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From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Undercover Maike)
Portrait of MaikeFile:Maike.png
Race Elf
Gender Male
Age 57
Occupation Castanea Royal Guard Captain
Location Filia
Track Blade Above the Sand


The man before you seems stern and calculating, his cold gaze punctuated by the long scar that runs diagonally down the length of his face. His bobbed, curly hair is combed roughly, his sharp ears jutting out from beneath the barely-tamed mop. You can read his rigidity through his stiff posture and the uniform slightly too big for his thin frame.

Maike is the captain of the Castanea Royal Guard. He bears a mysterious scar from his forehead to his left cheek and dark bags under his eyes. He is also serious, taking his position with the utmost pride as an Elf.

He has a strong hatred for giants and does not like being compared to such a "weak race." He is also very begrudging of the truce between the two races.


Mainstream Story



Maike was a playable character during the Cursed Labyrinth events. He wore the following:


  • Strangely, despite being an Elf, he has Final Hit. His Final Hit also has the old loading time.
  • During Generations, Maike is one of the few NPCs that adjusts dialogue based on the character's Race.
  • Oddly, Maike has Magic Skills in the Cursed Labyrinth while he has none during The Saga: Iria.
