The Saga: Iria II
< Iria II: Episode 3 - Pursuit Iria II: Episode 5 - Dian Cecht >
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- To start Episode 4, open the Chapter Info menu, select the "Chapter 5 The Saga" tab, click the Watch button, and select "EP 4 - The Black Book" under "Iria II".
- You may not play other episodes while playing this episode.
- Replaying the episode costs 5,000 Gold.
- Warning: Choosing to stop the Episode at any point will erase all progress.
Tarlach was kidnapped by the Cessair! It's up to the gang to get him back, but things aren't quite as simple as they first appeared...
Iria II: Episode 4 - The Black Book is the fourth episode of The Saga: Iria II. A mysterious book in Treasure Hunter's possession helps infiltrate the Cessair's hideout.
NPCs involved in Episode 4 - The Black Book
NPCs involved in Episode 4 - The Black Book
Snowfield Pursuit
Snowfield Pursuit
Merlin Treasure Hunter
To start the episode, open the Saga menu, select the "Iria II" tab, select "EP 4 - The Black Book", and watch the Episode 4 cinematic. After the cinematic, you will be teleported to Barba Basin.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Chase the kidnappers on skis.
- Talk to the Treasure Hunter to enter the Shadow Mission, "Saviors on Skis".
- You will have to follow the enemy while skiing.
- Use the direction keys on your keyboard to maneuver around the map.
- Use the space bar to help you drift left and right.
- The green circles will speed you up, while the red ones will slow you down.
- You must reach at least 10m within the range of the Kidnapper's Dog Sled to complete the mission.
- There is a glitch that causes the Kidnapper's Dog Sled to disappear, which will cause the mission to automatically fail. To fix this, turn on the ingame recorder.
- You must manually leave the mission once it is complete.
- If the enemy is more than 100m away, you will fail the mission.
- Talk to Merlin.
- Complete the quest. [10,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
Merlin Pinky Treasure Hunter Young Tarlach
After completing the previous quest, you will be automatically teleported to La Terra Highlands.
- Check on Tarlach.
- Talk to the Treasure Hunter to enter the Shadow Mission, "Gorilla in Disguise".
- You will roleplay as the Treasure Hunter.
- Talk to Pinky near the docks. After, talk to the Camp to watch a cutscene.
- Defeat the 8 Cessairs to complete the mission.
- Lose the kidnappers on the raft.
- Talk to Merlin to enter the Shadow Mission, "Raft Escape".
- You will have to raft and avoid obstacles and reach Cor Village.
- During the mission, an interface will appear at the top right of your screen, keeping track of the distance from the enemy's raft.
- Hitting the rock traps will stop the raft for 5 seconds.
- Hitting the spike traps will spawn 4 Cessairs on the boat. Defeat the Cessairs to continue rafting.
- There is a glitch that causes the Cessairs to not spawn, destroying the spikes yourself will allow you to continue.
- Upon reaching the Cor docks, a cutscene will occur. You will be teleported out of the mission and back to Cor.
- Complete the quest. [10,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
Metus Gate
Metus Gate
Merlin Pinky Treasure Hunter
- Talk to Merlin in Cor.
- Talk to Merlin in Rupes Desert.
- Merlin and Treasure Hunter are located south of the 't' in Desert.
- A cutscene will play and you will be teleported in front of Metus.
- Talk to Merlin to enter the Shadow Mission, "The Arc Lich Cometh".
- Talk to Pinky. You will enter the Shadow Mission, "Complete the Passage".
- You will role-play as the Treasure Hunter.
- You will receive fragments of passages as you make your way around with The Black Book of Bith equipped.
A violin sound will occur when you locate passages. There will be a text appearing on the upper right side of the screen indicating how far or close the player is. When the player is in the right area, it will say how many meters away.
- 5 Demonic Warriors spawn when you uncover the location of the passages.
- Demonic Archers spawn occasionally as time passes.
- After you collect all 12 fragments, you will be prompted to go to the center of the altar to put them together. The 4 passage combinations are as shown:
- 1. [I realized that the symptoms those three children experienced] [was a curse on the Settlers. A curse from god.] [The curse of death.]
- 2. [Had I listened to reason,] [maybe I would have known better] [than to attempt forbidden magic to save them.]
- 3. [And save them I did,] [But now my body degrades.] [Little by little, closing on its limits.]
- 4. [Before I completely lost consciousness,] [I gave the book to one of them:] [the one with the thickest of our blood.]
- After completing the 4 passage fragments, combine the 4 passage fragments together in the same manner.
- Talk to Pinky again.
- Complete the quest. [20,000 EXP, 10,000 Gold]
The Maze
The Maze
Memory Cube Merlin Treasure Hunter
After completing the previous quest, you will be automatically teleported to Muyu Desert.
- Talk to Treasure Hunter.
- Merlin and Treasure Hunter are located directly north of the "D" in Muyu Desert.
- A cutscene will play and you will enter the Shadow Mission, "Cube Dungeon".
- Every room in the cube dungeon appears the same, but you can know your progress by seeing what is currently in the room. Activate one of the doors to see a short dialogue, then activate the floating crystal that appears.
- After examining the crystal, walk back to the center of the room for a short dialogue. Defeat the 3 Floating Crystals.
- You now must lead the Memory Cube to the light on the opposite side of the room by going through the doors in the correct order. Ignore the idea that your character is moving locations, instead, imagine that every time you activate a door, you are moving the cube in the direction you choose.
- Zoom out and angle your camera in a way that puts the light on the left and the crystal on the right. Doing this will align your camera looking north. Treasure Hunter will indicate the direction each time you activate a door.
- Attempts to go in the wrong direction will result in either the door being unable to be opened, or the other side is blocked by crystal formation and you will need to fight 4 Floating Crystals.
- On reaching the last room, you must fight Menhir.
- Enter the purple door. A cutscene will occur. After, you will be returned outside to Dragon Bone Tomb.
- Complete the quest. [50,000 EXP, 30,000 Gold, AP 20 Potion]
- Replaying this episode does not reward another AP Potion.
[show] Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Event | | | Other | |