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Iria: Episode 6 - Demon Night: The Truth

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The Saga: Iria

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Iria Title.png
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  • To start Episode 6, open the Chapter Info menu, select the "Chapter 5 The Saga" tab, click the Watch button, and select "EP 6 - Demon Night: The Truth" under "Iria".
  • You may not play other episodes while playing Episode 6.
  • Replaying Episode 6 costs 5,000 Gold.
  • Warning: Choosing to stop the Episode at any point will erase all progress.
  • You can not skip the cutscenes on your first playthrough of the Episode.
The Elves and Giants have been contemplating revenge ever since the Fomors captured their ancient lands. The attack on Hillwen Mine is a success, but some feel the victory was too easy. All that is forgotten, however, when the secret of the Milletians is revealed, turning the situation against them.


Iria: Episode 6 - Demon Night: The Truth is the sixth episode of The Saga: Iria. Since Black Mask's attack, Millia, Dowra, and Maike have all been increasingly wary of the other Milletians, who have been transformed into demons by his magic. Meanwhile, Lelach, revealed to be Akule, successfully defeats the Black Dragon Bhafel with the help of Shamala. Elsewhere, the Black Dragon Knight, revealed to be Ruairi, has been trying to fight off Morrighan's curse, and the specific Milletian discovers that the Soul Stream has gone haywire again.

The Shadow Mission difficulty is based on your total level:

Beginner for 1~99 total
Intermediate for 100~299 total
Advanced for 300~999 total
Hard for 1000+ total

NPCs involved in Demon Night: The Truth

The Milletian's Crisis

Black Dragon Knight.png Name The Milletian's Crisis NPC Black Dragon Knight

To start the episode, open the Saga menu, select the "Iria" tab, select "EP 6 - Demon Night: The Truth", and watch the Episode 6 cinematic.


  1. Upon starting Episode 6, you will be sent into the Shadow Mission, "The Milletian's Crisis!"
    • Prompted: Who are you? or Ruairi?!
    • A cutscene will occur.
    • Another cutscene will occur. Hold out against the Black Dragon Knight for a few seconds. Finally, the last cutscene will occur, ending the mission, and you will be warped to near the Pera Volcano Mana Tunnel.
      • The Black Dragon Knight can deal massive damage, has Mana Deflector Level 2, and will follow you a far distance, so tread carefully. In the second phase, he can summon an Illusion of himself that has the same abilities as him but with lesser HP and roughly 10 times less damage. In the third and final phase, he can summon two Illusions and all damage he receives is reduced to 1.
        • It is strongly advised to lead the Black Dragon Knight away from the spawns and Illusions.
          • Leading the Black Dragon Knight away can be difficult due to the Illusion's aggro.
          • Another option is to lure the Illusion far away from the Black Dragon Knight and circle back on a mounted pet when enough distance has been made.
        • As stated previously, all damage done to the Black Dragon Knight is reduced to 1 during the third phase. Simply run away and the mission will eventually complete on its own without any combat on your part.
          • For this phase, it is possible to delay the Black Dragon Knight and his illusions with multiple high-ranked Barrier Spikes.
    • If you fail the Shadow Mission, relog or change channels to start it again.
  2. Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]

Observe the Situation Closely

Millia.png Name Observe the Situation Closely NPC Millia

  1. Talk to Millia located near the Raspa Volcano Mana Tunnel.
  2. Talk to Dowra located right next to Millia.
  3. You will be taken into the RP Shadow Mission, "Stab the Shamans to Death!", where you role-play as Ruairi.
  4. Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]

The Downed Milletians

Millia.png Name The Downed Milletians NPC Millia

  1. Talk to either the Intelligence Officer, the Royal Guards, Secret Agent D, Spy B, or the Milletians located near the Raspa Volcano Mana Tunnel.
  2. Talk to Millia located right next to the above NPCs.
  3. You will be taken into the RP Shadow Mission, "The End of Bhafel", where you role-play as Shamala.
  4. Complete the quest. [8,000 EXP]

A Torrent of Chaos

Millia.png Name A Torrent of Chaos NPC Milletian

  1. Talk to a Milletian located near the Raspa Volcano Mana Tunnel.
  2. Talk to Millia located right next to the Milletians.
  3. You will be taken into the RP Shadow Mission, "Millia in Crisis".
  4. Complete the quest. [100,000 EXP Complete Saga Box, Saga EP6 Box].
    • Replaying Episode 6 does not reward a Complete Saga Box.
    • You may only obtain up to 1 Saga EP Box a day for all episodes.
      • However, you will always receive a box for the first time finishing the episode.
      • The Daily Bonus is applied on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
      • This resets at 7:00am PDT100.