For a list of the Golem family, see here.
Alban Knight Golem
Alban Knights Training Grounds
Melee Hits
Running Speed
Detection Speed
Detection Range
Will attack unprovokedYes100
Smash Click this icon for the page on Smash. 100 Defense Click this icon for the page on Defense. 100 Counterattack Click this icon for the page on Counterattack. 100 Windmill Click this icon for the page on Windmill. 100 Rage Impact Click this icon for the page on Rage Impact. 100 Bash Click this icon for the page on Bash. 100 Assault Slash Click this icon for the page on Assault Slash. 100 Human Ranged Attack Click this icon for the page on Human Ranged Attack. 100 Magnum Shot Click this icon for the page on Magnum Shot. 100 Crash Shot Click this icon for the page on Crash Shot. 100 Mirage Missile Click this icon for the page on Mirage Missile. 100 Arrow Revolver Click this icon for the page on Arrow Revolver. 100 Rain Casting Click this icon for the page on Rain Casting. 100 Firebolt Click this icon for the page on Firebolt. 100 Lightning Bolt Click this icon for the page on Lightning Bolt. 100 Icebolt Click this icon for the page on Icebolt. 100 Fireball Click this icon for the page on Fireball. 100 Meteor Strike Click this icon for the page on Meteor Strike. 100 Teleportation Click this icon for the page on Teleportation. 100 Summon Golem Click this icon for the page on Summon Golem. 100 Night Change Click this icon for the page on Night Change. 100 Instinctive Reaction Click this icon for the page on Instinctive Reaction. 100 Celestial Spike Click this icon for the page on Celestial Spike. 100 Judgment Blade Click this icon for the page on Judgment Blade. 100 Shield of Trust Click this icon for the page on Shield of Trust. 100 Holy Confinement Click this icon for the page on Holy Confinement. 100 Holy Contagion Click this icon for the page on Holy Contagion. 100 Mineral Hail Click this icon for the page on Mineral Hail. 100 Alban Ambush Attack Click this icon for the page on Alban Ambush Attack. 100 Alban Ice Spray Click this icon for the page on Alban Ice Spray. 100 Alban Arrow Rain Click this icon for the page on Alban Arrow Rain. 100 Heavy Stander Click this icon for the page on Heavy Stander.Rank 1 100 Mana Deflector Click this icon for the page on Mana Deflector.Rank 1 100 Natural Shield (Monster) Click this icon for the page on Natural Shield (Monster).Rank 1 100
Hit Points
Melee Damage
Ranged Damage
Def. (Prot.)
Combat Power
? (?)
? (?)
? (?)
? (?)
? (?)
[show]Notes & Advice
- Summons Mage, Warrior, and Archer Spirits, Black New Gremlin, Goblin Hunter, Heavy Skeleton Armor Ogre, Stinky Berkkus
- Skills vary between difficulties. He has level 2 Passive defenses on Intermediate(?)/Advanced, and Level 3 Passive Defenses on Hard/Heroic, only to be changed by Night Change.
- On Advanced/Hard/Heroic, his passive defenses will have been set in place before his plume changes color.
- Has a Unique version of Night Change, which dictates not only its Passive Defenses, but also what type of skills it uses. Grey (All), Green (Archery), Red (Melee), and Blue (Magic).
- Its Night Change state also dictates its AI, Grey only means it has not picked a state yet for its AI, but has all Defenses enabled, Green causes its AI to become similar to most Archers, passive and attempting to constantly pelt arrows, however it will not use defense, and it rarely will only walk. Red will make it hyper aggressive, extremely quick to react to any attack ranged or otherwise, and it has a tendency to attempt to use Smash. Magic will cause it to strafe and use its varied magic, very similar to Ghosts. It can use any of the skills outside of its three major areas with impunity, but it cannot inter-use its skills.
- Teleports only when knocked down, and often teleports half the map away. Sometimes, it'll run back from where it teleports depending on if you had hit it during its teleport prompt, often with intent to retaliate.
- Take advantage of its weaker AI in ranged/magic, it will have a higher tendency to summon monsters, but it wont react as well as melee.
- Occasionally, his AI will bug and he won't switch. This causes it to be impossible to deal any damage to him on Hard/Heroic aside from using shock damage from Mirage Missile, the drain portion of Life Drain, Devil's Cry, Hydra Transmutation, Wings of Rage after effects, and the sustained damage from Dischord, or Shadow Spirit.
- Seldom, he will switch to another skillset, but his helmet's plume will not change color.
- Avoid knocking him down if at all possible, or keeping him stunned fully, as he will summon monsters and teleport if he has the chance, but knocking him back will not trigger teleporting.
- Recommended to use Final Hit if he's Melee-only, Way of the Gun if he's ranged, and Firebolt spam if he is magic. Using Pummel to hold him in place is also advised.
- Occasionally, he will repeatedly spam Alban Golem Ambush. In higher difficulties, it is near impossible without a mounted pet or exceedingly high run speed to dodge it. Using an attack immediately upon him coming up is the easiest way, a quick Shuriken Charge will also work.
- Bash will almost always cause him to use Rage Impact without cooldown, making the skill extremely difficult to use.
Track: The One Who Blocks, The One Who Surpasses