< Generation 14: Romeo and Juliet Generation 16: Macbeth >
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Golden waves crash along a new ocean route, As dreamers set sail upon the open sea, Holding true to treasured friendships And seeking their long lost loves. One father, Shylock, whose name rings with sorrow, Walks, haunted by the dark shadow of revenge... So the dreamers gather with their tangled fates, Toward Belvast, the land of opportunity and danger. There, all stories begin and end.
—Prologue of The Merchant of Venice
- To start Generation 15, you must have completed Generation 14 or get your cumulative level to 640 and talk to Duncan.
Generation 15: Merchant of Venice, also known as: Generation 15: The First Contract, Generation 15: The First Trade, and Generation 15: Merchant of Belvast; explains about Shakespeare's past and the origin of the Soul Stream. It also introduces a new location: Belvast Island. This Generation is based on another of Shakespeare's plays, the Merchant of Venice.
Changes in Generation 15 Due to Updates
- Experience from Quest Rewards has been readjusted.
- All Shadow Missions have been fixed to Advanced Difficulty.
- During Whiskey Is Thicker Than Water, you will receive a Red Wings of a Goddess to Port Cobh upon finishing your conversation with Aodhan.
- During Price of Love, Alby Dungeon now has 2 floors instead of 7 and has very little rooms.
- You no longer have to relog or change channels to view the cutscene after this quest. Simply complete the quest to view it.
- During Gold and Silver, Rabbie Dungeon has been reduced to 1 floor.
- All spawns have been reduced to just Rats. In addition, the boss was slightly altered.
- During Shylock's Contract, Alby Dungeon is drastically shortened, and has reduced spawns.
- Completing Generation 15 now rewards 40 AP.
- Players who have completed Generation 15 prior to the update will receive a congratulatory quest that rewards them the AP.
NPCs involved in Merchant of Venice
NPCs involved in Merchant of Venice
Soul Stream Seal Breaker
Soul Stream Seal Breaker
Soul Stream Sealbreaker
I found a document that will reveal the whereabouts of Shakespeare! Please, come see my right now. - Marlowe -
- Throughout the story you will be prompted with two choices. Regardless of which you choose, the story will continue the same way. However, depending on your choices, you will get one of two Mainstream Titles: the Sharer of Joy or the Lone Wolf. See Color-Coded Answers Guide.
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon.
- Investigate Shakespeare's Journal Page 1.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Rumors about Shakespeare
Rumors About Shakespeare
Marlowe, Nele, Lucas
The whereabouts of Shakespeare remain unclear. If we cannot pick up his trail, perhaps rumors will provide us a new lead. - Marlowe -
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon.
- You are prompted Yes or No.
- Talk to Nele in Emain Macha.
- Receive the object from Lucas in Emain Macha.
- Give the Belvast Whiskey to Nele in Emain Macha.
- You can ask him the following: About Shakespeare, About Avon, About Hamlet, About Romeo and Juliet, and About the Guardian of Avon. After ending the conversation, a cutscene will play.
- Complete the quest. [17,500 EXP]
A Will and Willpower
Whiskey Is Thicker Than Water
A Will and Willpower
A Will and Willpower
Find Portia's secret. We've got her now. - Lucas -
- Talk to Portia in Filia.
- The quest marker is missing. Portia is located in her house just northwest of Castanea's house within Filia.
- You are prompted Propose to her or Tell her she is pretty and Of course or Make it short.
- You'll get Portia's Compass (1 x 1).
- Examine Portia's memory in the Longa Desert dungeon
- Talk to Portia in Filia.
- Complete the quest. [17,500 EXP]
Price of Love
Price of Love
Antonio, Bassanio, Shylock
Please find whereabouts of my love, Bassanio. - Portia -
- Talk to Antonio in Belvast.
- You are prompted: Bassanio... or Portia... and Shake his hand or Ignore him.
- You'll get 10,000g.
- Talk to Bassanio in Cobh.
- You are prompted Give him the letter or Slap him and Give him 10,000 Gold or Pretend to not know anything.
- If you select Give him 10,000 Gold, you will give him the 10,000g.
- You will give him Portia's Love Letter.
- Talk to Antonio in Belvast.
- Talk to Shylock in Belvast.
- You are prompted Antonio... or Bassanio..., 30 million Gold or As much as possible, and He did not say or In 3 months.
- If you choose Bassanio..., you will be redirected back to Antonio... This counts as two negative actions.
- You'll get Shylock's Alby Dungeon Pass (1 x 2).
- Meet Shylock in the Alby Dungeon.
- Offer Shylock's Alby Dungeon Pass at the Alby Dungeon altar to enter G15 Alby Shylock Pass Dungeon.
- You may bring up to 2 party members. The leader will play as their own character and the other two will roleplay as Bassanio and Antonio.
- Only the party leader (person who played as their own character) will receive a key to the reward chest.
- Complete the quest. [47,500 EXP]
The First Rebirth
The First Rebirth
The First Rebirth
Shakespeare... No one knows anything about his life or death. He appeared and disappeared...like a ghost. - Marlowe -
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon
- Investigate Shakespeare's Journal Page 7.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Heart Made of Lead
Gold and Silver
Gold and Silver
Bassanio, Portia, Pierrick
I'm ready to give my response to Portia. I'm with Antonio at the moment, so come to Belvast. - Bassanio -
- Talk to Bassanio in Belvast.
- You'll get Bassanio's Reply (2 x 1) and a Barley Tea (1 x 1).
- You may read the letter, however this will negatively affect the title you get at the end of the story.
- Deliver the reply from Bassanio to Portia in Filia.
- Obtain the Horrifying Skeleton from the Rabbie Dungeon.
- Offer Ashes from Portia at the Rabbie Dungeon altar to enter G15 Longa Ashes from Portia Dungeon.
- If you need to re-enter the dungeon you may talk to Portia for another Ashes from Portia.
- After clearing the boss room, you'll get Horrifying Skeleton (2 x 2).
- The dungeon has 1 floor of about 15 rooms. Only one other person may join you. Spawns consist entirely of rats, including Cave Rat, Sewer Rat, Brown Town Rat.
- The Cave Rats come in very large numbers and multi-aggro very quickly and from very far away, and have an AI similar to that of a Gremlin where they will occasionally circle their enemies and attack at random. Use Area of Effect attacks such as Windmill or pet AoEs to defeat them quickly.
- Sewer Rats are multi-aggro, poisonous, inflict high amounts of damage, and usually spawn with large amounts of Cave Rats.
- Boss: Skeleton (Mini Light Armor) + 3x Red Skeleton (Heavy Armor) + 2 Skeleton Wolves + Skeleton Squad (Weak).
- Curiously, while some mobs drop treasure chest keys, this dungeon has no treasure chest room.
- Deliver the Horrifying Skeleton to Portia in Filia.
- Receive the Clown Doll from Pierrick in Taillteann.
- You are prompted to pay 50,000g to obtain Clown Doll (2 x 2). You must pay to continue.
- Complete the quest. [47,500 EXP]
Heart Made of Lead
Heart Made of Lead
Portia, Hans, Lucas
So did you find the answers to Portia's riddle? Once you figure it out, come see me. We'll get rich together! - Lucas -
- Deliver the Clown Doll to Portia in Filia.
- You are prompted Talk about the money or Do not say anything and Yes or No.
- If you choose Talk about the money, you'll receive 10,000g.
- Request Hans in Tara to paint Portia's Portrait.
- You are prompted to pay 50,000g to have the painting made. You must pay to continue.
- Describe Portia's physical characteristics.
- Hairstyle: Long straight hair
- Hair color: Blonde
- Eye color: Blue
- You'll get Portia's Portrait (2 x 2)
- Deliver Portia's Portrait to Portia in Filia.
- You are prompted Tell her the truth or Make up a reasonable story, I feel it or Hmm... Not sure, He will make you happy or He will make you unhappy, and Do not look or Look.
- You will receive 100,000g, Blue Wings of a Goddess (Filia) (1 x 2), and Portia's Pendant (1 x 1).
- Talk to Lucas in Emain Macha.
- You are prompted Gold Box, Silver Box, or Lead Box.
- Reminder: what reply you pick will not affect the progression of the story.
- You'll get a Fruit Salad (1 x 2) and a Brifne Whiskey (2 x 1).
- Complete the quest. [17,500 EXP]
Things That All Men Want
Thing That All Men Want
Lucas, Admiral Owen, Shylock, Keith
Heh, I guess Portia and I weren't meant to be. - Lucas -
- Talk to Lucas in Emain Macha.
- Talk to Admiral Owen in Belvast.
- You are prompted: Yes or No.
- Talk to Shylock in Belvast
- You are prompted I want to know or I do not want to know.
- You'll get Shylock's Letter (2 x 1).
- Talk to Keith in Tara.
- You are prompted Gold Box, Silver Box, or Lead Box.
- Reminder: what reply you pick will not affect the progression of the story.
- Complete the quest. [17,500 EXP]
You Earn Your Worth
You Earn Your Worth
Keith, Shylock
Oh, my...I've never met a woman like her before. - Keith -
- Talk to Keith in Tara.
- You are prompted Yes or No.
- Talk to Shylock in Belvast.
- You are prompted Just listen quietly or Get angry.
- You'll receive Shylock's Seed Chest (2 x 2).
- You may open the box, however this will negatively affect the title you get at the end of the story.
- Complete the quest. [13,500 EXP]
The Commoner
The Commoner
Cursed Avon
Cursed Avon
Cursed Avon
I wonder what was recorded in the Erinn Travelog. Could you come to Avon to discuss it. - Marlowe -
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon.
- Investigate Shakespeare's Journal Page 16.
- Use the page to begin the mission, Avon Will Be Sealed.
- Shakespeare has Play Dead, Rank F Healing, Rank C First Aid, Magnum Shot, and Bow Mastery, Rank B Ranged Attack (Human), Rank A Defense, Smash and Icebolt, Rank 9 Counterattack, Combat Mastery and Critical Hit, Rank 8 Windmill, and Rank 6 Rest. He also has Dual Wielded Gladius, a Composite Bow, and a hundred Arrows.
- Shakespeare's inventory consists of twenty HP 100 Potions, Stamina 100 Potions, and Bandages. He also has ten AP.
- Enemies: Skeleton Soldier x4 ? Poison Skeleton Soldier x4 ? Skeleton Squad x4 ? Skeleton Soldier x3, Skeleton Ogre Warrior (Light Armor) x2 ? Skeleton Ogre Warrior (Light Armor) x2 + Skeleton Ogre Warrior (Heavy Armor) x1.
- Poison Skeleton Soldiers will multi-aggro. It is best to pick them off with a single Icebolt, then have them come to you.
- You may simply defeat the Skeleton Ogre Warrior (Heavy Armor) in the last wave to complete the quest.
- Watch the cutscene upon completing the RP.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Ghost of the Past
Leave It to Fate
Leave It to Fate
Bassanio, Portia, Antonio, Nicca, Ethna
I'm ready go to Portia now. But before I do, there is something I want to ask... -Bassanio-
- Talk to Bassanio in Belvast.
- You are prompted Let the owner know or Pretend not to have seen and Gold Box, Silver Box, or Lead Box.
- Choosing either Gold Box or Silver Box repeats the prompt. You must choose Lead Box to continue.
- Choosing either Gold Box or Silver Box will negatively affect the title you get at the end of the story.
- Attend the marriage proposal of Bassanio in Filia.
- Talk to Bassanio, the husband of Portia.
- You are prompted Accept or Refuse.
- Protect Antonio's Trade Ship.
- Talk to Nicca in Port Qilla to begin, without prompt, the mission, Antonio's Trade Ship.
- Under certain conditions which are currently unknown, you may bring one other person to help.
- Talk to Nicca at the Qilla Base Camp.
- You automatically talk to Nicca after clearing the mission.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Ghost of the Past
Ghost of the Past
Shylock, Antonio
Antonio is bankrupt. We need your testimony for the trial. - Shylock -
- Talk to Shylock in Belvast.
- You are prompted I will or I will not.
- Talk to Antonio at the Belvast Prison.
- You are prompted Yes or No.
- If you choose No once, he'll ask the same prompt two more times.
- The outcome may result as:
- One Positive and Zero Negatives.
- One Positive and One Negative.
- One Positive and Two Negatives.
- Zero Positives and Three Negatives.
- You'll get Antonio's Final Letter (2 x 1).
- You may read the letter, however this will negatively affect the title you get at the end of the story.
- Once you leave the prison after this dialogue, you can't get back in.
- Complete the quest. [10,000 EXP]
Erinn and the Milletian
Scars of Mag Tuireadh
Scars of Mag Tuireadh
All the memories left by Shakespeare lead back to you. Please, continue working through these pieces of the past. - Marlowe -
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon.
- Investigate Shakespeare's Journal Page 133.
- Use the page to begin the mission, Shakespeare of Mag Tuireadh.
- Shakespeare is armed with a Lightning Wand, along with Rank A Magnum Shot, Icebolt, Firebolt, and Lightning Bolt, Rank 9 Defense and Lightning Mastery, Rank 8 Smash, Ranged Attack, and Bolt Mastery, Rank 7 Counterattack, Combat Mastery, Critical Hit, and Thunder, Rank 6 Resting and Healing, Rank 5 Windmill, and Rank 4 First Aid.
- Shakespeare also has ten HP 100 Potions and Stamina 100 Potions, and forty MP 100 Potions and Bandages.
- Enemies: Goblin x6 + Goblin Archer x3 → Goblin x5 + Goblin Archer x3 + Black Wizard x2 → Goblin x5 + Goblin Archer x3 + Black Warrior x1
- All of Fallon's Guardsman must survive or you will fail the mission.
- For an easy win, defeat all but one Goblin (preferably at full health), and let the Guardsmen finish it off while you prepare five stacks of Thunder for the next wave.
- Once that Goblin is dead, you should be able to annihilate most if not all enemies in the second wave, including the two Black Wizards. Hopefully, you will still have one or two healthy Goblins alive after the Thunder. If so, repeat the Thunder strategy for the third wave, but be wary of the Black Warrior's Mana Deflector.
- Defeating the Black Warrior will end the Role-play.
- Watch the cutscene upon completing the RP.
- Talk to Marlowe in Avon.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Keep Enemies Closer
Keep Enemies Closer
Bassanio, Portia
Bankruptcy? What happened to Antonio!? - Bassanio -
- Talk to Bassanio, Portia's husband, in Filia.
- You will begin, without prompt, the mission, Escape from Belvast.
- On completing the mission, you'll automatically exit and be returned to the entrance of Portia's home in Filia.
- Portia will aid you within the mission. If she dies, the mission fails.
- She has unusually low HP and Defense, and can die very quickly.
- In the Commonwealth of Belvast, four waves of Belvast Guardsman will be blocking your path leading you to the north side of the Bank. When you clear the 4th wave, a cutscene will play. Afterwards, one more lesser wave must be defeated before another cutscene will play and end the mission.
- You should also avoid the Belvast Guard Commander as they can deal fatal damage, mostly killing you or Portia in one hit.
- It is possible for Portia to be killed by the final spawn while you are watching the cutscene, causing you to fail, even though a 'new' Portia spawns once you finish the cutscene.
- Take caution, as the "Revival in Town" option will cause you to revive in Belvast, rather than Filia.
- The Belvast Guard Commanders are similar to the Giant Guards in Vales; avoid them at all costs.
- Shadow Mission Rewards:
- Talk to Portia in Filia.
- Complete the quest. [25,000 EXP]
Shylock's Contract
Shylock's Contract
Shylock, Mysterious Man
Everything in my life is falling apart. My body... My mind... Even my hope... - Shylock -
- Talk to Shylock in front of the Alby Dungeon.
- Meet the Mysterious Man at the Alby Dungeon.
- Complete the quest. [40 Ability Points, 50,000 EXP]
- You will be rewarded with the Journal Achievement The Merchant of Venice, the Persona Shylock's Step, a Sonnet Enchant Scroll, Shakespeare's Journal, and one of the two Mainstream Titles.
- The Title obtained will be determined by the choices you made during the entirety of this Generation's quests.
- You will receive the Sharer of Joy Title if you chose the more affirmative choices. It adds 20 Will and 10 Luck.
- You will receive the Lone Wolf Title if you chose the more negative choices. It adds 10 Stamina and 5 Defense.
- If you have completed Generation 15 prior to the G17S4 renewal, you will receive a congratulatory quest for clearing Generation 15 and receive 40 Ability Points after completion of the quest.
< Generation 14: Romeo and Juliet Generation 16: Macbeth >
- Unlike the other Generations within Chapter 4, Generation 15 only has one actual movie-like cutscene; the prologue.
- Unlike other Generations within Chapter 4, the movie-like cutscenes have no narration.
- Unlike the other Generations within Chapter 4, the Globe Theatre takes no part within this Generation.
- Unlike the previous Generations within Chapter 4, only one Persona is rewarded instead of three.
- Shakespeare within the game did not actually write The Merchant of Venice. Instead, he staged events that would lead to it.
[show] Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |