Specially treated on the outside, these gloves repel moisture, attracting hunters who have to often handle blood.
Base Stats and Information
 2 × 2 (edit)
Base Stats
These values may be inaccurate if:
- the item is received through character/pet creation or rebirth.
- Items received through character/pet creation and rebirths have an NPC Value of 0 G
(excluding weapons), making all repairs 1 G regardless of repair rate.
- There are some exceptions to this.
- the item is purchased from an NPC selling for more/less than the item's base value.
- the item is enchanted with a repair cost multiplier.
Repairs? 100
94% = 7 G 95% = 8 G 96% = 10 G 97% = 11 G 98% = 14 G 99% = 17 G 100% = 29 G
Magic Defense
Value, in Gold, this item is worth to NPCs. Does not necessarily mean it can be sold to NPCs.This value may be inaccurate if:
- the durability of the item is lower than the base maximum durability.
- the item is received through character/pet creation or rebirths.
- Items received through character/pet creation and rebirths have an NPC Value of 0 G
(excluding weapons).
- There are some exceptions to this.
- the item is purchased from an NPC selling for more/less than the item's base value.
- the item has a defined Price_Sell, but is dropped by a monster,
in which case it will sell for the Price_Buy adjusted by the NPC Value formula.
NPC Value? 100
BuyPrice: 4200 G
SellPrice: - G
Predicted SellPrice: 684.78260869565 G 684 G
Magic Protection
Worn On
Types of enchants that the item qualifies for.Enchant Types?100
/ Handgear / Glove /
Other Information
Striked out locations indicate where this item can no longer be obtained.Obtained From?100
Striked out locations indicate where this item can no longer be obtained. Key
- G = Gold
- D = Ducats
- P = Pons
- RS = Rafting Stars
- JP = Jousting Points
- DL1 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 1
- DL2 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 2
- DL3 = Royal Court Food Delivery List 3
Sold By? 100
- Coill Abyss Advanced Reward
- Fashion Gachapon (2009)
- Mabinogi Spring Flowers Event (2011)
- Fashion Gachapon (2012)
- Rescue Resident
- Fashion Gachapon (2010)
- Solea (Suffix: Bowman's)
- Desert Hunter Ghost (Strong)
- Burgundy Bear
- Red Jungle Wolf (Prefix: Rusty; Suffix: Cloud)
- Lion (Prefix: Rusty; Suffix: Cloud)
- Lioness (Prefix: Rusty; Suffix: Cloud)
- Giant Lioness (Prefix: Rusty; Suffix: Cloud)
- Giant Lion
- Volcano Lizard (Green)
- Shadow Warrior (Int, Adv, Hard)
- Defeat Crag Cow (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Defeat the Shadow Warrior (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Defeat the Shadow Warrior (Int, Adv) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Defeat the Shadow Warrior (Hard) (Prefixes: Colorful, Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Defeat Fomor Commander I (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Defeat Fomor Commander I (Int) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Defeat Fomor Commander I (Adv) (Prefixes: Windy)
- Defeat Fomor Commander I (Hard) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Defeat Fomor Commander II (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Defeat Fomor Commander II (Int, Adv, Hard) (Prefixes: Colorful; Suffixes: Homunculus)
- Defeat the Shadow Wizard (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Defeat the Shadow Wizard (Int) (Suffixes: Thief, Earnest)
- Defeat the Shadow Wizard (Adv, Hard) (Prefixes: Colorful; Suffixes: Sweet Pea, Healer, Earnest)
- Battle for Taillteann I (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Battle for Taillteann I (Adv) (Prefixes: Colorful; Suffixes: Sweet Pea, Healer, Earnest)
- Battle for Taillteann I (Hard) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Battle for Taillteann I (Elite) (Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Battle for Taillteann II (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Battle for Taillteann II (Int) (Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Rescue the Scout (Int) (Suffixes: Homunculus)
- Rescue the Scout (Adv, Hard) (Prefixes: Colorful; Suffixes: Homunculus)
- Conflict! An Unexpected Battle (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Ghost of Partholon (Basic) (Prefixes: Forgetful)
- Ghost of Partholon (Int) (Suffixes: Earnest, Forgetful)
- Ghost of Partholon (Adv) (Suffixes: Earnest, Forgetful, Thief)
- Ghost of Partholon (Hard) (Suffixes: Earnest)
- Secret Experiment Clue I (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Secret Experiment Clue I (Int) (Suffixes: Windy)
- Secret Experiment Clue I (Hard) (Prefixes: Colorful, Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Secret Experiment Clue III (Basic) (Prefixes: Colorful)
- Secret Experiment Clue III (Hard) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Secret Experiment Clue VI (Int) (Suffixes: Forgetful)
- Secret Experiment Clue VII (Adv) (Suffixes: Homunculus)
- Secret Experiment Clue VIII (Int) (Suffixes: Earnest, Thief)
- Secret Experiment Clue VIII (Adv) (Prefixes: Colorful; Suffixes: Sweet Pea, Healer, Earnest)
- The Other Alchemists (Basic) (Suffixes: Golem, Thief)
- The Other Alchemists (Int, Adv, Hard) (Prefixes: Windy; Suffixes: Golem, Thief)
- Fomor Attack (Basic, Int, Hard) (Suffixes: Sweet Pea)
- Beginner Gachapon (2012) (Prefixes: Fox; Suffixes Giant)
- Tara Auctions (Old) (Prefix: Mana Hammer)
Dye Details
Items can be dyed using Dye Ampoules. The colors available depend on the palette of the part to be dyed.
Part A
Part B
Part C
Dyed Part
Entire gloves
Palette Used