enter, and the Chronicle Mission will unfold.
I have read enough to know the setting: a grim and desperate time, when humans drew swords against humans, The First Battle of Mag Tuireadh. Be prepared for the trechery of war.
And remember one thing above all, (Character Name).
While an actor always tells the truth, a play may contain falsehoods.
Every play has an actor, and every author his own thoughts. No chronicle is ever truly subjective.
Perhaps an accomplished actor as thou needs no warning, though.
If thou should by fate or circumstance lose the script, return to me. I thought it wise to make copies.
Godspeed, and may the secrets of this unknown play unfold before thee.

(Lanier hands you a script to use in Avon's Theatre. You make your way to the door on the light side of Avon, and begin the play.)

Chronicle Mission: The First Battle of Mag Tuireadh

(The sight of war begins to take shape in front of you. As you watch, you hear a familiar voice.)

Once you step upon the stage you'll be embroiled in a theatrical recreation of the First Battle of Mag Tuireadh. Your role, (Character Name), will be a Danann soldier.
What do you aim to be in this performance, (Character Name)?

  • One Voice in the Ensemble: See the whole story, without skipping dialog or commentary.
  • The One in the Spotlight: Most of the dialogue and commentary scenes are skipped, so you can focus on combat.

> Prompt: One Voice in the Ensemble or The One in the Spotlight

> Prompt: One Voice in the Ensemble

In days long past, when Erinn was younger,
'twas rent into two peoples. Each hungered,
Fir Bolg and Tuatha de Danann too:
For power, and glory for their kings true.

As war wore on, a third foe saw a chance
to gain advantage. Fomor folk approached
beleagured Fir Bolgs, a gift at first glance:
the terms of mutual alliance broached.

The words and promises to time are lost
said upon that day. None were there to hear
the ancient lines of enemies be crossed
for such ambition, jealousy, or fear.

The Fomors' aid served only to prolong
the fight. A perfect match in strength at last.
Advance and retreat, no end to the song,
they danced on and on, soldiers steadfast.

Until disaster for the Fir Bolg troops:
The Fomors left. Unable to regroup,
they stumbled through defeat after defeat,
their ranks despairing more at each retreat.

Confusion reigned and wild rumors spread.
They feared the king imprisoned, even dead.

One final force then, in the end, remained:
those lead by Sreng, the mightiest of all.
They mustered courage, warriors bloodstained,
to face Nuadha, and at last, to fall.

And so our hero steps into the frame.
(Character Name), a soldier in the final fight,
with Tuatha de Dananns of grit and fame,
a scouting unit known for awesome might.

The stage is set, so let the curtain rise.
Unfold the tale before my waiting eyes.

(Lanier's voice disappears, and you find yourself alone on the plains.)

> On-Screen Message: Head to the Scouting Unit's Rendezvous Point.

> On-Screen Text: (Proceed to the location marked on the mini-map.)

(You begin running toward the Rendezvous Point, but suddenly...)

> On-Screen Message: Enemies have sprung an ambush!

(Despite them having the element of surprise, they cannot best you.)

> On-Screen Text: All enemies have been defeated. Press on toward the Scouting Unit's Rendezvous Point.

(You manage to make it there without encountering any other enemies. Four other scouts, as well as your Captain, meet you.)

Scouting Unit Captain
Ah, I see you've all returned, hale and whole. I praise our god and king that no ill fortune waylaid you.

Tall Scout
Haha. Come now, Captain, we've never failed you before, have we?

Scruffy Scout
True. And thanks to me saving you when the enemy was right on your arse, we made it through this time, too.

Scarred Scout
What, they were on your tail again? That's the trouble with being too tall—you draw their attention like a lightning rod.

Mustachioed Scout
Okay, pipe down. The report comes first. You can bicker later.

Scouting Unit Captain
There's no need to take them to task. I'm just glad the squad returned without taking any losses.

Scarred Scout
Okay, sure, but it wouldn't hurt if Mr. Tall over there at least crouched a little more. Keep a low profile, y'know...

Mustachioed Scout
Shh! What was that?

Scruffy Scout
The enemy! They must've been tailing one of us.

Scarred Scout
See? THIS is why I keep telling him not to stand up so ramrod-straight all the time!

Tall Scout
It wasn't me! I swear it!

Scouting Unit Captain
We can figure out how they found us later. Prepare for battle, and let none of them escape!

(More waves of Fir Bolgs appear.)

> On-Screen Message: Defeat all the enemies!

Scouting Unit (Chat Bubbles)
They're here!
An ambush? Pah.
Hah, this'll be easy.
I welcome the challenge!
Persistent bastards!
Stay on your guard!

(Your unit makes quick work of them all.)

Mustachioed Scout
I told you all to cover your tracks and always look behind you. Fortunately, their numbers were few enough to be dealt with this time.

Tall Scout
H-hey, don't look at me!

Scouting Unit Captain
You're all still standing—that's what matters. Now then, I believe you all had reports for me before we were interrupted? Tell me, how fare our enemies? Have their ranks swelled with the rumored reinforcements?

Tall Scout
No. In fact, just the opposite, as we had suspected. Their numbers seemed scarcely a tenth that of the Tuatha de Dananns' forces. If Nuadha gave the order to attack today, they'd be done for.

Scouting Unit Captain
Fine work.'d be best if you could furnish a more exact number next time.

Scarred Scout
Heh... Look'it you, getting scolded again. You'd best shape up, soldier!

Scouting Unit Captain
Save the joking for later. Tell me, what does their command unit look like?

Scarred Scout
We saw no signs of the Fir Bolgs' king. It seemed as though Sreng was commanding all the troops himself.

Scruffy Scout
Perhaps there's some substance to those rumors that their king has gone missing. They certainly didn't seem to have enough supplies to dig in for the long haul. Given their situation, I don't think they can afford a protracted engagement, so I'd bet my beard they'll make their move sooner rather than later.

Mustachioed Scout
Agreed. We fanned out to scout the routes by which reinforcements might come, but we saw no signs of any such forces, hostile or otherwise.
Even should our generals choose not to press the offensive, it's possible that if we encircle the Fir Bolgs, they'll realize the odds are not in their favor and surrender.

Scouting Unit Captain
Our duty is scouting, not strategy. Focus on the movements of their troops, not ours.

Mustachioed Scout
Understood, sir. On that note, I did notice something that seemed odd—several things, to be precise. I can't say what their intended purpose might be in the coming battle, though.

Tall Scout
Ah, you mean those strange monoliths, right?

Scarred Scout
Wait, those weren't in your reconnaissance zone, were they? Or are there more than just the onces I saw? The first time I laid eyes on them, they immediately struck me as suspicious.

Scruffy Scout
The Fir Bolgs are planning something, mark my word. I just wish I knew what part those floating rocks are meant to play in it.

Scouting Unit Captain
Our foes are a barbaric people, easily swayed by their superstitions. I wouldn't be surprised if those monoliths were some sort of idol. In any case, we don't have enough evidence to merit their inclusion in the report.

Mustachioed Scout
Maybe so. Still, it wouldn't hurt to look into it a bit deeper. See if we can observe anything more, just to be sure.

Scouting Unit Captain
We've no time for another sweep. We need to return to the king and report what we've learned about the size and location of the Fir Bolgs' forces.
Say... You there—the new recruit. Can you confirm the route of our army's planned advance?

(Before you're able to deliver your report, you hear the din of soldiers swiftly approaching.)

Scouting Unit Captain
Draw steel, men! The enemy is upon us!

(Yet more Fir Bolgs surround you. With the combined might of your unit, you manage to topple them.)

Scouting Unit Captain
Damn... The Fir Bolgs are nipping at our heels even now. We need to rejoin the main force as soon as we can.
Agh... Everyone, look out!

Scouting Unit

(The scouting unit turns around and finds that they are now faced with an army.)

Fir Bolg Army
You've seen too much. Not that you'll llive long enough to tell anyone about it!

Tall Scout
What are we going to do, Captain?

Fir Bolg Commander
Take aim!

(The Fir Bolg prepare to attack, but before they can harm you, several of them are suddenly struck down.)

Fir Bolg Commander
Wh-what was that?! Report! Now!

(You look across to see an even larger regiment of Tuatha de Dananns, newly arrived and lead by none other than Nuadha himself.)

Fir Bolg Commander
Nuadha is come! Fall back! fall back!

(The Fir Bolg army quickly flees. Nuadha and his soldiers approach the scouting unit.)

Scouting Unit Captain
Your Majesty... What brings you this far out from the encampment?

It's natural to be concerned that the scouts I sent out hadn't returned by the appointed hour. The information you've gathered has value to me—as do your lives.

Scouting Unit Captain
Even so, to come all this way...

Come. We linger too long upon the enemy's doorstep. Let us rejoin the main force.

Scouting Unit Captain
Yes, sir!

(Lead by Nuadha, the unit returns to the main encampment. Various units of soldiers train around you as you make your way to a large tent, where generals are gathered. Once you reach it, you all kneel before the king.)

(The captain of the scouting unit delivers his reports to Nuadha, passing on the information gathered by each of the scouts.)

I see. So Sreng alone leads the Fir Bolgs' forces here...

Apprehensive General
This is the chance we've been waiting for. We have them outnumbered. I say we march on the enemy and annihilate their forces.

Grizzled General
Don't be too quick to rush into battle. There are more elements to strategy than numbers alone, and prudence is always warranted.

Dark-Bearded General
I agree, of course, but the difference in the size of our armies is considerable. The king will review all our intelligence before issuing his orders, so we ought not let minor details stay our hands.

Silver-Haired General
Are you suggesting that should our strategy prove unsound, the king is to blame?

Dark-Bearded General
I-I implied no such thing! I'm merely saying...

Are we a den of cowering whelps, wasting our time trying to find fault in one another as though we had already tasted the sting of defeat? Or are we men of valor, ready to stride upon the field of battle and take victory into our hands?
The Fir Bolgs' forces hang by the barest of threads. I would not carelessly lower our guard, but I cannot well imagine suffering defeat at the hands of so meager an army.

Apprehensive General
I wholeheartedly agree. My lord, have but to order us to advance.

This battle is no longer a matter of winning or losing. Victory already rides with us. My concern now is minimizing losses on both sides. Better that no blood be spilt in vain.

Dark-Bearded General
Both sides? Then you mean to spare those Fir Bolg curs?

Silver-Haired General
Hold your tongue, lest you offend the king!

We have long been at odds with the Fir Bolgs. I can fully understand the reasons why he and many others would hesitate to offer them the hand of peace.
But have you forgotten that once, we stood united against the Fomors? Even after the dust of this war has settled and the dead have been buried, the Fomor threat still looms upon the horizon. Would it not be wise to grant our foes clemency this day, in the hopes that our old alliance might one day be reforged?

Dark-Bearded General
But can we presume our foes have the good sense to choose surrender? Even you, Your Majesty, have acknowledged Sreng's strength and valor. His soldiers are fiercely loyal to him. Do you think they would simply wave the white flag, even hopelessly outnumbered?

Apprehensive General
The Fir Bolgs may once have been our allies, but those times are long past. Now, they stand with the Fomors. Even if they accepted an alliance, there's no telling when they would turn on us again. I say we ought not give their knives a chance to find our backs.

Silver-Haired General
Your Majesty... You are noble in heart, cherishing the lives of all men and lamenting even those foes you must strike down. But with the toll this war has taken, the Fir Bolgs must be made to understand that allying with the Fomors carries a high price, lest they be tempted to do so again.

*sigh* Even you feel that way...?

(Before the conversation can continue, Morrighan herself appears behind the scouting unit. All the soldiers turn to look, startled.)

Morrighan... What brings the fluttering of crows' wings to this battlefield? Perhaps you, too, wish to tell me how I ought to deal with the Fir Bolgs?

I have no interest in whatever grudges or petty squabbles you've gotten yourself mixed up in. I merely came to warn you that I sense an ominous energy coalescing here.


The flow of energy near the Fir Bolgs' encampment is indescribably strange—baleful enough to give a god pause, should he possess the sense to heed the warning.
Surely you know what sort of place this is, do you not?

Could it be...?

Indeed. I suspect this energy is Dark Erg. Something is causing it to well up from deep within the earth.

(Tall Scout turns and exchanges whispers with your comrades.)

Tall Scout
(...Dark Erg? What in blazes is that?)

Mustachioed Scout
(Shhh! Quiet, you!)

Even we gods shudder in the presence of Dark Erg. I cannot imagine humans lasting long if exposed to it, frail as they are.

Then the Fir Bolgs' army is in grave danger, to say nothing of our own troops.

There must be a relic or some manner of device in this land agitating the Dark Erg. We must hunt down and destroy it, whatever and wherever it might be.

Scarred Scout
(Captain, do you think they're talking about those weird monoliths we saw during our scouting mission?)

Scouting Unit Captain
(Shh! All the higher-ups are here. Don't say anything that would embarrass yourself—or me.)

Did you see something while you were conducting reconnaissance? Speak up.

Tall Scout
W-well, we did see something, but I...

Scouting Unit Captain
(Did you not hear me, soldier?!)

Go on.

Tall Scout
Y-yes, my lord! As we were scouting, we saw these suspicious-looking monoliths in the vicinity of the Fir Bolgs' encampment. What Morrighan just said made me wonder if they might have anything to do with this 'Dark Erg'...

We will discuss later exactly why this was left out of the initial report. As of this moment, I command you to find and destroy those monoliths!
I will go and speak with Sreng myself. We may still convince the Fir Bolgs that surrender is the wiser choice!

Dark-Bearded General
Y-Your Majesty!

Apprehensive General
You can't!

The Dark Erg has already begun to surge, and I would not see our soldiers exposed to such a risk. If my negotiations should fail and a battle ensues, even I cannot tell what might happen. We must persuade them to flee. There is no meaning in further sacrifice here.

Grizzled General
But, Your Majesty... To venture there alone is--

Silver-Haired General
Enough. The King has spoken. We must honor his wishes.

Grizzled General

I am decided, and the die is cast. Scouting unit, move out and destroy those monoliths! Our main force will hold position here. If you see or sense any strange energy, you are to retreat immediately.

(The scouting unit heads back out into the battlefield.)

Scouting Unit Captain
All right, you wanted to talk about those monoliths? I want you to tell me where you saw each and every one.

(The members of the scouting unit share where they remember seeing the strange monoliths during their reconnaisance mission.)

Tall Scout
That place out to the east had a strange look about it, too.

Scouting Unit Captain
I know the place you speak of, though I don't remember seeing anything worthy of note. Let's leave it be for now and focus our attention on those places with confirmed sightings.

Tall Scout
Well, if you say so...

Scouting Unit Captain
I made a sweep of that area when I passed through, but turned up nothing. Besides, we'll have our hands full destroying the five monoliths we already know of. We can circle back to the east after we've dealt with them.

Yes, sir!

Scouting Unit Captain
Here, I'll mark them on the map so we can coordinate our efforts.
I'd wager this isn't the sort of mission you expected when you joined us as a new recruit, is it, (Character Name)? Well, I hope you have a gift for strategy, because I'm entrusting you with choosing the order in which we destroy these monoliths.

> On-Screen Message: Destroy the suspicious monoliths erected by the Fir Bolg army!

(You head to the first monolith, which the Fir Bolg readily defend. Battle ensues.)

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: Now's our chance! Destroy the monolith!

(You directly attack and demolish it.)

> On-Screen Message: You destroyed this monolith. Continue on to the next.

(You move on to the second monolith, which proves more difficult.)

> On-Screen Message: The monolith can't be destroyed until its shield is weakened. Find a way to weaken the shield.

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: The Fir Bolg mages are casting spells of protection on the monolith.

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: If you knock the mages down, it should disrupt the ritual and weaken the protection!

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: There's no need to go after them all. Knocking down even one should weaken the magic's hold.

(Following your Captain's advice, you knock as many mages as you can away from the rock and proceed to turn it to rubble.)

(You run to the third monolith. A smaller one appears beside it, surrounded by a dark red aura.)

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: Attacking the Barrier Monoliths seems to weaken the shield. That's our way in.

(You strike the Barrier Monolith as many times as you can, until...)

> On-Screen Message: You've disabled the shield. Destroy the monolith before it's reactivated!

(Without its shield, this one is little trouble. With it gone, you move on to the next one. The fourth Suspicious Monolith looks similar, but is guarded by three Barrier Monoliths rather than one.)

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: We can't destroy the monolith until the smaller ones projecting the barrier are deactivated!

(They prove durable, but with a heavy enough blow, the Barrier Monoliths shatter.)

> On-Screen Message: You disabled the Barrier Monoliths. Destroy the Suspicious Monolith!

(Just like the last, this one falls easily.)

(You make your way to the final standing monolith. Two Barrier Monoliths keep it invulnerable.)

> On-Screen Message: Disable the Barrier Monoliths projecting the shield!

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: Some of the enemy soldiers must be carrying keys to disable the Barrier Monoliths. Defeat enemies until you find them!

(You lay waste to the soldiers surrounding you, until you find a key.)

> On-screen text: You obtained a key to disable the monolith.

> On-Screen Message: Scouting Unit Captain: It seems one key will deactivate only one Barrier Monolith, so you'll need two.

(Once you have both keys, you disable the monoliths generating the barrier.)

> On-Screen Message: Attack the Suspicious Monolith while the Barrier Monoliths are disabled! (You must hit it 10 times before they reactivate.)

(After enduring 10 attacks, the Suspicious Monolith crumbles.)

Scarred Scout
Phew... I think that's the last of them.

Scruffy Scout
Wait... Over there!

(In a flash of intense light, a new monolith appears at the eastern edge of the battlefield.)

Tall Scout
Captain, I'd like to go on record as saying, 'I told you so.'

Mustachioed Scout
We've no time for finger-pointing! Captain, let's make for the monolith!

Scouting Unit Captain

Tall Scout

Scouting Unit Captain
...It's nothing. Come, let's go.

Yes, sir!

> On-Screen Message: Destroy the sixth monolith!

(The scouting unit makes haste to the easternmost monolith and defeats every Fir Bolg that guards it.)

Mustachioed Scout
All right, I think that's the last of them. Let's destroy the monolith before anyone else decides to join the fray.

Scarred Scout
I'll send this one to the rubbish-heap myself!

(Scarred Scout runs to the monolith and lifts their sword.)

Scarred Scout
Here we go!

(The screen flashes red.)

Scarred Scout

(Before they can finish the job, Scarred Scout falls to the ground, dead.)

Scruffy Scout

Tall Scout
C-Captain! What are you--

(Tall Scout is attacked before they can finish. With every kill, the screen turns red again.)

Tall Scout

(The Mustachioed Scout is next to fall. The Scruffy Scout attempts to fight back, but is almost instantly outdone.)

Mustachioed Scout

Scruffy Scout

(Next, the Scouting Unit Captain turns his attention to you. He attempts to strike you, but you leap back just in time.)

Scouting Unit Captain
Managed to dodge it, did you? Impressive.

> Prompt: What have you done?

Scouting Unit Captain
I know that look on your face. You're wondering why I'd turn the knife on those simpletons. Or perhaps just why I'd stop them from destroying the last monolith.
Either way, I would answer you the same: I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to punish our weak sovereign and ensure the glory of the Tuatha de Danann.
Will we kindly ask the Fir Bolgs to surrender? Then what? Will we throw open our gates and welcome them as brothers? Will we mourn their fallen alongside our own?
What sort of spineless dreck is that?! The high king of the Tuatha de Danann is a conquering lord! To our people he should be as a shield; to our enemies, a merciless sword!
The Fir Bolgs are simple-minded barbarians to the last. They had no idea the monoliths would wipe them out as well.
Pouring out Dark Erg to contaminate the entire battlefield? Ridiculous. Only savages would put a power like this to so base a use, and I assure you, I am a man of greater vision than they.
Even the gods shrink before this power. Morrighan said so herself. Indeed, with such a force at one's command, even laying low even the great Nuadha is not unthinkable.
With this power, I'll drive the Fir Bolgs to attack Nuadha. As our army waters the king's grave with their tears, their anger will burn hot enough to give those barbarians what they truly deserve.
To walk straight into the heart of the enemy's encampment alone... It's that very pride and complacency that made him feeble of mind, extending the offer of peace to an enemy he could have easily destroyed. History will show he knotted his own noose, the fool.
Did you know I had to entreat the Fomors for their aid in this? I hated every seond I had to deal with their filth, but I had no other choice. I hate the Fir Bolgs even more, and if I have to use the Fomors to destroy them, so be it.
But I assure you, this was no rogue plot. Many within the Tuathe[sic] de Danann forces are of the same mind. Even some among the king's own generals.
so, is that confession enough before I send you to the other side? Tell any you find there that their sacrifices paved the way for the glory of the Tuatha de Danann.

> On-Screen Message: Defeat the Scouting Unit Captain who betrayed Nuadha!

(A fierce battle begins. Mid-battle, the Scouting Unit Captain shouts something to you.)

> On-Screen Message: It's time you realized the difference in our caliber!

(Despite his attempt to intimidate you, you continue until the Scouting Unit Captain has fallen.)

(You defeated the Scouting Unit Captain, but the monolith now pulses with fell energy and cannot be deactivated. Return to Nuadha and report all that happened.)

(You begin to run back across the plains. Before you can make it more than a few steps, a barrier of flickering shadows stops you in your tracks. Confused, you turn to see a black-robed, white-winged figure figure hovering a distance away.)

...And where do you think YOU'RE going?
This drama, bled upon the page in a muddled blend of will, fervor, and faith, is about to reach its climax, and I will not suffer you to interfere.
It is high time you made your exit.

(Morrighan appears between the two of you.)


I should have seen your black hand in this, Cichol! How far do you intend to take this? What is it you seek to accomplish?
By your presence here, might I assume the disappearance of the Fir Bolgs' king is also your doing?
But... for what purpose? The Fomors' promised reinforcements never materialized, leaving the Fir Bolgs sorely outnumbered.

It matters little to me whether the Fir Bolgs or the Tuatha de Danann triumph here. In time, whoever lives on will surely seek to spill Fomor blood.
I merely played upon Nuadha's carelessness—his overconfidence in his own wisdom and his hypocritical pity. Those very 'virtues' fermented within the hearts of his own subjects a bitter disappointment, a festering hatred, and a desire to see his reign cut short.
As I had planned, the Fir Bolgs' ambitions came to naught; their hope spent. And the hatred that burned within the heart of Sreng, their champion, grew and grew, like a towering blaze. It stands to reason, of course; he believed Nuadha responsible for eveery woe that beset he and his race.
And of course, Nuadha, with his oh-so-benevolent heart, took pity on his foes, to the bafflement and discontent of his own people.
What began as a fight between the Tuatha de Danann and the Fir Bolgs in time became a battle in which Nuadha stood alone, every spear and arrow pointed squarely at him.
The stage has been set; every piece in its place. Oblivious to it all, Nuadha will stride into the Fir Bolgs' encampment and meet his demise by Sreng's blade.
It is all possible...with the power of the Dark Erg that lies sleeping in this land.

You, soldier of the Tuatha de Danann! I will deal with Cichol—you must find Nuadha and tell him to beware of Sreng. Go, quickly!

(You hurry west, where you see Nuadha and Sreng. Nuadha approaches to stand before him calmly, with his own weapon sheathed. Sreng swings at Nuadha with his blade over and over, but the king is unbothered by the blows. Eventually, Sreng ceases, but keeps his weapon ready.)

Sreng, champion of the Fir Bolgs! Let us end this fruitless battle.
Come. Join with the Tuatha de Danann, as your people once did.

Silence! With one hand you would proffer friendship, and with the other ransom our king! I have no ear for a coward's words.

(Before Nuadha can respond, Sreng raises his sword again. Nuadha raises his arms, surprised. His right arm receives a powerful blow, slicing off everything below his elbow. He buckles, clutching his injured limb.)

(Sreng holds his weapon out. A dark energy seeps forth from it.)

(The screen dims.)

> On-Screen Text: To think that those floating stones would conjure so devious a power... Perhaps I was a fool, expecting the Fomors to understand a warrior's pride.

> On-Screen Text: Even so... I will stoop for but a moment if it grants me victory over Nuadha.

(The screen fades back in.)

(Sreng steps closer to his wounded foe and looks down at his hunched form, raising his sword. Lightning flashes.)

(The sudden booming of thunder drowns out all other sounds.)

I will put the gods to the sword, then the Tuatha de Danann. But first, I'll have your head.

(Just in time, you make it, rushing between Nuadha and Sreng.)

(Morrighan appears nearby.)

Proud Danann warrior, I beseech you: stop Sreng, that Erinn may yet know peace.

(Morrighan then vanishes, taking Nuadha with her, swirls of yellow light marking their departure.)

> On-Screen Message: It's raining.

(You obey the Goddess, and begin the fight.)

> On-Screen Message: A haunting melody echoes all around. Sreng's onslaught has intensified.

> On-Screen Text: Fir Bolg Bard: May our champion stand victorious!

Sreng (Chat Bubble)
The Fir Bolgs will never fall!

(You continue chipping away at Sreng. Soon, he starts to make use of new, more powerful tactics.)

> On-Screen Text: An ominous energy begins to coalesce around Sreng. Attack quickly to stop him.

(On and on, you whittle him down.)

> On-Screen Text: Crimson energy surges forth from within Sreng.

(Chat Bubble) Hah. So, I must draw upon this power after all...

(His might and speed may have increased, but in the end, you are still able to topple the champion. He falls, landing on his back.)

In the end... I still came up short...
Even with a power that makes the humans and their gods tremble...
Perhaps... The fire of the Fir Bolgs' glory was destined to be extinguished here, upon this land...
Was our fate sealed from that moment we looked to the Fomors for aid?
Thinking back on it now, I don't understand why Nuadha would try to hold our king hostage.
Especially with so great a difference in might.
Haha... What is done cannot be undone. Fumbling with a severed knot will not see it re-tied.
The victory is yours, and the vanquished will stand upon this stage no more.
So... Finish it. Grant me a warrior's death, and let my blood water the earth, mingling with that of my fallen brothers.

> Prompt: Walk away

(You turn and walk in the other direction, ignoring his final request.)

Tch. Will you deny me even dignity in defeat?
In the end, it is the Tuatha de Danann who will carry on the legacy of the Nemed peoples...
O Great King of the Fir Bolgs, may your mercies reach those of us left behind.


(With the play concluded, you head back to Lanier to tell her the details.)

Hail, (Character Name!) What news?

> Prompt: Hand over the Celtic Artifact Shard or You were in the play!

> Prompt: Hand over the Celtic Artifact Shard

(You give the [Celtic Artifact Shard] that you found in the Chronicle Mission to Lanier.)

I recognize the design at once. When I stood upon that stage, the set was littered with symbols such as these. And it was granted to thee at the curtain's fall?
Could it be that the stage is set with no mere simulacra, but relics from the ancient battle itself? Then, this phenomenon...
If the memory of an artifact such as this and the power of Avon were to meet, who knows what might result? The First Battle of Mag Tuireadh... The play itself might be a mere sidebar to the conversation.
In this, the exile of the gods, I'd easily believe the gods' cast-off memories could hold such sway.
Many thanks, (Character Name). Thou could never know my relief that no harm will come to our fair city on this day. And so , another mystery is turned easily to the final page.
Hm, I wonder... this fragment remembers so much. Surely its memories encompass its own former form...

(Lanier turns the Celtic Artifact Shard over in her hands and lets out a quiet gasp.)

Dost thou wish to see? Perhaps 'twould even be of aid to thee. An object of war is surely thy dominion.
'Twould take more material than this to restore it to its former glory. The damage done to it is too great. But I believe I could make do with 5 Celtic Artifact Shards.
I confess a curiosity, but the task is thine alone. If thou wish it, collect the Celtic Artifact Shards and speak to me again on the subject.

> On-Screen Text: Lanier returns the Celtic Artifact Shard to you.

(After trading with Lanier for more copies of the script, you return with 5 Celtic Artifact Shards and speak with her about Celtic Artifact Shard Restoration.)

Which weapon dost thou wish to restore? I can turn 5 Celtic Artifact Shard into a Chronicle Celtic Weapon of quality.
Whilst I can make many Chronicle Celtic Weapons, thou mayst hold only one at a time. The rest, I shall store for thee in Chronicle Weapon Storage. If thou were to store thy Chronicle Celtic Weapon, I could then restore another.

(You select your weapon.)

A wise decision. Use it in good health.

(After receiving the weapon, you speak with Lanier again.)

The power of Avon now rests within this fragment. It can be restored with a handful of turns on the Magical Spinning Wheel.
Does the Chronicle Weapon suit thee? Avon is a propmaster with distinction. It has granted thee one to compliment thy role.
In Avon, each actor has but one role to play. From the continued clamor in the Globe, I sense that there are more Celtic Artifact Shards to seek out, and more Chronicle Weapons to be restored, but thou can possess but one Chronicle Weapon at a time.
Alas, those shards that spread their influence across the stage are beyond my reach. I must rely once more on thee to retrieve them.
One without a role in the play cannot tread upon the stage while the performance goes on.
So I come to thee with a humble proposal, (Character Name).
For a mere pittance, I shall maintain storage of thy chronicle Weapons, and manage the contents. I can store and retrieve them as you like.
But that is not the only service I can render! If a special upgrade of Stage 6 or Higher goes awry and a Chronicle Weapon is no longer able to be upgraded, I can use 10 Celtic Artifact Shards to restore it to its former upgradability.
One more note on thy performance. Chronicle Missions are not Theatre Missions. The memories contained within are plays, and plays have scene changes, and intermissions. There is no need to remain onstage without the rest. So I believe it will not be an overwhelming task. Wilt thou take it up?

> Prompt: Nod your head or Not right now

I am in thy debt for thine aid in revealing the strange play's secrets. Let me repay thee by creating 10 storage slots to store thy Chronicle Weapons. If thou wishes to access them, talk to me about Chronicle Weapon Storage.
Thy performances so far have held me in rapt. I eagerly await the tales thou wilt pen with this Chronicle Weapon in hand.