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Iria: Episode 8 - Holy Land: The Sacrifice

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The Saga: Iria

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Iria Title.png
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  • To start Episode 8, open the Chapter Info menu, select the "Chapter 5 The Saga" tab, click the Watch button, and select "EP 8 - Holy Land: The Sacrifice" under "Iria".
  • You may not play other episodes while playing Episode 8.
  • Replaying Episode 8 costs 5,000 Gold.
  • Warning: Choosing to stop the Episode at any point will erase all progress.
  • You can not skip the cutscenes on your first playthrough of the Episode.
Millia and the shamans that went with her have vanished. Akule intends to use the demonic possession affecting Milletians to find her. Meanwhile, the hidden past of Black Mask starts to come to light...


Iria: Episode 8 - Holy Land: The Sacrifice is the eighth episode of The Saga: Iria. Akule plans a course of action against the Cessair, whose base of operations are located at Renes. Tarlach and Ruairi's motives before the start of the Saga are revealed.

The Shadow Mission difficulty is based on your total level:

Beginner for 1~99 total
Intermediate for 100~299 total
Advanced for 300~999 total
Hard for 1000+ total

NPCs involved in Holy Land: The Sacrifice

Trail of the Demon

Akule Eagle.png Name Trail of the Demon NPC Akule

To start the episode, open the Saga menu, select the "Iria" tab, select "EP 8 - Holy Land: The Sacrifice", and watch the Episode 8 cinematic.


  1. Talk to Akule located at the Connous Oasis.
  2. A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
  3. Talk to Akule.
  4. Deliver 3 Emerald Cores to Shamala located near the entrance of Hillwen Mine.
    • Emerald Cores are dropped by the monsters inside Hillwen Mine.
  5. Deliver 10 Mutant Rabbit Feet to Shamala located near the entrance of Shyllien Nature Reserve.
    • Mutant Rabbit Feet are dropped by Mutant Rabbits inside Shyllien Nature Reserve.
  6. Talk to Shamala.
  7. A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
  8. Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]

Premeditated Possession

Akule Eagle.png Name Premeditated Possession NPC Akule

  1. Talk to Akule located at the Connous Oasis.
  2. A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
  3. Talk to Akule.
  4. A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
  5. Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]

Preparing for War

Akule Eagle.png Name Preparing for War NPC Akule

  1. Talk to Akule located at the Connous Oasis.
  2. A cutscene will occur after completing the previous step.
  3. Complete the quest [8,000 EXP]

Recruiting Reinforcements

Akule Eagle.png Name Recruiting Reinforcements NPC Castanea
Admiral Owen

  1. Talk to Castanea located inside the Chief's House in Filia. A cutscene will occur.
  2. Talk to Krug located inside the Chief's House in Vales. A cutscene will occur.
  3. Talk to Eirawen located inside the Throne Room in Rath Royal Castle.
  4. Talk to Admiral Owen located at the Fleet Commander's Official Residence in the Commonwealth of Belvast.
  5. Complete the quest [8,000 EXP]

Renes Infiltration

Akule Eagle.png Name Renes Infiltration NPC Akule

  1. Talk to Akule located near the Jungle Tree Crest Mark.
  2. You will be taken into the RP Shadow Mission, "Renes Infiltration Operation" after completing the previous step.
    • You will role-play as Transformed Shamala.
    • Walk up to Ruairi to trigger a conversation.
      • A cutscene will occur after doing so.
  3. Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP, Complete Saga Box, Saga EP8 Box]
    • Replaying Episode 8 does not reward a Complete Saga Box.
    • You may only obtain up to 1 Saga EP Box a day for all episodes.
      • However, you will always receive a box for the first time finishing the episode.
      • The Daily Bonus is applied on Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
      • This resets at 7:00am PDT100.