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Talk:Shield of Avon

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Images123:07, 10 June 2014
Upgrade Sequence501:39, 19 April 2013
What is charge enhancement exactly?322:41, 24 February 2013
Does it take 5 Romeo & Juliet scripts?1008:47, 21 December 2012
Since when are the hidden stats reversed?518:33, 1 April 2012
Does the script have to be completed?420:15, 15 August 2011
Materials1209:23, 21 April 2011
Shield colors518:12, 5 April 2011
This shield is really overpowered317:00, 1 April 2011

I feel conflicted about this one.

The only problem I have with the current one is the grey decorations on the grey robe.

Zhey's first upload has black outfit on black background, which sort of just hides the character model and I find that quite weird. I understand we have to focus on the equipment, but I think a model should be visible enough for a visual representation of what it will be like in-game.

Which is what I like about Ikkisuki's upload. It shows the model.

I think this thread ended up becoming this in general: Is the model important?

Nise Panda (talk)22:28, 10 June 2014

I don't think the model matters on anything but bodygear and a few hats.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)23:07, 10 June 2014

Upgrade Sequence

Do we need an upgrade sequence there? Shields are simple to upgrade and none of the other shields have any...

Zugon (Talk | contribs)01:30, 5 June 2012

All shields generally have a similar upgrade path, depending on the number of upgrades.

My upgrade path is always Defense before anything since I don't really need to "ping" and things I fight I could generally fend them off I always use an Artisan Roll on protection, or at least some additional Defense.

Though there are multiple upgrade paths, I think majority of it is based on user preference.

S•A•R•I•A02:28, 5 June 2012

If it helps, I'm kinda working on a mass Upgrade Chart for can view it in Le box of sand.

S•A•R•I•A03:38, 5 June 2012

Not asking for upgrade paths, asking if we need to remove the one already on the page or move it somewhere else.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)13:33, 5 June 2012

nah, just keep it as is.

S•A•R•I•A13:54, 5 June 2012

Alright then.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)14:01, 5 June 2012

What is charge enhancement exactly?

neither this page nor the status effects page will explain what charge enhancement does. it has 10 points in it so it is definitely active, so does it increase speed? defense? range? better cooldowns?

Vorthod (talk)20:26, 24 February 2013

ok i was unable to find it because it said "See Equipment Combination Effects for more information." and it wasnt listed there, somehow when i wrote this question i accidentally mentioned the page it was actually on without even thinking of going there to check. thanks for the help, and i think we should either put some link either here or in "equipment combination effects" that leads to that table

Vorthod (talk)22:37, 24 February 2013

The status page is already linked in both the weapon page and the equipment combination effects page.


Does it take 5 Romeo & Juliet scripts?

since it is 28% it would take 4 scripts to do the tries to get it to 100% and 1 more script to finish it.

Blacksmither's dont lose a script when they make it right?

I need more info on how blacksmithers do it, what disappears and needs more mats, or how long it's going to take, or if i can trust any of the r1 blacksmithers that lurk around bangor on mondays to help make ppl items that won't steal the shield o_o.

yeah i am just confused and need some info about these things, also if i use a copper ingot finish, the shield will turn out copper ish red right? idk

Postdramatic02:28, 16 June 2011

also if it's a shield in progress they cant trade it right?

since if its screwed up i have to go gather more mats and come back and such.

Postdramatic02:29, 16 June 2011

Yes, the script will disappear upon use, like any other item used within the manual.

Pretty sure in-progress items can be traded, but not specifically sure about Avon Shield.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)19:12, 16 June 2011

I meant disappear as in a fail attempt at the blacksmith tries

well of course it will disappear but i mean do the tries disappear or would there be not enough #s or mats? you didnt really answer completely so idk

Postdramatic19:48, 16 June 2011

"do the tries disappear or would there be not enough #'s or mats?"

Huh? It's just like normal blacksmithing. When you fail, your materials disappear. If you succeed, your materials disappear.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)19:50, 16 June 2011

So it only takes 4 scripts on monday + r1 blacksmithing + r1 rain casting + prod party??

and can u ingot finish to get a specific color??

Postdramatic13:30, 17 June 2011

Ah, I'm working on a shield myself and completely forgot about production parties! What confuses me is, you can use multiple scrips in the non-finishing stage to raise percentage? And I haven't tried to make one myself yet but I'm pretty sure it's still affected by Copper (Red), Silver and Gold ores. (I wish there was a finish for blue...)

Pyro - (Talk)20:44, 15 August 2011

You can affect the finishing product with the ingot of a respective color (Copper to red, silver to white/silver, gold to gold). Though I never heard of using multiple script to raise the percentage. Sounds wasteful. but The minimum amount of scripts is 4 should you make a success on each one, then one last final script to finish the shield.

With the best success rate with production parties, Monday bonus, rain casting, and blacksmith enhancements, you will use up 5 (4 for smithing, 1 for finishing). In short:

(Number of tries x 1 R&J Script) + 1 R&J Script = Total number of scripts

This counting if you fail, and whether or not you waste scripts while not getting the best success rates. Took me 5 tries cause I failed (with 89% success o.e). and then another one for finishing. I didn't use an ingot since i wanted to see the outcome. It was...rather lucky it came out blue and grey.

LexisMikaya21:34, 15 August 2011

Use rank 1 blacksmith in full production party with harvest song bonus to maximize success. Took me 4 romeo books with the help of a GM Blacksmith.

Chukaka (talk)21:21, 3 December 2012

A GM Blacksmith?

Pyro - (Talk)04:46, 21 December 2012

Think he means Grandmaster.

Zugon (Talk | contribs)08:47, 21 December 2012

Since when are the hidden stats reversed?

Basically what the title says...they've always been higher defense for melee attacks and less for ranged when using defense skill. Why are they suddenly not like that anymore?

DANTE20XX00:11, 4 March 2012

I've just checked the japanese (here) wiki, and the stats were originally melee lower than range. I've just tested it out with different shields.

If range wasn't higher, players would not be able to block magnum shot while using defense.

It would also be logical for range defense to be higher, since there is nothing in game that adds that defense, while melee defense is added by the Defense skill.

Kiyoura00:13, 4 March 2012

Wait what? Defense in general (the stat) lowers the damage on any physical hit...that includes ranged attacks. So yes, even if ranged wasn't higher, you could still block magnum shots while using defense. Having a shield just makes it so you don't get knocked down. That part was ALWAYS in the game. The hidden stats were added a little while later before charge skill came into the game.

I don't know where you got the idea the defense doesn't reduce ranged damage O_O

I'm still not sure about the hidden stats though. As I recall they were ripped right from the game files awhile back (our files). Very strange that all of a sudden it's changed either on the Japanese wiki or your tests you say you conducted. Needs further research IMO.

DANTE20XX02:52, 4 March 2012

Bump for answers?

I'm not sure it's such a great idea to just take info off another version's wiki either.

DANTE20XX05:41, 5 March 2012

Still no answers or nobody knows? I'm still not sure it's a great idea to take info from another wiki...I assume those are correct, but it would have been a better idea for people to check our files to be sure.

DANTE20XX18:02, 1 April 2012

I'd check if I knew where...

Pyro - (Talk)18:33, 1 April 2012

Does the script have to be completed?

Exactly what the title says. Can anyone confirm whether the Romeo and Juliet script has to be completed to use in the blacksmithing?

AKAAkira17:10, 5 May 2011

Yes. I think this deserves a facepalm.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)18:15, 5 May 2011

I'm not sure if you actually confirmed it or not... I realize it would make sense that the script should be finished before being able to use it, but at the same time it's still considered "Romeo and Juliet script" when it's blank and when it's completed. So, uh...please confirm?

AKAAkira20:26, 5 May 2011

There are {# of versions} versions of the item "Romeo and Juliet Script". Each version is represented by how many pages have been completed within the script. Each time the version is changed, it is a different item. Once the Script is complete, it is changed to a form where it is tradable & usable for creation of the Shield of Avon.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)20:49, 5 May 2011

I've finally finished G14, so now I can confirm the Scripts need to be completed before they're usable.

AKAAkira20:15, 15 August 2011

From JP Wiki:

Materials: Iron Pole x 3,Silver Pole x 3, Mythrill Pole x 3, Romeo and Juliet script x 1 Progress: 28%

Finish: Highest Grade Leather x 5, Tough String x 2, Romeo and Juliet script x 1

I hope I translate the material names correctly.

Luin02:00, 25 February 2011

I'm pretty sure you mean Bars rather than Poles. Anyway, this doesn't really seem that hard to make if that's the case. Just get a bunch of alts to do g13 and then g14 and collect the completed scripts at the end a few times. The rest is pretty darn easy to get from a high rank smither.

Makes me wonder... maybe the finishing materials for the Rosemary Glove include the Hamlet completed script?

Blargel11:50, 25 February 2011

That would stink if the gloves required the Hamlet Script... I threw mine out

TwiliTerror12:48, 25 February 2011

Alright Bars then, I just translated the names from JP wiki as is. Not sure what does "Romeo and Juliet script" refer to.

Luin00:00, 26 February 2011

Well when you do G13, you're slowly completing a script that's in your inventory. When G13 is done, you have a completed Hamlet script that I think is tradeable (I didn't exactly try because it's not used in anything to my knowledge). I would assume that G14's mainstream quests would do that same except with Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, 4 or 5 players would need to complete G14 and give the completed script to the same blacksmith for him to make one shield. I'm going to guess we'll be seeing a lot of alt spamming for these shields in the future.

Blargel00:39, 26 February 2011

On second thought, they might just be ingots... I'm not so sure anymore... What's the link to the JP Wiki article?

Blargel02:08, 26 February 2011

I'd say it's much, much, MUCH more likely that you only need one, or that you obtain multiple of whatever is actually required throughout the course of G14. Devcat isn't stupid enough to do anything like what you're suggesting.

Frogsnoodle02:51, 26 February 2011

It's 3 iron bar, 3 silver bar, 3 mythril bar, and script. yeah, you need multiple script to make shield. (It's DevCAT's will to make users purchase card and create new character. -__-)

Fallenone21:08, 26 February 2011

One question, do you need rank 3 (or 2?) to make it? much do you think the manual will be worth?

Oromisdude19:53, 14 April 2011

Blargel: Sorry for the late reply.

Oromisdude: Its Rank 3. Not sure about manual but for script its around 2M in JP but prices there are inflated anyways

Luin10:03, 16 April 2011

Since in NA, one person can create as many account as they want so it would be dropped by 90% or so. :P

Fallenonesigniture.PNG14:17, 16 April 2011

Can't you make as many accounts as you want on JP too?

κєνıи тαıĸ«)14:25, 16 April 2011

Yea, I'm pretty sure you could.

Luin09:23, 21 April 2011

Shield colors

Now, I know it says on this page that the shield can't be dyed...but since it's a blacksmithed item, can it still be finished with copper/silver/gold ingots to produce that color? Not that most people would mind the black, but there's some out there who may be interested in a different color. Anybody know if it's possible to not have black?

Qaccy18:35, 3 April 2011

i have seen someone with greenish brown like poo. I kinda felt sorry for him.

Fallenonesigniture.PNG18:53, 3 April 2011

Fairly sure it can be custom finished, like everything else with finishing materials.

Domirade [Tarlach]18:59, 3 April 2011

Oh ok, so it's just random if there's no finish applied? I guess I mistakenly assumed it was black by default going off the images on the page. x_x Thanks!

Qaccy21:18, 3 April 2011

Qaccy always has to have gold items :D

DANTE20XX05:22, 4 April 2011

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Milletians are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Gold Equipment.

Domirade [Tarlach]18:12, 5 April 2011

This shield is really overpowered Doesn't seem that hard to get either.

DANTE20XX01:19, 31 March 2011

Rank 3 Blacksmith Manual... 28% complete per success.. A Romeo & Juliet Script per attempt.. You okay?

κєνıи тαıĸ«)12:12, 31 March 2011

That still isn't very hard to get. There's always a few r1 blacksmiths in every sever. They can make them pretty easily with everybody doing g14 when it comes out. And if g14 is even half as easy as g13, people will be doing it on their noob alts to get more manuals.

DANTE20XX00:44, 1 April 2011

Making everything expensive :c.

κєνıи тαıĸ«)17:00, 1 April 2011