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Max HP/MP/SP Bonus

Max HP/MP/SP Bonus

Should it be noted somewhere that, as your gauges fill up, your Maximum HP/MP/SP increase?

It seems that the increase happens once the gauge is at least 50% filled up. Water seems to boost max MP, Fire boosts Max HP and Clay boosts Max Stam.

Unless I'm not noticing something, Wind doesn't seem to boost a stat.

I'm not sure if this boost is affected by rank either, since I've only seen my rF boost... But the boosts are:

50 HP 150 MP 150 SP

Oh and this is unrelated, but if your Heat Buster isn't fully charged, if you use Elemental Wave, you'll be able to use it anyways. Oh, and the animations for the skills must finish to get the element charged. So getting hit or cancelling before your Flame Burst finishes completely won't award any Fire charge.

Iyasenu (talk)19:14, 24 January 2014

Also rank F elemental wave here. My boosts are 50 on each stat. Something else must be feeding the boosts.
I know all of my alchemy element masteries are at F. it could be those.

~Dæmonis(´∀`) (talk)15:49, 25 January 2014

It's the ele masteries, I had novice water and was getting 0 mp boost, and then ranking it to F pushed the boost to 50.

Marith (talk)23:22, 25 January 2014

I'll see how much my friend gets from rank 1 Water Alchemy mastery.

rF EW and r1 water jumps 150 MP. rC Fire jumps 60HP. r5 Earth jumps 80 stamina. Not sure what the interval is here...

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)23:29, 25 January 2014

Just to add to this, the elemental gauges and effects deserve their own page, not be lumped with Elemental Wave.

Kapra - (Talk)17:31, 26 January 2014

Why is that? They have everything to do with Elemental Wave.

Nope (talk)17:46, 26 January 2014

They have their own function independent of Elemental Wave. The only thing notable is that they are drained by two skills (which does not make them more relevant to those two skills than all the skills that fill them), and they are obtained under possessions of certain skills and weapons. They are their own entity.

Kapra - (Talk)17:49, 26 January 2014
  • And how do you know it's not the skill that provides said function? In fact, the marbles have 0 effect other than being an indicator.
  • "Under possesion"? Elaborate.
  • Own entity: not even. They are completely reliant on EW, even if they only show depending on the equipment.
Nope (talk)17:58, 26 January 2014
  • You can tell where what stats come from with the usage of PALE and Something else that starts with a P which I'm not sure if we can discuss on the wiki.
  • If anything, The Meters are a Function of Guard Cylinder and Cylinders, not Elemental Wave.
  • You obtain the meters by having Elemental Wave and at least one other Alchemy skill that adds or drains to the meter, Elemental Wave is not the sole reliance and it is not the special reliance.

Either way, the case has been made that it deserves its own page rather than being lumped together with skill pages. We don't lump production tools with life skills, or all items onto one page.

Kapra - (Talk)18:02, 26 January 2014
  • Actually, you can't.
    • I'm not sure why you think it's okay to mention one of them and not the other (or, in fact, either).
  • Scenarios:
    • Without EW Skill
      • Equip Cylinder + Guard Cylinder = No Meters
    • With EW Skill
      • Equip Cylinder + Guard Cylinder = Meters
  • Actually, you don't need a skill that increases the meters to have the meters show up. All you need is EW+Cyl+GCyl.
Nope (talk)18:11, 26 January 2014
  • Pale looks at packets and gathers information. The other is capable of sending information back, which qualifies as Hacking, whereas Pale is just reading and logging. Yes, it can be proven.
  • Yes, as I said, that is prerequisites to obtain the meters. That does not make it a feature of Elemental Wave. Same can be said about Enchanting or Wine Making.
  • Nope, you must have a skill such as Water Cannon in order to have the meters appear, I have tested this myself in KR Lute.
Kapra - (Talk)18:22, 26 January 2014
  • Forget it. This wiki has been forsakened long ago anyway.
  • Want to make a bet on that?
Nope (talk)18:25, 26 January 2014

I just realized the ambiguity in my previous statement, but by

Actually, you can't.


I meant you can't determine the source of the bonus.

I'm guessing that's what the

Yes, it can be proven.


is all about?

Nope (talk)19:04, 26 January 2014

...First off this topic was reserved for HP/MP/Stamina bonuses and you two just threw it off topic...

Secondly, Elemental Wave is required to have the attribute marbles/gauges to show up. Nope is right about the gauges only appearing with a Guard Cylinder and Cylinder equipped at once. It will only appear once you have knowledge of it. Since you need to know the skill to have the gauges, it will be lumped with this page in a similar fashion to Act 9: Invigorating Encore. The gauge for Act 9 only appears once the plays knows of Act 9 at novice, and therefore, linked to the skill and interface. I don't see why it needs to be separated.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)19:41, 26 January 2014

Wait what, that wasn't a spearate page already?

  • The following should be separated, or at least moved from skill pages to weapon pages:
    • Fighter skill's exceed system.
    • Puppetry's gauge.
    • Alchemical Orbs.

Just because you need a skill to unlock a feature doesn't make it a feature of that skill.

Kapra - (Talk)19:57, 26 January 2014

...Exceed system? You mean Chains? That's lumped with Chain mastery. Also Attribute Marbles actually had a page, but I believe it now redirects here. There was even discussion for it.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)20:15, 26 January 2014

Just because sometimes a feature is not directly related to a skill doesn't mean it's always not a feature of the skill.

Nope (talk)20:04, 26 January 2014

I wanna say the orbs are definitely a part of ele wave. You do NOT see the orbs until you have the skill. And you cannot fill the marbles until you have the skill.

Marith (talk)21:39, 26 January 2014

I'd personally prefer things to be all on one page instead of having a tiny page for every single little thing. The orbs show up when you get elemental wave, so as far as anyone is concerned it's part of the skill.

Meru (talk)23:23, 26 January 2014

You can become an American when you become a US Citizen. So obviously, Canadians are US Citizens.

Kapra - (Talk)02:37, 27 January 2014

You were stabbed during a knife attack, you now have a gaping wound. That wound is not related to the knife attack.

Marith (talk)10:36, 27 January 2014

In this case, the Wound is related to the Knife attack and the Orbs are the medication, not the Wound. The Medication is unrelated to the Knife, the medication is related to the Wound.

Kapra - (Talk)16:01, 28 January 2014