General Shop Keyword
*If you are looking for the General Shop, you don't need to ask me. Tir Chonaill is right out there. By the way, don't forget about my accessories.
Grocery Store Keyword
*Do you have something against the Grocery Store? You seem very anxious... ...Or maybe not.
Healer's House Keyword
*...So you want to be a Healer in this life? Interesting...
Inn Keyword
*...Did you want to go see Nora...? ...Or, Piaras?
Bank Keyword
*You know you can better manage your inventory by utilizing the Bank to hold your items, right? ...I was just checking... just in case you didn't know.
Blacksmith Shop Keyword
*You've been to Ferghus' Blacksmith's Shop, right? ... ...Good, then I don't need to explain anything.
Rest Keyword
*...Train it well. One day you'll find it handy.
Ranged Attack Keyword
*...Well, the word on the street is that you need to be born with the talent... but that's not true in this world. ...You can do anything you want as long as you put in the effort. I'm telling's all about your training.
Playing Instrument Keyword
*Playing an instrument is such a romantic skill. If you're interested in that area, you'll probably make a lot of friends.
Composing Keyword
*Composing should be done by those who are serious about making music... but some people just do it because it increases their intelligence... Well, composing certainly is quite a bit difficult,
Tailoring Keyword
*You can easily learn and make cheap clothes, but expensive clothes cost too much to make. The material cost is no joke! But then again, you can sell them at a higher I guess it evens out.. If you just want to raise your skill level fast, you should sign up for a part-time job at the Clothing Shop. They provide you with all the materials, so it's a great deal.
Magnum Shot Keyword
*You know that the single-hit attack is the best strategy against opponents with the auto-defense skill, right? Just be careful against those who are immune to arrow attacks.
Counterattack Keyword
*...I heard that it's being used differently than what the creators of the skill had originally intended it to be. Well, I guess skills all depend on your training anyway...
Smash Skill Keyword
*If you want to put everything on one hit, it's not a bad idea to continue investing in it. You might not notice any improvements at first, but I'm telling you, there's a reason why this skill is so popular.
Gathering Keyword
*I guess you can call it a skill that teaches you about life... You can't be too rushed but you can't be too slow either... Something like that.
Town Square Keyword
*You must be really bad with directions. Well, I guess adjusting to a new body will take some time... Once you leave here, you'll be around the Tir Chonaill School. ...You can probably figure it out from there.
Reservoir Keyword
*...Do you want to stare at your own reflection in the water or something? ...Just don't fall in and drown.
Farmland Keyword
*...The life of a farmer doesn't seem so bad...
Windmill Keyword
*You can grind crops at the Windmill. Have you ever tried it? Oh, I'm just asking, because there are surprisingly a lot of people who have never tried it.
Adelia Stream Keyword
*Once you leave this area, you'll be able to see Adelia stream nearby. You've been there before...right? ...I'll spare you the details. Cool?
Chief's House Keyword
*Were you aware that you can see the your next destination of your quest by pressing 'Alt'? For example, let's say you have Nao's Letter of Introduction and it tells you to find Duncan. If you press 'Alt', it will show you the exact direction to Duncan's House. Just press 'Alt' and you will see what I mean.
Church Keyword
*I don't really believe in God, but, I don't think it's a bad idea to find comfort in praying at the Church. But, don't be a fanatic, though. That's dangerous.
School Keyword
*...It's important to train your skill while you're in school but it's also important to make friends. ...Just listen to my advice, so you don't regret it in your next life. ...When you're reborn, only your friends will be waiting for you to welcome you back.
Windmill Skill Keyword
*Have you ever thought about how hard it would be to spin your entire body while balancing on your hands? I hear it's a great way to get stronger and get fit. If you want a smokin' body, give it a try.
Campfire Skill Keyword
*It seems like this skill is not so popular nowadays... But you should know that this skill is generally used to help other people. If you don't want to help others...well... What more can I say...?
Restaurant Keyword
*...Watch what you eat too. Don't just eat anything and everything. Go to a nice restaurant and treat yourself to a nice meal. ...You've just been reborn. So go celebrate! ...It's all up to you.
Weapons Shop Keyword
*Haha. Are you interested in my helmet?'s quite expensive you know...hehe...
Clothing Shop Keyword
*Dress nicely even if you have to spend some money. No matter how beautiful you are on the inside, you won't ever get the chance to show that to people if you're looking all shabby on the outside. ...But I'm sure you know what you're doing, and that you don't need me to be telling you about stuff like that. Right, CharacterName?
Bookstore Keyword
*Why...? Are you planning to actually read some books in your new life? Haha...
Town Office Keyword
*It's where you recovery any items you've lost while getting knocked out during your adventures. ...Don't tell me you didn't know? That's basic knowledge!
Graveyard Keyword
*Hmm... You're not thinking that your former body is actually buried in a graveyard somewhere, are you? Technically speaking, people from the Soul Stream aren't really a part of this world. That is, even if you lose your life in this body... you won't ever end up ike [sic] the people in Tuatha De Danaan, whose bodies are buried in the ground and their souls disappearing into eternity... ...Do you get what I'm saying?
Magic Shield Skill Keyword
Fishing Skill Keyword