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(Redirected from Eagle Mask Akule)
Portrait of AkuleFile:Akule.png
Race Human
Gender Male
Age 45
Occupation Shaman
Location Cor Village
Track Mischievous Soul

And who might you... Oh, I see! It's you! The Dragon Conductor! The hope of all shamans! I must admit, though... You're not at all what I expected.




His arms bulge with well-toned muscles, almost as striking as the strange animal mask that hides his face. For some reason, your mind becomes clearer as you approach. You get the sense that he is smiling at you.

Akule is the head shaman who mentors Millia and Shamala and is a primary character to The Saga: Iria.

When wearing his monkey mask, he has an active personality, possibly carefree, if not enthusiastic; this playful attitude can be considered more problematic than anything. With his eagle mask, he becomes a little more serious, especially in battle. He also keeps his monkey mask on at all times, wearing his eagle mask over it, preferring not to show his face.

He is also a skilled craftsman, with the ability to create special charms.


Mainstream Storyline


  • This NPC cannot be interacted with Keywords.


Akule showed up in the non-canon Storybook Tir Chonaill event.



Track Title
Mischevious Soul
Speaking to Akule


  • Lelach has the same in-game model as Akule, albeit without the mask.
  • Demote also has the same in-game model as Akule.
  • Under his mask, Akule's Monkey Mask model has basic features and black eyes. This was erroneously replaced with a different eye and color set after the 2021 Beauty update.
