General Shop Keyword
*You're not going to the General Shop for weapons, are you? For weapons, you would need to go to the Blacksmith's Shop.
Grocery Store Keyword
*The Grocery Store is located near the Square. Right now, you're at the School.
Healer's House Keyword
*There's no way to avoid getting wounded while battling, and some of the wounds can't be healed by magic or basic treatment. If the injuries keep piling up, your body will get noticeably weaker. That's why it's important to receive proper treatments for your wounds.
Inn Keyword
*In my time, inns were not a daily sight, so I had to pitch a tent and make the best of it. Compared to that, you're having it way too easy here.
Bank Keyword
*It's a good habit to deposit your items at the Bank whenever possible. If you run out of inventory space, you won't be able to pick up or carry additional items. If that happens, you would be doing all the work and someone else would be reaping the rewards. You don't want that, do you?
Blacksmith Shop Keyword
*The Blacksmith's Shop is on the bank of the Adelia Stream, located close to the town entrance. Tell Ferghus I sent you, and he'll take good care of you.
Rest Keyword
Ranged Attack Keyword
*[replaces with Bow keyword] Long range attacks? Hmm... Desire alone doesn't cut it. You'll also need to be equipped with an appropriate weapon. There are a number of long range weapons, but go get a bow first. Just use it a couple of times. You won't need any help from others in understanding the basics. If you practice a few times and get to know about the Ranged Attack skill, it means you're doing your job. Ferghus is usually the source for weapons in this town, so go see him at the Blacksmith's Shop.
Playing Instrument Keyword
*You want to learn the Instrument Playing skill? Hmm... Did you forget that I am a combat instructor? I can't believe you are asking me for that. I am a little disappointed. Ha ha... Don't be so disheartened about what I said, though. I didn't know you would be easily affected by my words. Hahaha. You're just like Malcolm when he was a kid. OK, about the Instrument Playing skill... Go ask Priestess Endelyon at the Church about it. I'm sure she will teach you well.
Composing Keyword
*You're interested in the Composing skill? Hmm... today's a strange day. Most of the questions people are asking are about petty skills that have nothing to do with combat. Quite disappointing, indeed... You look like a prototypical warrior to me. For you to ask me about skills like that... I feel like you're straying away from the path to becoming a great warrior... But anyway, about the Composing skill... Endelyon knows a lot about it. Make sure you talk with her first. Once you get her advice, make sure to follow her instructions. Don't even think about getting something out of me without listening to her first.
Tailoring Keyword
*You want to make clothes for yourself? Hmm... Why would you come to the School to ask me, a combat instructor, how to make clothes? I just don't get it. But, anyway... You have asked me a question, and as a teacher, I feel obligated to answer it. Talk to Caitin at the Grocery Store. She knows more about that skill than anyone else. From what I've heard, most of the clothes at Malcolm's shop were either designed or tailored by her...
Magnum Shot Keyword
*[keyword removed] Oh... You already know about that? I only gave you a brief summary about the Ranged Attack, and you already picked up that much! Quite impressive! Alright! Let's move on then! Magnum Shot skill helps you to shoot a powerful blow with the power you have concentrated in the bow. Go on and work on the training.
Counterattack Keyword
*Counterattack skill... Simply knowing the skill won't help you. It's all about timing. This skill cannot be mastered unless you practice it in a real combat situation, which means... You'll need to get hit first. I could show you a demonstration right now and teach you this skill, but... I'll probably break you in half. You should go to Trefor instead and ask him to show you the Counterattack skill. It would be a lot safer for you. Go now.
Smash Skill Keyword
*Smash skill... More than anything, balancing your power is the most important thing for this skill. In that respect, Ferghus knows a lot more than I do. Go learn from him.
Gathering Keyword
*Paying too much attention to gathering is against the path of a warrior. But we do need skills to help us survive on barren fields. Being familiar with the Gathering skill would be useful, I guess. At least, an Axe or axe-type weapon would help you gather firewood, while also using it as a devastating weapon. Speaking of firewood, you could ask Tracy at the Ulaid Logging Camp in Dugald Aisle for something like this. There's no doubt that he's a sleazebag, but he's still a lumberjack.
Town Square Keyword
*Follow the path up in front of the School and you will see the Square. The Square is usually the place to meet for many people, talking about various topics and exchanging information. So, if you see any travelers there, don't hesitate to say hello. It never hurts to make friends.
Reservoir Keyword
*The reservoir? Go up north a little bit, and that's where you'll find it. The water in the reservoir comes from the Adelia Stream. We use the Windmill to get water up from the stream to fill the reservoir. It's critical for irrigating the farmland.
Farmland Keyword
*The farmland? Well, it's right in front of the School. You didn't see it? If you're talking about another farmland, there's a small one next to Caitin's Grocery Store, but... Don't step on those crops! Let the scarecrow take care of it.
Windmill Keyword
*Hmm... are you looking for the windmill? I see... The windmill here is well worth a visit. It's picturesque. If you want to see the windmill up close, go near the Inn.
Adelia Stream Keyword
*Hmm... you want to know how to reach the Adelia Stream? It will take some time to get there... It's not easy to explain where it is... Walk outside the School and follow along the farmland. After a while, you will see a small stream and a bridge. Well, that's the Adelia Stream.
Chief's House Keyword
*The Chief's House is at the top of the hill with the big tree, north of the Square. You can see the whole town from up there.
Church Keyword
*The Church? It's very close from here. Just take a few steps up north and you'll see it. Hmm... Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you go to the Church and see what Priestess Endelyon is doing? It's nothing, really. I'm just wondering what she's doing, you know... But don't let Priest Meven see you, okay?
School Keyword
*Tir Chonaill is such a small town that establishing a school was almost unnecessary. But I thought it was necessary that we establish a place for our children to learn the traditions and wisdom of our forefathers. Otherwise, our proud heritage would be been lost after a few generations. We could not let that happen. Fortunately, Lassar came back from her studies around that time, and decided to help out. That's how this School came to be.
Windmill Skill Keyword
*Do you want to know more about the Windmill skill? You should go to Dunbarton then. The combat instructor in Dunbarton is really beautiful... I mean, ummm, she's a really good teacher. Anyway, go to Dunbarton and look for her. Just go all the way down south from Tir Chonaill. That's where Dunbarton is. One thing before you leave. You'd better stay away from that man Tracy, hanging around the Logging Camp. He's just not a good person to be with.
Campfire Skill Keyword
*Hmm... A warrior who also knows the Campfire skill. I guess that could be helpful. However, you can end up spending precious time chopping wood instead of training for your combat skills... You may end up as a lumberjack, not as a warrior... ... You don't want to be like Tracy when you grow up, right? A warrior must always practice self-discipline. Don't stay around a campfire too long and waste precious training time.
Restaurant Keyword
*Hmm... As far as I know, there are no restaurants in Tir Chonaill. If you're looking for something to eat, then talk to Caitin. She spends most of her time working at the Grocery Store, so why don't you go there and say hi to her?
Weapons Shop Keyword
*You can't find the Weapons Shop? Hmm... Well, this is very heartbreaking to say, but there is no Weapons Shop in this town. You will need to go to the Blacksmith's Shop if you need a weapon. All weapons and armor are made at the Blacksmith's Shop by Ferghus himself. There's not much of a variety there, but talk to Ferghus if you need something. Perhaps it's better this way. You know that weapons and armor won't make you a real warrior, don't you? If you depend on them too much, all your training may end up in vain.
Clothing Shop Keyword
*A Clothing Shop? You need new clothes? Personally, I think you look just fine. I didn't realize you were so self-conscious... Perhaps you should reconsider your priorities. A minute ago, you were so intent on becoming a warrior that you were ready to start training right away. And now all you talk about is clothes and style. Do you think you have what it takes to become a true warrior? If you think the clothes you're wearing now are uncomfortable or worn out, then go to Malcolm's General Shop. But if that's not the case, and you just want to look nice, then it's nothing but a waste of money.
Bookstore Keyword
*A bookstore? You won't find one in this town. If you really want to buy some books, it would be better for tiy[sic] to go to another town. A friend of mine who's also a combat instructor told me that Dunbarton has a bookstore. Hmm... reading books is certainly a good thing, but spending too much time on it won't help you get your job done. I suggest you read in moderation. If you spend too much time on books, you can end up a scrawny nerd like that Malcolm guy.
Town Office Keyword
*Hmm.... Probably a big town or city may have it, since they are usually under the lordship of Aliech. But there's no town office around here. When the descendants of Ulaid built Tir Chonaill and its neighborhood, they wanted no one to govern us but ourselves. If you'd like to know more about our town, why don't you visit the Chief's House? You can go and see him in case you've lost something. The Chief usually keeps it for a while.
Graveyard Keyword
*The graveyard? Hmm... There is one located over the hill behind the Chief's House but... If I were you, I would stay away from that place. It's not right to cause a commotion literally on top of the dead. It is simply not the right thing to do. I want you to respect the dead, and let them rest in peace.
Magic Shield Skill Keyword
Fishing Skill Keyword
*Mmm? Fishing skill? Hmm... Well, I suppose you can't train for combat skills all the time. You have to relax sometimes. But I should tell you that even fishing has its own set of rules. It wouldn't be right to sit right next to someone who's already fishing and throw your line in to fish.