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Black Mask

From Mabinogi World Wiki
(Redirected from Unmasked Black Mask)
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For more information on the organisation, see Unknown Man.
For monster data, see Black Mask (Monster).
Portrait of Black MaskFile:Black Mask.png
Black Mask
Race Human
Gender Male
Track Deeper and Deeper, Into the Abyss


Black Mask is the presumed leader of the Cessair organization and is one of the primary antagonist behind The Saga: Iria. Unlike his brethren, he wears white garments and an orange scarf rather than black garments and a red scarf.

He is seemingly a friend of the Black Dragon Knight. Black Mask's right-hand woman is Cessair's Heart, and he and his organization are supported by Bhafel and Languhiris.

Mainstream Storyline
