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Celtic Clashing Lance

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Equipped Celtic Clashing Lance Sheathed Celtic Clashing Lance
Equipped Sheathed

A lance fashioned in the likeness of one possessed by a goddess. It has been imbued with an ancient power that resounds in the clangor of its blows.

Base Stats and Information

Icon of Celtic Clashing Lance
1 × 4
Very Slow 2 Hit Weapon
Base Stats Limitations
Damage 40~56 Injury 10%~25% Human Classic Spirit Blacksmith
90% = 115 G
93% = 418 G
95% = 967 G
96% = 1,327 G
97% = 1,861 G
98% = 2,396 G
100% = 4,705 G
Balance 19% Critical 18% Elf Enchant
Stun 2.7 sec Upgrade?100 5/1 Giant Reforge
Durability 12
NPC Value?
6,000 G100 Dual W.100 Sp. Up.100
S. Radius100 300 S. Angle100 80°
S. Damage100 70% SP/Swing100 1.8
Enchant Types?100 / Two-handed Weapon / Lance / Metal / 
Other Information
Obtained From?100
Sold By?
  • None

Blacksmithing Details

Manual's Name Manual's
Manual's Obtainment In-progress
Materials Needed
per Attempt
Avg. Completion
per Success
Smith Guide.png
Blacksmithing Manual -
Celtic Clashing Lance
3 100,000 117,200 G
Celtic Clashing Lance Craft.png Firm Blade Fragment x 1
Huge Armor Fragment x 3
Silver Ingot x 2
Mythril Ingot x 8
Shining Crystal Shard x 1
Large Nail x 10
Incomplete Seal Emblem x 6
Approx. 8 attempts.

Dye Details

Items can be dyed using Dye Ampoules. The colors available depend on the palette of the part to be dyed.

  Part A Part B Part C
Dyed Part ? ? ?
Palette Used Armor Metal Armor Metal Armor Metal


Upgrade Name Proficiency Upgrade Details UG # Cost NPC
Tempering 1 10 Max Attack +4
Max Durability +1
Balance -1
0~0 1,000 Edern Nerys Taunes
Tempering 2 25 Max Attack +6
Max Durability +1
Balance -2
1~1 2,000
Tempering 3 35 Max Attack +8
Max Durability +3
Balance -4
2~2 4,000
Celtic Clashing Lance Custom Tempering 60 Max Attack +10
Max Durability -1
Minimum Attack -4
Balance -4
3~3 60,000
Celtic Clashing Lance Custom Edge Sharpening 60 Max Attack +5
Critical +5
Max Durability -5
Piercing Level +2
4~4 60,000

Gem Upgrades

Upgrade Name Proficiency Upgrade Details UG # Cost Gems NPC
Gem Upgrade 100 Max Attack +2 0~0 13,000 Jasper 1.0 cm+
Spinel 2.0 cm+
Diamond 4.0 cm+
Edern Nerys Taunes

Upgrade Sequences

Type Upgrade 1
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 2
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 3
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 4
Proficiency / Cost
Upgrade 5
Proficiency / Cost
Proficiency / Cost
Final Stats & Changes
Total Proficiency / Cost
Highest Max Damage
Tempering 1
10 / 1,000
Tempering 2
25 / 2,000
Tempering 3
35 / 4,000
Celtic Clashing Lance Custom Tempering
60 / 60,000
Celtic Clashing Lance Custom Edge Sharpening
60 / 60,000
Gem Upgrade
100 / 13,000
+35 Max Damage
-4 Min Damage
+5 Critical
+2 Piercing Level
-1 Durability
-11 Balance
290 / 127,000G