- For the Generation 3: Dark Knight final boss, see Cromm Cruaich (Monster).

Cromm Cruaich
Love them... and take care of them... Whether it be a human being like you, or other living creatures... whether it be the world you live in... or, most importantly, the very being that lives and breathes every day, YOU... Differences will disappear in the name of understanding, and that would be the true calling of beings like you that have come to this world. That's how the world will be shaped and formed... through your very own two hands... The next time you summon me, I hope to see more things in Tir Na Nog go through positive changes...
—Cromm Cruaich
The leader of the Blue Dragons whom descended from Zardine. Cromm Cruaich, well known as the Dragon of Death, Devil of Destruction, the God of Utter Destruction, or the God of Unending Darkness, was a creature that once terrified Erinn and was known to destroy everything in plain sight. It plays a major role in Generation 3 and 8.
Mainstream Story
Past (Spoilers)
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In Generation 1, Duncan says that Cromm Cruaich along with Glas Ghaibhleann were sent to Erinn, wreaking havoc and chaos over the world.
In Generation 3, Seumas mentions that the Dragon Ruins is actually a statue of Cromm Cruaich, built as a shrine to worship and make sacrifices for the dragon. He also mentions that the dragon can be summoned by awakening the dragon through the statue or make a contract with the dragon and then offer a sacrifice that was promised to be given. However, according to Seumas, the first method of revival appears to be impossible, but there is nothing known about making a contract or what sacrifice must be given.
In Generation 11 and 12, Berched and Cai mention that Cromm Cruaich swallowed Claimh Solas and killed Nuadha. Before killing Nuadha, his Temple Knight allies were terrified of the dragon and refused to help him despite promising to reside and assist Nuadha under all circumstances, presumably leading to his hatred of humanity.
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Cromm Cruaich was planned to be summoned by Macha once Cichol resurrected her through Lia Fail. The plot seemingly fails when Lia Fail is destroyed, but Cichol reveals that Ruairi's father made a contract with Cromm Cruaich and Ruairi was the sacrifice, summoning a stone recreation of the dragon. Everyone except the Milletian leaves, with Morrighan sealing off the area to prevent the dragon from escaping and allowing the Milletian to defeat it.
Once the doppelganger dragon is defeated, the real one flies in and tells the Milletian that Cichol's meddling has caused it to act, and that it must take Ruairi for now to shorten the suffering inflicted. Before flying off, Cromm Cruaich states that it wishes to see Tir Na Nog change to a better outcome in the future, and that a "true" paradise would exist.
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Cromm Cruaich, leader of the Blue Dragons in Zardine is preparing a ceremony to summon a dragon, Adniel, using Ruairi as a "Conductor."
However, the Red Dragon Leader Crumena has sinister plans for the ceremony. After Crumena tricks the Milletian into helping it, the Red Dragon later fights off Cromm Cruaich at Raspa Volcano. Unaware of the opposing Dragon's identity, the Milletian fires the Irinid Ballista Bolt at Cromm Cruaich, injuring it and giving Crumena the opportunity to push it into the lava and kill Cromm Cruaich while Ruairi falls unconscious somewhere in the area. Crumena then insults the dead dragon, revealing to the Milletian that they assisted in killing Cromm Cruaich.
- Although Cromm Cruaich is listed as the leader of the Blue Dragons, its skin color is more brown than blue.
- When completing the Zardine's Artifact Collection Book (2011) from the Belita's Ancient Artifact Map (2011) gachapon, a cutscene will play and Cromm Cruaich will appear, giving the player a special reward from one of five boxes.
- Despite their interaction in G3, it is a mystery why the Milletian did not recognize Cromm Cruaich in G8. This is possibly due to the Korean director changing the storyline and leaving a huge plot hole for Cromm Cruaich. This dragon was mentioned again as a 'God of Unending Darkness' in Generation 9, proving that G8's Cromm Cruaich behavior is different than that of G3 and G9.
Cromm Cruaich concept art.
Artwork of Cromm in Generation 3.