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Bandit Ambush

From Mabinogi World Wiki
For the Rank 9 Enchant, see Ambush.
For more information on commerce, see Category:Commerce.
When a Bandit Ambush appears.
Bandits prowl the trade routes, looking to steal whatever they can. Listen to the guide Imp and be cautious, but your best bet is to always be ready for a fight.


Goblin Trade Helper


Notice for an area safe from ambushes.
Notice for an area unsafe from ambushes.

While transporting goods in Dangerous Zones outside of towns, Bandits will spawn within a random range around the character when moving into a Dangerous Area.

Bandit Ambushes can be reduced or nullified with Bandit Encounter Reduction Candy.png Encounter Reduction Candies and Bandit Encounter Warding Candy.png Encounter Warding Candies respectively.

They can also be made more frequent with Bandit Encounter Increase Candy.png Encounter Increase Candies

Caution Stage

Caution warning when Bandits are nearby.

An onscreen message appears followed by a faint heartbeat, warning you if the Bandits are nearby. Going near the Bandits will trigger an ambush.

  • During this time the background theme music will mute as well as the ambient field theme.
    • The player will hear their heartbeat pulse faster and louder as one nears a Bandit.
      • If the 3D sound option is enabled, players can hear the direction the bandit is in as well.
  • Note that Bandit Encounter Reduction Candy.png Encounter Reduction Candies do not remove spawn points that were already made by other players.
  • Players traveling through Osna Sail and Corrib Valley should be wary as the tight spaces within the passageways make it nearly impossible to go around a Bandit on the path.
    • Bandits may be hiding up above the cliff face or down the ledges, especially in Osna Sail.
  • Taillteann and Dunbarton may hide bandits behind their high-walls especially those at their southern gates.

Players cannot see or trigger any bandit spawns if they have lost 25% of their current cargo load.

Commerce Goods Dropped.png Ambush

Notice for dropped cargo.

Upon triggering an Ambush, the player will be forced to drop their cargo (or unmount their carriage if using a mount-type transportation method). The Ambush consists of up to eight Bandits, and possibly a Bandit Boss.
During an Ambush, up to two Bandits will try to occupy you while two more will attempt to Artifact Gathering.png Pillage from your Transport Mounts. Every Bandit in an Ambush can steal goods.

Bandit Spawn Difficulty

  • The bandit spawn difficulty is determined by the amount the player paid to purchase the goods, not the profit the player would make.
  • The spawn difficulty gets adjusted the further the player has traveled from the original trading post.
    • Traveling further away from the original trading post will increase the likelihood of stronger bandits appearing.
  • A Newbie bandit ambush will always result in spawning a single Newbie Bandit Imp.


You cannot run away to escape an Ambush.

  • However, you can log-off or disconnect, and the bandits will disappear, but a portion of your cargo will be lost.
  • Being rendered Knocked Unconscious and choosing "Revive at Town" can be used to escape an Ambush, however you will lose approximately 10% of your commodities.
  • On rare occasions, two teams of bandits may attack at once, leading to a maximum of sixteen Bandits and two Bandit Bosses.
  • An Outlaw may appear before summoning the Bandits, but they will not be able to be battled.
  • Bandits will not appear in the Safe Zones located near and at towns and trade posts.
    • You can however, still trigger an Ambush from within a Safe Zone.
    • Bandits will only aggro those with the Commerce Status.
  • Every 5 seconds of 'stealing' will give the Bandit one star. After a Bandit gets five stars, it will attempt to .
  • Although the others may not be attacking you nor the cargo, defeating any Bandit will automatically trigger anyone in the Ambush to go after you or the cargo.

Run Away.png Run Away

A bandit will attempt to run away depending on two conditions:

  • If the 25% cargo limit loss has been reached while ambushed
  • After a Bandit gets five stars from Pillaging the player's cargo.
    • Each star equals to 1% of your cargo.
  • Sometimes Bandits will attempt to escape with less then 5 stars, however it is very rare.
    • If this happens and the bandit escapes, they will be counted for the whole 5 stars.

If the Bandit is successful in running away, a portion of your cargo will be permanently lost.
After defeating all the bandits, or after all the remaining bandits have ran away, the player will be allowed to pick up their cargo or mount able to resume commercing.

  • Bandits may respawn directly on top of the player's cargo, forcing another ambush.

Cargo Loss

  • Any skill used by the Bandits, such as Stomp or Windmill, is in range of the cargo may cause harm towards it as well.
    • If the cargo's HP is depleted, the player will have to forfeit the commerce run.
  • You can only lose a maximum of 25% of your cargo load. This is shared through any method that can potentially make you lose cargo; be it through bandits, disconnects, logging off, or changing channels.
    • After reaching this limit, you are essentially safe from anything that could make you lose your cargo.
    • Restocking on cargo resets the 25% loss limit.
  • Ducats lost from Bandit Ambushes may be partially recovered from arresting the outlaw responsible for the stolen goods.


  • Taming any Bandits with stars may result in the loss of goods.
  • In the case of one Bandit stealing from two different transport mounts, the last mount that was robbed will lose their goods.
  • If engaging Bandits as an Elf using Hide, the moment any of the bandits obtains a star, then the Elf loses Hide and the counter will be reset as if the Elf had engaged combat.


  • If the Bandits are a big hassle for you, it would be wise to have others accompany you.
  • It is best to hide your cargo behind trees, rock out-crops, fences, or other obstacles when attempting to trigger an Ambush. Dropping your cargo far off and away may work on open field maps.
  • If your cargo is behind an object, you can bait the Bandits to it. Since they are unable be able to reach it, this will allow you to effectively take them out without putting your cargo at risk.
  • If one were to run away a certain distance from bandits, like other monsters, they will go back to their original place of spawning. This enables you to use long-range attacks to further deter them from your cargo, provided that your goods are at a safe distance.
    • However, their aggression towards you or the cargo may not change.
  • When traveling to Blago Prairie from Tara, if the path is blocked by bandits, you can re-enter Tara and come back to Blago to reset the Bandit Spawn.
    • When traveling the other way, if a Bandit Spawns beyond the portal, players can click on the portal as far away as the fence-posts that lead to it.


Future content.png As of Great Era of Commerce, this section is outdated.
This section is outdated and may contain contents that are missing or inaccurate.
  • Triggering bandits will cause previously spawned bandit points to go invisible, any newly spawned bandit points will be visible. This can be fixed by leaving and re-entering the map.
  • Should you encounter an issue with remounting your trade mount where it says you are too far from the mount, and a friend can verify that your trade mount is in a different location than where you see it at, then sit where your friend sees the trade mount at and then press "R" without getting up. You will be back on your mount without having to relog.


  • Before the Great Era of Commerce update, Bandit ambush points were set to appear at specific coordinates.
