- Hot Spring Tickets are sold by certain NPCs during the event.
- Go to the Hot Springs in Zardine and talk to the Hot Spring Tree, located near the Mana Tunnel, with an Axe-type weapon equipped to trigger the Shadow Mission "Monkey Mash."
- Talking to the tree without an axe equipped will result in some dialogue, but nothing else will happen.
- Talk to the Hot Spring Spirit, who will appear in the mission after all four waves of monkeys have been defeated. Agree to his request which involves delivering an item to an NPC.
- Monkey Man appears under the Hot Spring Tree during every in-game day at 8:00am to 11:00am, 12:30pm to 2:00pm, and 5:00pm to 7:00pm. He can be fed food in exchange for a gift.
- You will receive a Relay Treasure Chest for gifting a Glutton Monkey.
Ruwai's Fish
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
Otters are people, too. And they have to clean after themselves, too! That cute little mongrel! - Hot Spring Spirit -
Arenen's Spare Vest
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
This looks pretty darn new! What are these kids thinking, tossing out brand new clothes like this? A real shame. - Hot Spring Spirit -
Ferghus's Towel
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
Why is this towel so greasy? How is this much greasiness even possible? - Hot Spring Spirit -
Simon's Underpants
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
My eyes! MY EYES! They burn! Take these away, NOW! -Hot Spring Spirit -
Aodhan's Shirt
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
Some monkey said this belongs to the captain of the royal guards. Hmph! As if I need a popular guy like him stealing my fans! Come to think of it, I don't need you hanging around, either. Beat it! - Hot Spring Spirit -
Devi's Pants
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
I'm the spirit in charge around here! Why do I have to take care of some guy's pants? Get rid of these for me. - Hot Spring Spirit -
Heulfryn's Spare Robe
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
These robes are so tiny... Is this kid eating enough? You should give him some milk when you deliver this to him. - Hot Spring Spirit -
Voight's Trash
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
Do these hot springs look like a garbage dump to you? Huh? Well apparently it does to some human jerk who came here to soak the other day. Go tell him off, will you? - Hot Spring Spirit -
Myrddin's Fishing Rod
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
I've never seen a guy trying to fish at the hot springs before! What did he think he'd find in there? Boiled fish? - Hot Spring Spirit -
Eaven's Bracelet
How to Get Quest
Talk to Hot Spring Spirit after completing Monkey Mash.
A pretty girl lost this at the hot springs a few days ago. Bring it back to her, would you? and while you're at it, see when she's coming back. I get lonely, see... - Hot Spring Spirit -
The following items may come with a rare colored blade, the colors listed with the respective weapon.
- Broad Axe
- Red flashy, blue flashy, black flashy, yellow flashy, green, blue, red, orange, pink, purple, or yellow.
- Francisca
- Orange, Red, yellow, white, or blue flashy.
- Gathering Axe
- Hatchet
- Red flashy, blue flashy, yellow flashy, green flashy, black flashy, yellow, red, orange, green, blue, sky blue, pink, or purple.
- May have the Spike, Fox, or Fang enchant.
- Warrior Axe
Monkey Man Food List
Monkey Man Reward List