- For how to obtain Soul of Chaos, see Dark Knight Quest.
- For the in-game script of this Generation, see Script - Generation 3: Dark Knight.
< Generation 2: Paladin Generation 7: Ancient Secrets of Irinid >
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- To start Generation 3, you must have completed Generation 2, or speak to Duncan and Select Storyline when your cumulative level is 170 or above.
- Starting G3 early does not complete G2, you will still need to go do G2 manually to obtain any rewards like the Paladin transformation.
- The decision to change from a Paladin into a Dark Knight after completing Generation 3 is entirely optional.
- Rewards:
- Total AP: 40 (Only given on the final quest)
- Total EXP: 1,084,700
- Total Gold: 44,500
Generation 3: Dark Knight is the final story of Chapter 1. Another part of Another World, Bangor, and an artifact known as Lia Fail is introduced, and the Dark Knights begin their onslaught over the continent of Uladh.
Changes in Generation 3 Due to Updates
- You must complete Generations 1 through 3 in order to proceed into later generations.
- Elves and Giants can now perform Generation 3.
- Time restrictions were removed and Gold/EXP rewards were adjusted.
- Players who are still performing Generation 3 will be able to continue with the normal version if they wish to do so, however they are unable to proceed with the new version of these Generations.
- All quests will automatically complete on their own, except for Making the Anti-Fomor Robe and Decisive Battle.
- Waiting time between all quests has been either removed or reduced.
- You do not need to talk to Tarlach at the beginning of Macha According to the People of Emain Macha.
- In addition, you only need to talk to Wyllow, then Delen, then Del, then Nele to receive all 18 notes.
- You no longer need to Handicraft the Fomor Command Scroll (Statue Restoration), nor obtain their materials.
- You no longer need to Handicraft the Spirit Potion, nor obtain its materials.
- You no longer need to Handicraft the Anti-Fomor Cloth, nor obtain its materials.
- You are no longer required to wait until Imbolic (Sunday) to enter Baol Infiltration.
- The Protection Charm Quest is no longer a Sub-Quest; it has become compulsory.
- You no longer need to obtain the materials (Mythril Thread, Charm of Protection, and Teardrop of the Spirit) needed for the Protection Charm.
- Completing Generation 3 now rewards 40 AP.
- Players who have completed Generation 3 prior to the update will receive a congratulatory quest that rewards them the AP.
- The storyline can now be replayed after completion.
- This can only be done in parts, however.
- For example, playing Divine Fury completes after the quest Macha according to the People is completed; you will not proceed into later parts of the story.
- This is similar to how Saga works.
- When replaying Generation 1, quests appear in the Replay tab instead of the Advent tab.
- Korean voiceovers have been added for NPCs during Generation 3.
NPCs involved in Dark Knight
NPCs involved in Dark Knight
Divine Fury: Macha
Goddess's Message
Macha According to the People of Emain Macha

Macha According to the People of Emain Macha
Wyllow Delen Del Nele Tarlach
Be sure to have plenty of inventory space in the "Me" tab of your inventory.
- You will receive the book Macha According to Emain Macha upon receiving this quest.
- Talk to Wyllow located inside Emain Macha's Cathedral.
- Talk to Delen located at Emain Macha's Town Square.
- Talk to Del located at Emain Macha's Town Square.
- Talk to Nele located at Emain Macha's Square. You will receive eighteen Notes with [NPC]'s Answer.
- Put all 18 Notes inside the book. Afterwards, open the book and claim your reward.
- Talk to Tarlach. He will take the book from you.
- The quest will auto-complete and you will receive 21000 EXP.
Goddess Statue Restoration
Wyllow's Request
Comgan's Request
Kristell's Request
Meven's Request
Ancient Wisdom
The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain
The Meaning of Dorca Feadhain
Aodhan/Eavan Tarlach Meven
The NPC you have to talk to depends on your gender. Keep this in mind from here on out. If you change genders during the quest chain, your NPC will change accordingly.
- Talk to respective NPC. (See below)
- Female characters talk to Aodhan and Male characters talk to Eavan.
- Talk to Tarlach.
- Talk to Meven.
- The quest will auto-complete and you will receive 25000 EXP and 1000 Gold.
Tarlach's Request
Tarlach's Request
Tarlach Duncan
- Talk to Tarlach. You will receive Mari's Arrow.
- Talk to Duncan. He will take Mari's Arrow in exchange for the Spirit Potion.
- The quest will auto-complete and you will receive 15000 EXP and 500 Gold.
Deliver the Spirit Potion
Deliver the Spirit Potion
- Talk to Tarlach. He will take the Spirit Potion from you.
- The quest will auto-complete and you will receive 25000 EXP and 2000 Gold.
James' Request
Acquire the Unknown Fomor Scroll
Making the Anti-Fomor Robe
Making the Anti-Fomor Robe
Aodhan/Eavan Tarlach
Due to the difficulty of the mobs found inside Baol Infiltration, it may take several attempts. All the rooms are orb-based rooms. Fighting is highly discouraged. It is advised that you take off any equipment that you cherish, as there is a chance that you will fail by dying in the dungeon. Although you will be transported out of the dungeon if you become unconscious at any point, there is a chance you will lose blessings. To ensure your success, follow the tips below. This will be significantly harder for Giants, due to lacking Rock Throwing and Play Dead skills. To ensure that you safely go through this as a Giant, take it one switch at a time. Be sure to stay close to the walls as possible and take off the robe if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns.
- Talk to Aodhan (if Female) or Eavan (if Male). They will take the Anti-Fomor Cloth.
- Talk to Tarlach. You will receive Tarlach's Record.
- Talk to Aodhan/Eavan. They will exchange Tarlach's Record for the Anti-Fomor Robe.
- Talk to Tarlach. You will receive an Infiltration Pass and the Tir Na Nog Dungeon Pass Keyword.
- Return to Another World of Bangor and drop the pass on Baol Dungeon's Altar.
- Can only be done solo.
- A cutscene occurs upon entering.
- The goal for this dungeon is to reach the boss room. The dungeon consists of one floor and 3 rooms, all orb-based.
- All monsters will aggro at you instantly if you are within range, so be cautious when you equip/unequip the robe. You will also be aggroed by monsters if you talk in public chat, attack any monster, or if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound appears and notices you.
- Do not equip the robe in your Style inventory slot otherwise its effects will not take place.
- Only one set of Guard Skeleton Hellhounds will appear per orb room. The other spawns are randomized.
- Remember: Normal Guards will instantly detect you without the robe, while Guard Skeleton Hellhounds will instantly detect you with the robe.
- However, the Hellhounds can still detect if you do not have the robe after a short period of time has passed.
- If a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns, unequip the robe, kill them (if possible), wait for the bodies to despawn, re-equip the robe, then hit the rest of the orbs.
- All Guards are multi-aggro, and are extremely powerful. Getting caught will most certainly lead to defeat.
- The use of Area of Effect Pets, such as Crystal Deers, will be very helpful to stun the guards.
- There are various methods to drop and/or avoid aggro:
- Elves or Human players with the Crystal Deer can use hide to slip past mobs.
- Play Dead and Crisis Escape can be used to drop aggro.
- Giants cannot obtain (or use) Play Dead.
- Summon Golem, Pierrot Marionette, and Colossus Marionette can help distract the guards.
- A high ranked Lullaby can sedate the guards, giving you time to hit the orbs and run through.
- Dying in this dungeon will automatically expel you out of the dungeon to the lobby. You will also receive another dungeon pass.
- It is advised to unequip before performing this dungeon.
- If you leave through the entrance or am disconnected in the dungeon, you will not get a pass to the dungeon. You can get another pass from Morc.
- All Magic Skills other than Healing, Mana Shield, Meditation, Fire Shield, Ice Shield, Lightning Shield, Natural Shield, and Lightning Rod cannot be cast while inside the dungeon. However, magic charges brought in from outside will not disappear.
- You cannot Transform before entering the dungeon, nor can you transform while inside.
- After reaching the boss room, a cutscene will play. You will be warped to Dunbarton's Church, next to Kristell. You will also receive the Cromm Cruaich Keyword. The Anti-Fomor Robe will also disappear.
- Manually complete the quest to receive 100000 EXP.
- Note: Guard Skeleton Hellhound are Lightning type, so use elementals to protect yourself.
- Note: These mobs can mostly be avoided if you stay on the side of the rooms and do not run in front of them. The only one that will aggro in this case is the Guard Skeleton Hellhound. If you fail to stay to the sides of any mob-filled dungeon room, a multi aggro will occur.
- Note: It is possible to predict to some degree which orb will open the door. For an explanation of how to do it, click here.
Room-Clearing Tips
- It is advised to use Archery to lure out the mobs from their room and killing them one by one.
- If there are consecutive rooms. It is best to kill all the mobs in the room, in order to avoid getting aggroed.
- Wait for the Guard Skeleton Hellhounds to disappear once you defeat them, before continuing the dungeon.
- If mobs other than the Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawn, after hitting an orb, kill them before hitting another orb.
- Guard Gargoyle can use stomp. Allowing it to attack you while you are playing dead.
- Using Rock Throw near the entrance or exit of the room is advised, in order to run out of the room as quickly as possible.
- Pets are useful to distract monsters and mounts are useful to quickly get out of the room.
This method utilizes Rock Throwing and Summoning Golems. A high rank Summon Golem, Alchemy Mastery, and/or Earth Alchemy Mastery, as well as bringing a large amount of alchemy elemental crystals is strongly recommended.
- Load Rock Throwing and position yourself at the entrance of the room. Doing this will allow you dart back into the hallway with a lesser chance of being detected if a Guard Skeleton Hellhound spawns.
- Throw the stone at one of the orbs closest to the entrance.
- Immediately run out, use Summon Golem, and use it to eliminate the mobs.
- If the Golem is destroyed or its duration runs out, quickly summon another one.
- Repeat the process.
Pet Prep Tips
Pet Prep Tips - Since speaking within this dungeon will automatically aggro any spawned enemy, before you enter the dungeon, be sure of the following:
- Set your pets to spawn in with "Command or Auto Mode" AI as the default.
- Map summoning hotkeys to your alt and ctrl buttons for your pets.
- Use any spare hotkey slots to use pet commands.
- To target an enemy with your pet, either right click and choose "attack with pet" or hold Shift until you see the P added to your cursor and click the enemy. Your pet will automatically target this enemy, and if you set a skill, will continue to use that skill on it.
- You should align your Crystal Deer and yourself in a similar position as the picture below.
- Hit the switch and quickly mount your Deer after hitting it then quickly press your Hide Hotkey. In most cases, you will not aggro the mobs, nor should your deer catch aggro.
- Set the deer's AI to Command Mode to prevent it from attacking the mobs.
- If mobs spawn, slowly and carefully keep an eye on your Deer's Mana, as well as the mobs around you. Get behind another switch.
- Unfortunately, there is usually one switch in the room that will not allow you to walk behind it.
- This process is to be repeated until you complete the dungeon, or fail it.
- Puppet's Snare and Wire Pull can help easily dispatch enemies.
- All of the mobs that spawn can be snared in place by Puppet's Snare.
- Wire Pull can be used to pull a single enemy away from the group to safely eliminate it.
- Higher ranks is advised due to the range increase.
- With the use of the Pierrot Marionette and Colossus Marionettes, one can use the Marionette as decoys to safely hit switches without worry about aggro.
- Higher ranks of the marionette is recommended due to their large base HP, defense, and protection.
Decisive Battle
A Thank You to Aodhan/Eavan
Protection Charm
Decisive Battle

Decisive Battle
You will be running a very difficult dungeon. It is highly advised to bring strong players with versatile skills and/or abilities, as well as entering the dungeon with a full party. Furthermore, you cannot get up with the help of Nao, nor can you use Goddess Statues found inside the dungeon. In order to get up, it is recommended to have a friend or another player spot you with Advanced Phoenix Feathers on hand. You are to also bring plenty of supplies, such as Potions, Bandages, and Phoenix Feathers. As a safety precation, you may want to stay out of the room if you feel that you cannot handle the mobs. If you have Party Phoenix Feathers on hand, use it to resurrect people quickly without having to be next to the unconscious player(s). For best results, it is recommended you stay outside of the room, while reviving the players that are dead inside. This ensures that you have a safety net for succeeding in the dungeon even though your other party members have been knocked unconscious while inside the room. Remember to take healing breaks in between rooms, especially after rooms with multi-aggroing mobs.
- A cutscene will shortly occur after completing the previous quest.
- Talk to Tarlach. You will receive a Barri Dungeon Pass to Another World and a Baol Dungeon Pass.
- If you lose the Baol Dungeon Pass in any way, you can ask Morc or Tarlach for another one.
- At this point, if you intend to bring people to assist you, now is the time to do so.
- Remember that the Barri Dungeon Pass to Another World must be done solo. There are three different ways to transport the party:
- Purchase two more passes from Gilmore via The Pass to the Other World Keyword for 1500G each and trade the passes to the other players, then meet them on the other side.
- Currently, if a helping player has not completed Generation 2, it may prevent them from entering the dungeon.
- Have someone with an Avon Feather head to Another World, then hitch a ride with a second person wielding an Avon Feather to meet up in Avon, then hitch a ride with the one located at Another World and have him/her use their Avon Feather to transport the party.
- Have someone with a partner's Carriage head to Another World, then meet them at their Homestead and hitch a ride.
- Return to Another World of Bangor and drop the pass on Baol Dungeon's Altar. For more information on the dungeon, click here.
- This is the Final Dungeon. Please prepare accordingly before entering.
- Two others may join to assist you.
- Unlike Baol Infiltration, all Transformations are allowed.
- Although there are Goddess Statues within the dungeon, there are no revival points. Phoenix Feathers (via pets and/or other players) and Revival Balloons are able to be used.
- At the boss room, a cutscene occurs. Stay alive in the battle between Ruairi and Morgant until another cutscene occurs. They both spawn directly in the middle of the map, so stay in a corner where they cannot aggro (they usually aggro within 1/5th of the entire room). Ruairi is also immune to all damage.
- Following the battle with Ruairi and Morgant, you must fight Cromm Cruaich, a powerful Dragon.
- Please view Cromm Cruaich's monster page, in order to read advices and information on it.
- Set up a Campfire or Barrier Spikes to avoid being hit, as it is the only obstacle you can use in the whole room.
- Ideally, you would want to set up the Barrier Spike(s) and/or Campfire in a corner.
- It is possible to use Throw Paper Airplane before the Fireball lands, as it has invincibility frames.
- Ranged, Alchemy, and Dual Gun Skills can hit Cromm Cruaich in Flight.
- Once Cromm Cruiach's defeated, Generation 3 is over. You will obtain the Obsidian enchant and title 'the Savior of Erinn' as a reward. Human characters will soon receive the Dark Knight Quest after the completion of this quest.
- (Optional) You will lose the Protection Charm and receive Aodhan's Ring/Eavan's Ring. Return it to Aodhan/Eavan and a cutscene will occur.
- Manually complete the quest to receive 40 AP and 221,000 EXP.
- If you have completed Generation 3 prior to the G17S4 renewal, you will receive a congratulatory quest for clearing Generation 3 and receive 40 Ability Points after completion of the quest.
Game Scripts  |
Chapter 1 | | | Chapter 2 | | | Chapter 3 | | | Chapter 4 | | | Chapter 5 | | | Chapter 6 | | | Chapter 7 | | | Arcana | | | Chapter 8 | | | Other | |