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Script - A Dress Too Hot To Handlemini

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A Dress too Hot to Handle

[Link 1] A Sweat-Soaked Pamphlet

Ehe... It sure was kinda awkward running into my parents in front of the Association room, huh? Especially 'cause I'll need to get their permission to work with the Arcana Association! - Cowenna

Bleaaagh... What do I do?

(Cowenna seems far less energetic than usual. You can practically feel the mopiness radiating from her languid expression.)

(Character Name), you came!

> Prompt: Something got you down?

Umm... Well...
You know how, last time, I said I'd be visiting my family, and then I ran into my parents right outside the room?
It's been weighing on my mind that they were carrying me belongings with them back then. Did they know I was faffing about here and there and came looking for me?

> Prompt: Joining the Association is... faffing about?

O-oh, that's not what I meant! I really wanted to join the Arcana Association! I just... um... miiight have secretly skipped a few of my lessons to come.

> Prompt: ......

Soooo, yeaaah... the heart of the problem is that I blew off my studies, and deep down, even I know that, a-ahahaha...
What's more, I never got permission from my parents to do so. They've always showered me with love, so I don't think they'd ever DO this, b-but what IF...
"If you're intent on indulging in this tomfoolery, pack your things and get out!"
...they're looking for me so they can lay into me with a gut-punch like that?
I don't even know what they think of the Arcana Association and its research. That's my main worry...
Do you really think it's okay for me to be here without their permission? I'm so nervous-- too nervous to actually go home! I mean, sure, it would probably clear a lot of things up if I did, but at this point, I'm scared to go AND scared not to...

Cowenna? Is something the matter?

(Laoire, seeming to sense Cowenna's anxiety, joins the conversation.)

Oh, Laoire! Welllll...

(Laoire and Cowenna quietly converse for several minutes.)

Ah. I had no idea you were burdened with such concerns. As one with such close ties to your family, it's important to get their approval-- to have that understanding between you.

*sigh* I knoooooow. I'm just... not sure how to bring it up.

Although the Arcana Association was founded under the direction of Her Majesty the Queen, we've not done much in the way of promoting the Association to the greater public.
It may sound like a strange tangent to focus on all of the sudden, but it occured to me that you might have fewer concerns about the legitimacy of your involvement if the Association were more widely known.
Beyond the obviouss complications arising from spending your days here, you must have been wrestling with how to tell them more about a recently founded association they may have only heard of in passing.

Maaaybe that's the cae, but... that responsability shouldn't just fall on you, Laoire!

True enough, but since the fact is that this problem still troubles you, why don't we solve it together?
Let us turn our minds to how we might promote the Arcana Association. We have enough members now to be a proper association in more than just name, including you, Cowenna.
Now is the time to get the word out to those in Tara and beyond. Cowenna, can you think of any good ways to promote the Association and our work?

How about we make a promotional pamphlet? If I had something with a clear, easy-to-understand introduction to the organization, I'd totally show it to my parents when we talk about this.
...Actually, let's just do a one-page flyer instead of a whole pamphlet. If we can get some big sheets of paper, we can post them up where people will see!

Oh, that's a good idea.
Let's go with that, then. Cowenna, I nominate you to make our flyer, since you're in the best position to know what it needs to convey.

Er, I mean... A-ahem.
That came as something of a surprise, but... sure! I'll give it a try!

Thank you.

(Character Name), I'll fetch the pen and ink. Could you bring me a beautiful sheet of paper?
We can't just use any old piece of paper fit for no higher purpose than grocery lists. I think our promotional material will make much more of an impression if it's on the special-est paper we can get! Let's do this right with 10 pieces of Glittering Paper!

> Prompt: Nod in agreement

(You bring 10 pieces of Glittering Paper to be used in the Arcana Association's promotional efforts.)

Thank you, (Character Name)!
Now that that's taken care of, it's time to think about what to write.
Umm... We can probably ask Laoire to write up a spiffy introduction with a cordial greeting, but what can we mention besides the Association's activities that would persuade my parents to let me stay?
What if we write about all the Association's strengths? That should give us no shortage of great things to mention!
So... What things do YOU think would make for an appealing advertisement?

> Prompt: Take a moment to think or Ask Laoire or Ask Eochaid If Eochaid has been recruited

Cowenna and (Character Name). How are things going with the promotional material?

Actually, that's what we came to see you about! We wanted to ask you what you consider to be the chief strengths of the Arcana Association.

The chief strengths of the Arcana Association?

(Laoire pauses briefly to think, as though having to ponder the answers for himself.)

The one that's been in my mind ever since the beginning is that this is a place where new possibilities are created.
On the more personal side of things, it provides me a place to stay, and a platform from which to attempt many things, which are both great. However, the broader scope-- discovering new ways people can grow to ensure a safer future through Arcana-- is the true highlight.
Just the possibilities open to us with our present situation allow one to imagine all manner of changes.
Perhaps it might even have the power to change the sorts of things everyone simply accepts as 'the way things are'...

(You feel like you can see a spark of determination glinting in Laoire's eyes. Perhaps it was just a reflection of the Arcana Flame, but who can say?)

Anyway, put simply, I think our core strength is that we're here to give people hope.

A-ha. I see! Thank you, Laoire.
Now theeen...
Last but certainly not least... What are your thoughts, (Character Name)?
I'm curious what you consider the chief strength of the Arcana Association!

> Prompt: It helps people cultivate strength or The new friends I was able to make or The fact that they let me join it!

Okay, now that I've jotted down (Character Name)'s thoughts, I'm gonna get to work making that pamphlet!

Good luck, Cowenna.

(Cowenna makes her way to a quiet corner, where she sits down and begins scribbling away...)


This is taking longer than I expected. That's okay, right?

(Cowenna is absorbed in drawing something, totally focused on the sheet of paper before her.)

(...How long has she been at it?)

Arcana - Cowenna 02.png
I-it's doooone!

(Cowenna comes running, paper in hand, but pauses first, taking one last look at it.)

Oh! It's finally ready to go?

Yes! B-but...
Honestly, I don't have much talent for drawing. I tried to sketch what an Arcana looks like. Does this look like... anything?

It should be fine. Even I can't draw them all that well freehand. (Character Name), do you recall that Arcana sketch I showed you during my first audience with the Queen?

> Prompt: Nod affirmatively

(You recall taht even Laoire's artistic skills left something to be desired, nodding so Cowenna feels less self-conscious about her own skill level.)

Oh! Then... take a look and let me know what you think!

Arcana - Cowenna 03.png
(Laoire looks down at the pamphlet, his eyebrow twitching ever so slightly.)

(Your curiosity gets the better of you and you sneak a peek. On the paper is a drawing you can't bring yourself to call good, even to be polite...)

I DID warn you, I'm not very good at drawing...

> Prompt: Looks Great! or Not too shabby. or ...That will do!

Still, I don't think I can avoid going home any longer!
When I start to think about it, I feel so tense. What'll happen if I get kicked out?
But even if that's what awaits me, I'm prepared to go! I finished the pamphlet, just like I said I would!
I just can't help but feel nervous about it. What should I do?

(Cowenna is even more anxious than you'd realized.)

> Prompt: Do you want me to come with you? or Where is your house?

If you were there with me, I might have a little more confidence in my chances, (Character Name)! When you're nervous, having someone you can lean on for support makes a world of difference!

...Yes, I think that would prove helpful as well. Will you go with Cowenna, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: Absolutely! or Sure thing.

Thank you, (Character Name).
Okay, let's get going!

(Even though you agreed to go with her all the way to her family's home, Cowenna still seems nervous. Keep trying to lift her spirits.)

(You accompany Cowenna to her home in Tara.)

(Still feeling restless, Cowenna continues to fidget, but straightens up.)

(C)! (Character Name)! M-my house is just beyond here!
Even with all we've done, now that I'm standing here, I'm still really nervous... Thank for s-supporting me this far and coming here with me. I'm going to give this my best.

> Prompt: I wish you luck or I will wait for you here.

(Cowenna is trembling and you want to ease her worry as much as you can. You tell her you'll do her a little favor.)

A-ack... I've let myself get way too worked up. Caaalm down, nice and easy...
Deeeeep breaths. *Inhaaale* *exhaaale* ...*Inhaaale* *exhaaale* ...
Whew... (Character Name), just thinking about how much you've done for me already, I feel a little peace of mind knowing I've got someone looking out for me.
B-but make no mistake, I'm still totally worried! I never knew my palms could sweat like this! I... I think the pamphlet's kind of damp now...
Even as someone who plays with fire, I don't think I've ever sweat like this. How is it I can keep a cool head in a fight but I lose my composure now?
My parents always taught me that if my heart is ever swayed by fear or anger, like a flame whipped around in the wind, I should close my eyes and take deep, long breaths.
Knowing how much they love me, I feel like I should be able to handle their reaction, whatever it may be.
I'll be back after I've talked with them. Thank you so much, (Character Name)! Your support will be there with me, like a gentle push from behind!

(Cowenna's hand tightens around the pamphlet in what you presume must be a sweat-soaked death gruip by now as she sprints at full speed toward her home.)

(For better or worse, the die has now been cast, but... is there something more you can do to wish her that extra bit of luck?)

(...By fate or providence, you realize you're not far from the Pontiff's Court. You decide to make a modest donation in the Pontiff's Court Offering Box, praying that Cowenna's discussion with her parents goes well.)

(You head in, and offer a donation.)

(The sound of the coins clinking has a certain satisfying comfort to it. You feel as though the moment your offering settled upon the other coins, whatever clouds of misfortune may have hung over you were blown away as wisps on the wind.)

(Now that you've made your donation, you should go back and wait for Cowenna.)

(You see Cowenna smiling awkwardly in the distance and jog over to see how things went.)

> Prompt: Are you already done talking?

(Character Name)! W-well...
When I came in, my parents had me sit down at the table before I'd even said anything. That really hit me with a wave of fear, y'know? Actually, I should tell you more in-depth how our conversation went...

> Prompt: I am ready or Not quite yet...

> Prompt: I am ready

So... As soon as I came through the door, my parents stopped me, almost like they'd been waiting...

Shadow Mission: Permit Me Your Daughter's Sword Hand

(Cowenna is seated on a chair, a lopsided frown on her face.)


Cowenna's Parents


Cowenna's Father
Cowenna. We haven't seen you in a while.

...I know I just kind of... left without saying anything, and I'm sorry for not coming back and telling you what was going on. I hope I didn't worry you too much...

Cowenna's Father


Uuuugh... Now what do I do? They must be really upset... I've never seen my parents go all silent and stiffen up like they're doing now...
For some reason, it's hard to talk...

Cowenna's Mother
Darling, we called Cowenna because we had something to tell her, did we not? If we keep quiet and simply glare at her, she's going to run away again.

Cowenna's Father
I suppose you're right...
Cowenna, we called you because there's something we wished to say-- er, rather, something we wished to ask.

M-mom and Dad!

Cowenna's Father

I-I have something I want to say, too.

Cowenna's Parents

...Actually, why don't you go first...?

Cowenna's Mother
It's all right, Cowenna. If there's something weighing on your heart, just say it.

No, it's okay, you go first. I'll go after Dad is done.

I told him to go first because he's got that pained look on his face, but... what do I do? I think he's really going to scold me...

Cowenna's Father
Very well, we'll say our part first.
Cowenna. While you were away from home...


O-oh no! I had my reasons for being away all that time! Good reasons, even! But now that he's starting in, am I gonna get taken to task without a chance to explain myself?!
Gah! I can't get scolded without saying why I did it! I don't care what happens after that!

Mom and Dad, I-I'm sorry! I... found the Arcana Association, and--

Cowenna's Father
Right, the Arcana Association! It seems you've been active there of late.

Yes! Because I joined the Arcana Association and... Wait, what?
How did you know that?

Cowenna's Father
That's wonderful to hear! Congratulations, Cowenna!

Bwuh? Excuse me?
Wha? Huh?

Cowenna's Father
We were just speaking of it over dinner last night-- we think it's a fine place for you.

Cowenna's Mother
Indeed. We wanted to speak with you about it sooner, but you've been away, so it took this long to finally tell you how happy we are for you.


Cowenna's Mother
You've finally found a role that truly suits you, and we know you'll give it your very best.

Cowenna's Father
Cowenna, you don't have to attend those social functions you so dislike anymore. Instead, take up this new path with our blessing, and make us all proud.


Cowenna's Mother
There- we've said what we wished to say. Now, what is it you wanted to say? It's all right. Whatever you have to say, dear, we're here to listen.

Ah..ahaha.... Hahahahaha...

Cowenna's Parents

Cowenna's Mother
Darling, some strange fit seems to have come over Cowenna.

Cowenna's Father
Ah, that's just how she is sometimes. Let her be.

B-but how did you find out about the Arcana Association? What gave you the impression that it would be a good place for me?

Cowenna's Mother
Well, it's hard to miss the news of a new association being founded directly by the Queen herself. And once news began to circulate of what the Arcana Association would be researching, why, it seemed to be exactly the sort of thing that sparks your interest.

Cowenna's Father
Indeed. And as a woman who has come of age, Cowenna, you surely have many concerns about the path your future should take. There are no quick or easy answers to those questions, but don't you think it would be more fruitful to spend your time at the Association rather than sitting at home wringing your hands?

So, that's how it was...

Cowenna's Mother
It is a pity, though... We haven't been able to learn much about the specifics of the Arcana Association's research. We've only heard as much as is commonly known from the public announcements, and didn't know who we could ask that might know more...

Well, you don't need to worry about being in the dark any longer! Feast your eyes on this informative pamphlet and all your worries will melt away!

Cowenna's Mother
...Oh my! What's all this? Did you make this yourself?

That's right! How did you know?

Cowenna's Father
Haha, you haven't changed a bit, Cowenna. Now, let's see what it says...

Cowenna's Mother
Aha! An institute dedicated to the realization of possibilities! Quite the visionary aspiration, no?

Cowenna's Father
Indeed. I'm glad you've found a place with hopes as lofty as your own.

Ehee... I'm glad that you like it as much as I do! Now that you know more about what we do there, it seems like a good place, right?

Cowenna's Father
That's wonderful, hahaha.

Yes! Of course!

I can't believe it... My parents weren't opposted to my joining the Arcana Association-- they were in favor of it! All this time, I'd been worrying for nothing! Heehee.
I can't wait to head back and tell everyone the good news!
To think of all the fuss I made because I was worried...
I'm so embarassed...

And that's what happenned...

(Guess it's a good thing it worked out...)

Should we go back to the Arcana Association Room for now? Heehee...


You seem peppy, but... also kind of not.
Whatever happened, I think it will be good to have some sort of resolution to this.

Heehee. Well...

(Cowenna seems embarrassed, but she explains how things went.)

Ah, so that's what happened...
It's fortunate that everything was resolved... though it feels like it was just a whole lot of hand-wringing over nothing, looking back.

I'm relieved that I can stay here for the long term now that my family's given their consent. Now, I finally feel more like an official member!
I love my family, but it's new and exciting to be a member of an organization I chose to join!

If that's what you feel, Cowenna, then I'm glad.
While I don't really have any family to associate with, per se, I can appreciate the happiness you feel by being part of this organization.
Don't worry-- I'm not sad about it.

Oh no... Was that a sensitive topic? I didn't mean to cause any discomfort. I'll try to be more mindful of that from now on.
As happy as I am to be here, I want everyone else to be just as happy as I am! I don't want to say or do anything that would bring someone down!

> Prompt: I feel the same or I want to be happy, too...

Heehee, you know that includes you too, (Character Name). Everything worked out because you were wishing and praying for my success!

All we need to do now is plan some fun activities for the Arcana Association and let the good times roll!
I plan to keep myself busy practicing my swordplay and packing each and every day with fun and adventure. And when something exciting happens, you'd better call me first!
I may have been just a ball of nerves; a total mess. But when I think back on it, I'm glad you were there with me through it all, (Character Name).
Of course, that's not to imply we're parting ways. Far from it! I've already picked my spot in this room, you know, so you'll see me all the time! Mwahaha!

> Prompt: Nod in agreement

That's great!

(With no more burdens to weight upon her heart, Cowenna's smile is as bright and beautiful as the sun on a cloudless day.)

[Link 3] A Noble's Place

Say, friend, you wouldn't happen to have seen Cowenna around, would you? It's like she just...disappeared on us! - Laoire

We've got trouble, my friend! Cowenna seems to have up and disappeared!

(Laoire's voice sounds half-panicked, displaying an urgency you've never seen him exhibit before.)

As you're aware, Cowenna received permission from her family to spend her days in the Association's room, and she's been with us here ever since.
The puzzling thing is, she seemed perfectly happy... Despite the occasional squabble with Eochaid, the two of them got along well... She didn't even leave the castle grounds that often.
Most of what she's needed has been delivered by a servant of the household. The times she did venture into town, she generally let me know before she went out.
Cowenna's presence here had come to be a given... and that's why her sudden disappearance without so much as a word has me worried. I fear she may have somehow injured herself thanks to her grueling training regimen.

> Prompt: What should we do?

First, we should check all of the places where one might typically find Cowenna. If we can't find her in any of those, it's not too late to launch a search over a wider radius.
However... there IS one extra wrinkle here.

> Prompt: What is that?

(Laoire's brow takes on its subtle furrows, but even when you try, you can't guess what he's about to say.)

...There's a banquet being held today. Not a royal ball-- just one of those parties held by one of the city's influential noblemen. Trust me, you're not missing out. It's just one more occasion for the wealthy to flaunt their connections and influence.
You know the sort of party I mean. An exclusive list of guests gathers together to socialize and see who they can 'befriend' to further their own ends. The food may well be the only wholesome thing in the room.
But from all my observations, I would've surely thought Cowenna to be far-removed from such gatherings. Or rather, she has little interest in attending them.
Where she of the same stripe as those lace-festooned aristocrats, there's no way she would've been so enthusiastic about joining an organization run by me, a virtual nobody.
There's no way Cowenna snuck out to socialize with people like that. But if not... where is she? Perhaps someone encountered her as she was leaving the castle.
Giving the pressing nature of this predicament, I believe we should begin our search immediately. We need to look both inside the Royal Castle, as well as around Tara.

> Prompt: I will search the castle! or I will search in Tara!

Allow me to search for Cowenna in the streets of Tara. (Character Name), I'd like you to search within the castle. After all, as one known to the servants and nobility alike, I believe few outsiders could move as freely within these walls as you can.
There's a chance that the other occupants of the second floor saw Cowenna depart, so it would be prident to ask them first.
If that doesn't produce any leads, try to find a way to gain entry to the banquet so you can ask around. Perhaps one of the attendees may know something about her situation.
Since you practically have license to wander the Royal Castle at will, I'll leave searching here to you. For my part, I'll head into Tara and search the residential districts. I shouldn't attract much attention there.
At any rate, let us not waste any more time. I'm heading out. Contact me if you find anything.

(You check the library first.) Arzhela
Welcome, (Character Name). Is there a particular volume I can help you find today?

> Prompt: I am looking for someone.

You mean the young lady in the room over? She seems like the sort more comfortable with a sword in hand than a pen-- more warrior than poet, so to speak.
She comes occasionally to borrow books, but I haven't seen her lately. Usually, Laoire is the one I see frequenting the Royal Library the most. There's also a precocious boy with turquoise hair who comes occasionally and always picks out some difficult tome.
Since she usually visits the Royal Library with Laoire, I haven't had the opportunity to converse with her at length. The most I've done is greet her upon her arrival.
On the other hand, I've spoken with Laoire a great deal. Such is his thirst for knowledge that he seemed fully capable of devouring every book and codex in the Royal Library, had he time enough. If you're searching for Cowenna, asking him is probably the best place to start.
He's familiar with the content of a great many of the books here already. When he checks out a volume, he keeps it for quite a while, but he always returns it in pristine conditions - sometimes better than I recall it being when it was borrowed.
It's as though it were lowered back down into the library from the skies above rather than passed back from human hands.
Even though he comes only occasionally, it's rather inspiring to see him so devoted to his research. He's not the sort one would compare to the protagonist of a novel, but who knows what his future holds?
But, returning to the question of the person you're seeking... I'm working in the Royal Library from dawn to dusk. It would be safer of you to assume I don't run into many people outside the confines of the library.
I hope your missing member returns soon. In the meantime, if it's a book you seek, I'm here to answer any questions, so you're welcome to visit whenever you have the time.

(It doesn't seem like Cowenna is here. You try searching the reception room.)

What business do you have today, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: I am looking for someone.

Hmm. Looking for Cowenna, are you? Beyond the fact that she's an official member of the Arcana Association, I don't know much about her. Or at least... I think she's official. Her name is on the list and all.
Perhaps it's because she spends most of her time in that room, but I've never happened upon her wandering the halls. Not sure I'd recognize her even if our paths were to cross.
I only know the faces of the representatives who are present when the establishing paperwork is filed and ratified. Once it becomes an official organization, the head is responsible for the induction of new members, so they wouldn't normally have business with me.
Of course, since this particular organization was founded at the Queen's behest, I can't deny there were a few more steps than usual before it was officially recognized as an independently operation organization.
The monarch cannot be perceived as misuing his or her personal wealth-- that is, the kingdom's coffers-- but forming a group that operates under the directive of the royal family is another matter entirely.
I would like nothing more than to offer bountiful support to all of the kingdom's various societies and associatons, but the realities of fiscal restraint are ever-present. I suppose the Arcana Association should consider itself fortunate, in that its starting capital was provided by the Queen herself. That certainly gives it a notable head start.

The Arcana Association, on the other hand, feels like it was hastily established under the umbrella of the royal regime.
I have my own questions regarding how a recently established organization with no substantial academic background or qualifications plans on functioning smoothly...
Beyond that, I'm uncertain why the Queen felt the association ought to be connected to the royal family the way it is. Nonetheless, I hope you can aid them in work beneficial to all in the kingdom.

(Seeing that Cowenna isn't here either, you search the Music Room next.)

Oh! It's good you came! Are you here to buy a music score?

> Prompt: I am looking for someone.

I'm not sure where she might be. I saw her a few days ago, but not today.
I was heading to the Hanging Garden in the hopes of getting inspiration for my latest leitmotif and... what was his name? Laoiri? Anyway, she was walking with him. I clearly remember they were carrying firewood in their arms, because... well... that was strange.
I overheard them talking a bit-- something about making wooden dolls for training that they expected to get burned up? It sounded like an interesting conversation. Odd, but interesting.
Before they entered the Great Hall, I heard beautiful singing coming from within the Association's room. Needless to say, it caught me completely unawares.
Suddenly hearing such a young, lovely voice proved to be just the bolt of inspiration I'd been looking for! Now I want to ask them to sing the song I recently composed!
Ah! Finally, I have someone in the Royal Castle I can share the joys of music with! But I still need to properly MEET whoever it is. Are they around the same age as me?
Not that I was expecting the Musician Alliance to have a surge in membership applications, but I never expected the Queen would found a new association. Could this be a signal that we're welcoming an era of change around here?
Hmm. Growth... Change...
Yes, that's it! I have an idea for a new composition with 'change' as its core theme! A daring and, dare I say, challenging work, with modulation in every measure! Variations in tempo, with a strings section that seldom does what one would expect...

(Since Cowenna isn't here either, your last bet is to check the Office.)

What's going on, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: I am looking for someone.

Cowenna? I'm afraid I haven't seen her. I just returned from putting in an appearance at another banquet thrown by the nobility.
General feasts, balls, and banquets held by Tara's nobles aren't quite like the royal banquets that you're familiar with. They're... how shall I put this... 'more superficial', if you can believe it. Unfortunately, declining to show my face there would invite some negative sentiment that is better off avoided, given the ease of attending. I just try to think of it as going for a little stroll.
This banquet wasn't even being held for any particular reason, or in celebration of any occasion. It's just one of those lavish feasts held because the aristocracy has no shortage of wealth and needs something to spend it on to keep up appearances. Thankfully, I didn't need to remain there all that long.
I'm familiar with Cowenna-- I've seen her at a few banquets and balls, though I haven't seen her at any I've attended in recent times, including today's.
That said, I spent perhaps a quarter hour standing around and greeting people at the party before I'd had my fill and decided to excuse myself. If you were to go now, she might be there. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that not every attendee arrives with equal punctuality.

(Laoire seemed pretty sure that Cowenna isn't the type of attend banquets and lavish parties. Still, there's a chance she might have had some reason to go to this one. What to do...)

Here, take this.

(Eirawen produces a crisp, yellow envelope, handing it to you.)

> Prompt: Accept the envelope

> On-screen text: You received a banquet invitation from Eirawen.

This banquet, as with most gatherings of the nobility, is open only to those invited by the host, so you won't be able to get in without flashing this at the door.
Of course, since it's being held in the Royal Castle, I'm on the guest list by default... but I doubt anyone there was hoping I'd stay the entire duration of the party.
Still... this IS an invitation extended to the Queen, and the Queen may do with it as she wishes! That is to say, you should be able to get in with this even though it's not addressed to you.
Take it with you and spend an hour or two at the banquet. I'm glad that you, at least, might get some value out of it.
If you can't turn up any leads on Cowenna, I'll ask around the Royal Castle. Surely someone must have seen her leave.
Don't worry too much about it. Until we meet again, then.

(You check the invitation.)

(Looking at the time and place written on the invitation, you notice that the event isn't location in the Gate Hall. If the time is correct, the event has already commenced, but you should be able to gain entry at any time.)

(Would you like to join the nobles' banquet in search for Cowenna?)

> Prompt: Head to the banquet venue or Not quite yet

> Prompt: Head to the banquet venue

(You set out for the Royal Castle 1F banquet venue.)

Shadow Mission: Information: the Key to Persuasion

(The ballroom is bustling, full of nobles who have come to preen and socialize.)

(See if you can find where Cowenna has gone by speaking to nobles with notable features.)

(You check with the Pontiff's Court Aristocrat and a Masked Noble.)

Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
Oooh, is that a custom fragrance you're wearing?
Do you TRULY believe I'm more beautiful than the roses in the garden? Teehee.

Masked Noble (Chat Bubble)
Of course, my lady. Let us go together.
Shall we find somewhere more... private?

Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
Might you be... interested in me?

Masked Noble (Chat Bubble)
Of course, my lady. Let us go together.

Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)

Masked Noble
Ahaha! You're far more beautiful than they are! As lovely and alluring as the flowers that serve but to accent your grace. What are you worried about? It can't be... Is there someone other than me here trying to woo her?

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Masked Noble
Alas, friend, the woman you fancy is not in attendance today! Of course I've met her-- it would be hard to forget a lady with such striking eyes.
It was several years ago, but I still remember it as vividly as though it were yesterday! Every eye was on the social debut of that bright and lively young lady at the ball!
A lady similar in age, full of vigor and blossoming into womanhood! Call her a master thief, friend, for in that moment she stole my heart!
T'was tragic that Cowenna and I turned out to be ill-suited as potential partners. A lovely lady she may be, but if one wishes my courtship, formality is just as important as beauty.
Despite the striking impression she left upon my heart that night in the ballroom, a lady who attends horse races-- and shouts at the beasts to 'run faster'-- is decidedly not my type. So, what AM I looking for? Well...

(You motion that you'd like to get a drink, eager to be free of this fellow who seems all too eager to bend the conversation toward himself now. While somewhat enlightening, what you learned about Cowenna won't help you in your search. Talk to someone else to find out where she might have gone.)

(You check in with the trio right behind the two you have left.)

Male Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)

Florally Accented Noble (Chat bubble)
Psst.. what is that?

Male Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
Please, don't get too close. Florally Accented Noble (Chat bubble)
How humorous. Ahaha!

Female Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
Your ring really makes quite the statement.

Florally Accented Noble (Chat bubble)
To think, there's someone like that out there... How crass.

Male Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
I saw it with my own two eyes!

Female Pontiff's Court Aristocrat (Chat bubble)
That was a secret!

Female Pontiff's Court Aristocrat
Haha, what ARE you doing? Who goes around with an alpaca? Strange... but perhaps it might be the height of fashgion next month...

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Female Pontiff's Court Aristocrat
Er... excuse me, but... *clearing throat*
I doubt I am the first to point this put, but... your choice of outfit doesn't exactly pass the dress code for this event. Hrm...
Guard! Was this individual truly on the guest roster!

(...Is she acting defensive because you don't look like the typical noble? Dumbfounded, you fish around in your pocket and hold out the invitation Eirawen gave you.)

Female Pontiff's Court Aristocrat
Ah... aha. I see. So you weren't officially invited, but you're here on... royal business, I take it. Anyway, you were searching for Cowenna?
We're not close. She's a strange one, that Cowenna. What sort of lady sprints through town in a dress?
She shoes little interest in conversing about the usual topics, but excitedly goes on and on about things I've never even heard of. Even when I've approached her graciously, it's nigh-impossible to hold her attention. Hmph.
Even those she seems to prefer associating with are odd sorts themselves. What do you suppose they see in her?
You can search Tara high and low and you'll only find those two who would call themselves friends of hers. Just ssticking together in their little circle... it doesn't seem fun in the least. Imagine preferring each other's company when they could be consorting with me! Ahaha.

(With steeled resolve, you managed to endure the woman's classically trained pettiness, in the process learning that Cowenna has two friends with whom she's particularly close. You courteously excuse yourself to avoid causing a scene.)

(You spot a Mask-Clutching Noble nearby, and decide to ask them.)

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble)
He truly is the only man for me.

Mask-Clutching Noble (Chat Bubble)
I say, it's never a bad thing to enjoy the affections of multiple partners!
Try to be a bit more open-minded! How bad could it be?

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble)
I'm satisfied simply observing from here...
Do you truly intend to advise me on courtship?

Mask-Clutching Noble (Chat Bubble)
Oho, of course!

Mask-Clutching Noble
*sigh* How tedious. I feel like I've gotten all dressed up for nothing. Just the same old people having the same old conversations.

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Mask-Clutching Noble
Huh? Cowenna? Oh... Are you talking about Teige's little sister?

(A charming woman coyly bats her eyelashes at you, continuing to talk.)

Mask-Clutching Noble
Of course I know her. Teige and I were... *ahem*... Curious, are you? I'm afraid I shan't tell you more than that, dear. A lady has to keep some secrets, teehee.
That girl is crazy about training in swordplay. She's the complete opposite of her brother. Even I find myself wondering how two children from the same family could have turned out so differently. Was it because she's the youngest?
I hear she goes out every day to train, and I don't think she's alone in her... strange pursuits, either.
Though, that was some time ago. I don't know what she's been up to of late, since I'm not longer seeing Teige.
I suppose there IS a certain element of excitation in meeting that impetuous firl, compared to her perfectly respectable brother. Ohoho.

(It sounds like this woman may have been Cowenna's brother's former lover? The trysts of nobles always make for entertaining conversation, but the pertinent information you learned is that Cowenna regularly practices her swordplay!)

(You move to the side, spotting a few possibe nobles that may give you the information you need.)

Grand Old Noble
This atmosphere has grown... disagreeable. *cough* Still, I need to carry myself with dignity.

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Grand Old Noble
Cowenna? Which family does she belong to?
Nobles outside of the upper echelons seldom associate with me, so you'll understand why I may not know her.
Seeing as I'm unfamiliar with the name, all I can comment on is what that implies about her family's status. Ahaha.

Regally Postured Noble (Chat Bubble)
I pray she makes many friends here.

Regally Postured Noble
Hmm... Is my daughgter enjoying herself? Why does she seem hesitant to join her friends?

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Regally Postured Noble
Ah, are you one of those Milletians? What interest would someone like you have in Cowenna?

(The man, whose attention was fixed on the bustle of the room, slowly turns toward you.)

Regally Postured Noble
If, as I presume, you speak of the second daughter of the Deas family, I know her quite well. Her father and I have long known one another.
And while I greatly respect Sir Deas's integrity and moral fiber, I must confess I fail to understand his methods when it comes to rearing and educating his children.
Believe me, having watched Cowenna come of age, I have redoubled my paternal efforts in the hopes that my own daughter will not turn out like her. I would be beside myself were she to raise a ruckus in polite company or blithely cast aside ballroom etiquette at a formal function such as this.
Thus far, my daughter has grown into a proper young maiden, much to my relief. Indeed, she is my pride and joy. Wherever she goes, her good reputation precedes her, and someday I shall have her wed a man of similarly upstanding character.
Sir Deas needs to put in a little more effort if he wants to improve his fortunes, both in business and in child-rearing. How long does he plan to live in that modest house just inside the southern wall? Still, his life is his to live as he sees fit, and it does little good to upbraid the man when he isn't even present.

(You have your doubts as to how well this man actually knows Cowenna's father, but he does seem to know the family well enough to know the location of Cowenna's house!)

Baby-Faced Noble
Uh, umm... *Sigh* I'm so nervous...

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Baby-Faced Noble
The name doesn't ring a bell. Are they a friend of yours?
This is actually my first time at a banquet, so I'm still getting my bearings. Sorry!

Wine Connoisseur Noble (Chat Bubble)
A toast... to those beautiful eyes of yours! Ah, the crisp taste of champagne... *sip*

Wine Connoisseur Noble
...What business do you have with me?

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

Wine Connoisseur Noble

(Though rather relaxed in comportment before you approached him, the man seems to have been taken off-guard.)

Wine Connoisseur Noble
I believe my uncle tutored her for a brief while...
To hear him tell it, she's an incorrigible tomboy who would test even Lymilark's patience. Did you know he was her thirteenth instructor?
He tried everything he could think of. When he realized even knuckling down was having little effect, he tendered his resignation, defeated by her wild streak.
Her parents implored him to set her straight, but he admitted he didn't know how to correct behavior like hers.
It's against his policy to give corporal punishment to a child, no matter the circumstance, and I admire his commitment to that principle.
I don't know much more than that. I didn't pry further, beyond what I just told you.

(He falls quiet, having said all he has -- or wishes-- to say. This information on Cowenna's instructor offers a welcome bit of insight, but is unlikely to help you discover her whereabouts. Talk to someone else to find out where she might have gone.)

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble) As a matter of fact, I DID have this custom made at the Emporium Boutique!

White-Haired Noble (Chat Bubble)
Ah, that's certainly expensive!

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble) Have you seen my grandfather?

White-Haired Noble (Chat Bubble)
Yes, we've been acquainted.

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble) Your purse is so beautiful. Wherever did you get it?

White-Haired Noble (Chat Bubble)
Please, let us keep it formal...

Royal Regime-Supporting Aristocrat (Chat Bubble)
Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't realize!

White-Haired Noble
Ahem... Welcome to today's banquet. I'm afraid I haven't much to offer, but seeing as I am in charge of this gala, you may ask me any questions you might have.

> Prompt: Do you know Cowenna?

White-Haired Noble
Ah. Looking for a friend, are you? You were right to come to me. I'm quite familiar with all the noble men and women of Tara- who they are, where they live, what they like, the latest scandals and triumphs...
But just the name 'Cowenna' isn't much to work with. I mean, I know several ladies by that name.
Have you any other info that might help narrow the potentials? If you do, I may be able to point you toward your friend.

> Prompt: She has two friends!

White-Haired Noble
Now I remember. There are those other two ladies around her age that she commonly associates with. I believe the three of them are close.
Can you recall anything more?

> Prompt:She trains hard in swordplay!

White-Haired Noble
Ah, that's right. I believe one of the Cowennas I'm acquainted with has declined several banquet invitations, citing a commitment to her physical training regimen.

> Prompt:She lives in Southern Tara!

White-Haired Noble
I'm almost certain you're referring to Cowenna Deas. If memory serves, I believe her family lives in a house just inside Tara's southern wall.

White-Haired Noble
Now that we're speaking of it, I recall there being three ladies who sent word that they would be unable to attend today's banquet, one of whom was the very Cowenna you seek.
Apparently, she has a... prior engagement-- a long-awaited meeting with friends to practice swordplay or somesuch.
The time of their gathering overlapped with the banquet, as I recall. If memory serves, they should still be in the middle of their practice just outside the southern walls of Tara.
As a matter of fact, that's not too far from her family's residence. I've heard her speaking eagerly of the benefits of having a nice, open space to practice outside the walls. Why not go and meet her there?


(You head to the Southern part of Tara, where Cowenna and her friends are likely to be training.)

(...! You finally found Cowenna!)

Come ooon. Focus! Hold that pose! You're losing balance!

> Prompt: Cowenna! or Found you!

Eeep! (Character Name)?!
How did you even find me here?

> Prompt: Been looking a while! or I asked around!

Ah! Well, you see, I'd made plans to meet with my friends today. I was going to tell you, but it must've slipped my mind.
Good job, both of you! Since (Character Name) dropped in for a surprise visit, what do you say we stop here for today?
Practice whenever you have a couple spare minutes and we'll see how you've improved next time. You won't forget, right?

Cowenna's Energetic Friend
Of course not! Great job today!

Cowenna's Tired Friend
*huff* *puff* Today... *huff* the day... *puff*

Derdriu, was it that hard? ...Actually, maybe don't talk if you're having trouble breathing.
I told you that you could stop if it got too hard. Did you miss that part?
Derdriu, you can put down the sword for today. Get some good rest-- we'll pick up from where we left off at our next session.

Cowenna's Energetic Friend
Thanks again, Cowenna. I had a great time. Byeeee!

Cowenna's Tired Friend
*cough* *cough* B...*cough*

(...You could barely make out the word 'bye' in between fits of coughing and heavy breathing that leave you somewhat concerned Cowenna's frail friend is about to collapse.)

(Cowenna's friends at last depart, passing her as she waves at them in a vigorous send-off.)

Sorry to keep you waiting, (Character Name). Umm...
Y-you don't think everyone was worried, do you? Now that I think about it, I never told anyone and forgot to scribble a note saying I'd be out, too...

> Prompt: Were those your friends? or How did you get them to agree to this?

(Despite her chipper response, the mean-spirited gossup you heard in the ballroom still bothers you. You wonder if those same friends are disparaging Cowenna behind her back.)

> Prompt: Keep your silence or Tell her what you heard

So that's why you look so down. You were worried about me...
I don't know if you believe it, but... I already know what everyone thinks of me. And I'm fine-- really, I am. It doesn't bother me anymore.
Normally... I don't have much fun spending time with other nobles. I mean, if it was just that I wasn't having fun, I'd let it go, but...
Most nobles take some sort of petty pleasure in judging me by their own standards. They can't stand it when people like me don't see them as these paragons I should strive to be like, or want to live outside the little world they've built up around themselves.
Years ago, I used to feel like I should work to fit myself into that mold, because that's the society I was born into. Even if it wasn't something I wanted for myself...
If I wanted to shape myself to fit that mold... it would be a painful process. It's not surpriseing that there's an entire wall of the Royal Library filled entirely with books on manners and social etiquette for the nobility.
To me, it always seemed absurd that anyone would need to follow all these meaningless little rules and gestures. Whenever I tried, people would laugh as they saw me clumsily struggle to live life their way, in a place too narrow-minded to let me be who I wanted to be. They'd never fail to mention that THEY never had to struggle to fit in. Or couse not-- they were born satisfied with their lot-- but they always acted so aghast that maybe I wasn't.
But I've learned that doesn't give me license to just act in whatever reckless way I want. *sigh* I guess this is one of those things I feel like I can only talk about with you, (Character Name). Honestly, I mostly feel sorry for my parents. I know I caused them so many headaches when I was young.
I can only imagine how exhausted they'd be if I did something that cause trouble for them now that I'm grown. The last thing I want is to add to their burden.
That's why I thought for a long time about what I should do. And somewhere along the way, I realized that maybe it's not worth listening to what all those puffed-up high-society socialites think.
They'll live out their entire lives trading their petty gossip, completely uninterested in who I am or what I want. Why should I take any critism from people like that?
Sure, I may not be dainty and quiet, I may not act with enough elegance. But at least I make it a point not to be impolite to others. And if I do offend someone, I own up and take full responsability for that.
Even if I were out of the picture, peolpe like them would always find someone to look down at to feel better about themselves. Even if I somehow became a flawless, perfect lady-- the belle of every ball-- they'd find someone less perfect to harp on.
Why are they like that? I mean... I don't mind it much, but I'd feel bad if some other girl who maybe didn't fit the nobility's ladylike image got slandered in my place.
It doesn't matter to me, though. So what if I'm 'that weird noble' everyone whispers about?
Let them gossip at my shadow while I stand in the light.
They can't do much more than look at my back and trade their hushed whispers. They'll never see me from the front; never realize I'm smiling, happy to have moved on to a place I enjoy.
That's why I'm glad to teach some of the things I've learned to friends who share similar interests. It may not be a ball or a banquet, but this is the best kind of socializing I can imagine.
Okay, so... I guess I really kind of poured it out for you, huh? Thanks for listening to all that, (Character Name). It felt good to get that off my chest. And hey... at least now you know me that much better, right?
Oh... I almost forgot! You said Laoire was worried.
I'm going to swing by home for a minute. Do you think you could pick up Laoire on your way back to the Association's room? From what you said, I fear he may still be wandering the streets of Tara...
Just find Laoire if you can. I'll meet back up with the two of you in the Arcana Association's room. It shouldn't take long-- my house isn't that far from here.

(A refreshing smile spreads across Cowenna's face as she leaves. Even her steps look lighter and more carefree.)

(You meet up with Laoire in Tara.)

(Looking back and forth, Laoire's ears pick up the sound of hurried footsteps, toward which he cranes his neck.)

Did you find Cowenna, (Character Name)?

> Prompt: Nod affirmatively

You did? Ah... Haha...
Gods... I'm so relieved...

(Laoire's shoulders finally relax as the tension that had kept him wound like a spring finally dissipates.)

It's been a while since I felt this nervous. And to think, it was all over my concern for someone else...
Still, I'm glad to hear you found her. I would've been beside myself if Cowenna had truly gone missing.

(Laoire's face, normally plastered with a serene smile, bears a pensive frown.)

...You may have picked up on this, but in the beginning, I was very uncomfortable around Cowenna.
She's a good person, of course-- of that I have no doubt. But even so, it's always rather jarring to encounter someone whose very being highlights the divide between your social class and theirs.
I didn't grow up in a particularly loving household, and in contrast to Cowenna, who has strong opinions and makes no secret of them, I had to constantly be wary of those around me.
Such is the life a servant leads. You have to be strict with yourself, otherwise you might find yourself getting punished for trifles, with no one there to help or stand up for you.
There are even some things, like writing with one's left hand, that have no negative impact on anyone but raise the hackles of some with nothing better on which to focus.
To be clear, I never felt jealous of Cowenna. At times, I've spared a passing thought to how I might have turned out if I had an upbringing like hers, but I always get back to work before I spend too long dwelling on it.
I've been walking my own path and I'm sure if I continue to do so, it will lead to other paths along the way.
I'm confident that there's something I, a fellow who led a meager life of labor, can really accomplish if I stick to it.
Oh dear, I went off a tangent again... Say, wasn't Cowenna following you? It's been a while, but I can't see her...

> Prompt: Relay what Cowenna said

Oh, so she's stopping by her home first. She must need to grab something.
She had just gone out to meet her friends... I'm glad my worry turned out to be for nothing.
We ought to start heading back as well. I'm glad we have a plce we can call our own.
Let's be off, then.

(After politely gesturing toward the castle, Laoire takes the lead. You return to the Arcana Association Room.)

(You approach Cowenna, who appears rather elated.)

Heehee... Heeheehee... (Character Name)! Laoire! You came!
Look what I brought!

Arcana - Cowenna 04.png
(Cowenna proudly points to a stack of boxes, barrels, and stuffed bags sitting near the back of the room.)

Ta-daa! Feast your eyes-- and soon, your stomachs-- on Cowenna's heaping helping of healthy foods!

(It truly is a ludicrous pile of food. Cabbages, carrots, eggs, a variety of cheeses, and... are those dried beans and yogourt? There are a number of unlabeled bags stacks atop each other, too. What in the world is she planning to make?)

Everything I've got here is guaranteed to boost the performance of both body and mind! With this perfect pantry, you won't need to worry about your meals for a while-- or your health!

(Cowenna looks at you with sparkling eyes, waiting expectantly for a compliment.)

> Prompt: Th-thanks... or How will we eat all this?

I felt sorry for making the two of you worry about me, sooo... I brought some stuff from home.
Whatever worries may gnaw at you inside, all wounds of the heart can be mended by the grace of protein! And it just so happens that my thoughtfully considered selection of ingredients includes lots of foods rich in protein!
Mother and father readily gave their consent after I explained everything to them. I wasn't able to give a proper gift, but they told me I could take as much from the pantry as I wanted!
Let's put the sad times behind us and chow down on protein-rich power lunches!

You're always so cheerful, Cowenna. Nothing seems to get you down for long.
Haha... When I see you, I actually feel a bit better. It's like experiencing the secondhand peace of someone who's satisfied and complete in and of themselves; who causes no one any harm.

C'mon, Laoire! Let's brainstorm our debut meal! Are you any good at cooking?

I suppose I know my way around a kitchen. As for the meal... might as well go for a nice dinner, I say.

Ooooh, fancy! (Character Name), I insist you come join us for the big dinner!

> Prompt: Nod in agreement

[Link 5] The Nutrition Supplement Initiative

Don't you think Eochaid's diet leaves something to be desired? I mean, why else would he be so frail and weak? It's like a stiff breeze could blow him over! - Cowenna