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Massive Despair Hammermini

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Equipped Massive Despair Hammer Sheathed Massive Despair Hammer
Equipped Sheathed

A two-handed blunt weapon that grabs attention due to its shiny spikes. Quite intimidating! It's been crafted by combining Hillwen techniques with Shyllien magic. It looks impossible to wield and swing for any except those with immense strength. Perhaps an honorable warrior from the land of endless snowfields might be able to use it to its full potential.

Base Stats and Information

Icon of Massive Despair Hammer
2 × 4
Very Slow 2 Hit Weapon
Base Stats Limitations
Damage 20~75 Injury 2%~4% Human Classic Spirit Blacksmith
90% = 134 G
93% = 503 G
95% = 1,196 G
96% = 1,654 G
97% = 2,336 G
98% = 3,018 G
100% = 5,970 G
Balance 21% Critical 28% Elf Enchant
Stun 2.7 sec Upgrade?100 5/1 Giant Reforge
Durability 20
NPC Value?
10,000 G100 Dual W.100 Sp. Up.100
S. Radius100 400 S. Angle100 100°
S. Damage100 50% SP/Swing100 2.0
Enchant Types?100 / Two-handed Weapon / Blunt / Metal / 
Other Information
  • Is a Close Combat Weapon and receives various melee skill bonuses.
  • Boosts the multiplier of Giant Full Swing.
  • This item may receive randomized stat bonuses, which are compounded to its base stats (except those received through NPCs/gachapons):
    • Additional Minimum Attack: 5~10
    • Additional Maximum Attack: 3~19
    • Additional Critical %: 1~5
    • Additional Balance: 3~27
    • Additional Max Durability: 2~10
  • Compatible with Two-handed Hammer Appearance Scrolls.
  • Can receive Erg enhancement.
Obtained From?100
Sold By?
  • None

Hillwen Engineering Details

Name Skill Rank Production Exp Materials Needed
Massive Despair Hammer
7 100,000 Fused Hillwen Alloy x 2
Subtle Mark x 1
Frosted Borealis Crystal x 25
Teardrop Gem x 10
Black Chain x 1
Thornbush Mineral x 20

Dye Details

Items can be dyed using Dye Ampoules. The colors available depend on the palette of the part to be dyed.

  Part A Part B Part C
Dyed Part Morningstar head, upper shaft, and pommel trim Morningstar spikes' base color, shaft's decorative knobs, shaft's overlying wrappings, and pommel mineral Spikes' highlights and shaft's underlying wrappings
Palette Used Armor Metal Cloth Cloth
  Part D Part E Part F
Dyed Part Spikes' highlights and pommel gem Morningstar head chains, shaft parts, and pommel wrappings Handle grip
Palette Used Cloth Armor Metal Armor Metal


Upgrade Name Proficiency Upgrade Details UG # Cost NPC
Hilt Change 30 Minimum Damage +2 0~0 3,000 Krug
Weight Reduction 10 Minimum Damage +5
Maximum Damage -5
0~3 2,000
Steeling 10 Critical +4% 1~2 2,000
Weight Adjustment 1 2 Balance +1% 0~4 500
Weight Adjustment 2 4 Balance +2% 0~3 1,000
Weight Adjustment 3 6 Balance +3% 0~2 1,500
Weight Adjustment 4 8 Balance +4% 0~1 2,000
Tempering 1 5 Maximum Damage +3
Balance -2%
0~4 2,500
Tempering 2 15 Maximum Damage +4
Balance -4%
1~4 4,500
Tempering 3 25 Maximum Damage +5
Balance -6%
2~4 6,500
Tempering 4 35 Maximum Damage +6
Balance -8%
3~4 8,500
Tempering 5 45 Maximum Damage +7
Balance -10%
4~4 10,500
Unique Upgrade 95 Minimum Damage +7
Maximum Damage +35
Maximum Injury Rate +5%
Critical +10%
Balance +30%
0~0 100,000
Krug's Hammer Enhancement 60 Minimum Damage +5
Maximum Damage +15

Balance -10%
Maximum Durability -5

Splash Damage +10%
0~0 18,400 Krug
Taunes's Hammer Enhancement 88 Minimum Damage +5
Maximum Damage +5
Balance +20%

Maximum Durability -5
Splash Radius +50 cm
0~0 28,500 Taunes
Taunes's Hammer Upgrade 50 Maximum Damage +5
Critical +10%

Minimum Damage -5
Balance -10%
3~4 13,300
Artisan Upgrade 100 Strength: +5 ~ +30
Luck: +5 ~ +30
Maximum HP: +3 ~ +6
Maximum Stamina: +3 ~ +6
4~4 20,000 Krug

Gem Upgrades

Upgrade Name Proficiency Upgrade Details UG # Cost Gems NPC
Gem Repair 1 100 Maximum Durability +2 0~0 19,000 G Diamond 1.0 cm+
Star Sapphire 1.0 cm+
Emerald 1.0 cm+
Hammer Gem Upgrade 1 100 Maximum Damage +2
Critical +2%

Balance -2%
0~0 2,000 G Spinel 1.0 cm+
Ruby 2.0 cm+
Star Sapphire 4.0 cm+

Upgrade Sequences

Type Upgrade 1
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 2
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 3
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 4
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 5
Proficiency / Cost
Final Stats & Changes
Total Proficiency / Cost
Unique Upgrade
95 / 100,000
Tempering 2
15 / 4,500
Tempering 3
25 / 6,500
Tempering 4
35 / 8,500
Tempering 5
45 / 10,500
Attack 32-132 Critical 39%
Injury Rate 2%-9%
Balance 25% Durability 22
215 / 128,000