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Max HP/MP/SP Bonus

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Elemental Wave

...First off this topic was reserved for HP/MP/Stamina bonuses and you two just threw it off topic...

Secondly, Elemental Wave is required to have the attribute marbles/gauges to show up. Nope is right about the gauges only appearing with a Guard Cylinder and Cylinder equipped at once. It will only appear once you have knowledge of it. Since you need to know the skill to have the gauges, it will be lumped with this page in a similar fashion to Act 9: Invigorating Encore. The gauge for Act 9 only appears once the plays knows of Act 9 at novice, and therefore, linked to the skill and interface. I don't see why it needs to be separated.

ベリサ・マイルスター (talk)19:41, 26 January 2014