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Sweet Coffee Event (2023)

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Sweet Coffee Event (2023)
May 11th, 2023 - June 8th, 2023


Liam and Gwen are back again with Peep's Coffee! Get caffeinated with a new coffee every day, but remember to take a break to enjoy your drink with the Cake & Coffee Table (for 2)! Check out the details below.[1]



  • Speak to Liam each real-life day to receive a Coffee of the Day, and a Premium Roast Coffee Box.
    • The time resets at: 12:00am PDT100 (midnight).

Coffee of the Day

Day Coffee Coffee Effect
Monday New! Peep's Coffee Double Shot Americano Gain 700% Experience
Tuesday Peep's Coffee Condensed Milk Latte (Qty: 3) Fully restores HP, MP and SP
Wednesday New! Peep's Coffee Cold Brew Gain 30 AP
Thursday New! Peep's Coffee Affogato Meditation Potion (Extremely Strong)
Friday Peep's Coffee Marshmallow Hot Cocoa 360% Shadow Mission Rewards
Saturday New! Peep's Coffee Hazelnut Latte (Qty: 2) Gain 50% Movement Speed for 10 Minutes
Sunday Peep's Coffee Coconut Cappuccino 2x All Skill EXP


You can also find Gwen while she is out for deliveries. She will hint where she will be headed when you talk to her in Tara. Something good might happen if you meet her everyday...

  • Speak to Gwen each real-life day to start a Hidden Daily Quest to find Gwen while she is out on delivery.
    • The time resets at: 12:00am PDT100 (midnight).
    • Note: Gwen does not spawn until you have have talked to her daily to obtain her location hint.
      • She will hint her location only once upon first speaking to her.
    • Possible locations are:
  • Every five times she is met, she will offer to increase Consecutive Login or Total Login Count by one.
    • After the tenth meeting, she will no longer go out for deliveries.
  • Gwen cannot be found with NPC Search; her pet, the Sweet Coffee Scooter, does register with the Mini-Map's NPC Search.

Finding Gwen

File:Finding Gwen 6 (2023).png
Gwen and her Sweet Coffee Scooter.
  • Open your Mini-Map (default key: M) if it is not already open.
  • Press the "NPC Search" button. It is next to the "X" that closes the window.
  • Type in the name "Sweet Coffee Scooter". Press the "Search" button.
  • NPC Search should return 2 results for Sweet Coffee Scooter.
    • The (Tara) version is located at the event area with Liam and Gwen.
    • The other version is located with the on-delivery Gwen. This is the one you need to go to.
  • Double left-click the other Scooter result. NPC Search will then show you the world location for the Scooter and Gwen.

Coin Details

Daily Coin Total Counter
Day Gained Coffee Coins Total Coffee Coins
Thu, May 11 +5 5
Fri, May 12 +6 11
Sat, May 13 +9 20
Sun, May 14 +9 29
Mon, May 15 +6 35
Tue, May 16 +6 41
Wed, May 17 +6 47
Thu, May 18 +6 53
Fri, May 19 +6 59
Sat, May 20 +9 68
Sun, May 21 +9 77
Mon, May 22 +6 83
Tue, May 23 +6 89
Wed, May 24 +6 95
Thu, May 25 +6 101
Fri, May 26 +6 107
Sat, May 27 +9 116
Sun, May 28 +9 125
Mon, May 29 +6 131
Tue, May 30 +6 137
Wed, May 31 +6 143
Thu, June 1 +6 149
Fri, June 2 +6 155
Sat, June 3 +9 164
Sun, June 4 +9 173
Mon, June 5 +6 179
Tue, June 6 +6 185
Wed, June 7 +6 191
Thu, June 8 +2~6 193~197

Ways to Obtain Coins

  • The objectives (Weekdays Daily Login), (Weekday Consecutive Login), and (Weekend Login) are mutually exclusive.
    • You are awarded 5 Coffee Coins for logging in on the weekend, regardless if it is a consecutive login.
    • Logging in on the weekend builds up consecutive logins as usual.
Objective Rewards
Daily Login Reward
(Only One Applies)
Weekdays Daily Login 1 Coffee Coin
Weekday Consecutive Login 2 Coffee Coin
Weekend Login 5 Coffee Coin
Daily Login Duration Reward
Stay logged in for 36 minutes (Once Daily) 2 Coffee Coin
Daily Quest Reward
Complete the "A Coffee Coin (1)" quest (Once Daily) 1 Coffee Coin
Complete the "A Coffee Coin (2)" quest (Once Daily) 1 Coffee Coin
Consecutive Reward
Login for 7 consecutive days 1 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 10 consecutive days 2 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 14 consecutive days 1 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 20 consecutive days 2 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 21 consecutive days 1 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 28 consecutive days 1 Special Coffee Coin
Login for 30 consecutive days 2 Special Coffee Coin
Total Login Reward
Log in for a total of 14 days New! Cake & Coffee Table (for 2)
Log in for a total of 21 days New! Iced Latte (To Go)

Gwen's Exchange Shop

Cheerfully Caffeinated Coffee Wagon Whistle
Rookie Barista Hat
Rookie Barista Uniform (M)
Rookie Barista Uniform (F)
Warm Afternoon Picnic Bench

Specialty Goods

Item Number of Special Coffee Coins
New! Cheerfully Caffeinated Coffee Wagon Whistle 4
New! Rookie Barista Cap
(Incorrectly listed as "Rookie Barista Hat")
New! Rookie Barista Uniform (M) 2
New! Rookie Barista Uniform (F) 2
New! Warm Afternoon Picnic Bench 1
Coffee Coin (Quantity: 30) 1

Normal Goods

Item Number of Coffee Coins
New! Coffee Powder Totem Coupon (All Stats Totem) 4
Premium Roast Coffee Box 4
New! Peep's Coffee Double Shot Americano (Expires in 15 days)
(Increases Experience by 700%)
Peep's Coffee Condensed Milk Latte (Expires in 15 days)
(Restores HP, MP, Wounds, and Stamina)
New! Peep's Coffee Cold Brew (Expires in 15 days)
(Gain 30 AP)
New! Peep's Coffee Affogato (Expires in 15 days)
(For 1 day, you will be under the same effects as a Meditation Potion (Extremely Strong))
Peep's Coffee Marshmallow Hot Cocoa (Expires in 15 days)
(Grants more EXP and 360% more rewards for completing Shadow Missions)
New! Peep's Coffee Hazelnut Latte (Expires in 15 days)
(Increases Movement Speed by 50% for 10 minutes)
Peep's Coffee Coconut Cappuccino (Expires in 15 days)
(2x Skill EXP for 1 day (does not stack with other skill training potions))
Special Coffee Coin (Quantity: 1) 30
Forgetful Potion (Expires in 15 days) 40
Trade Unlock Potion (Expires in 15 days) 65
Enchant Protection Potion (Expires in 15 days) 65
Pet Rebirth Potion (Expires in 15 days) 30
Nao Soul Stone (Expires in 15 days) 2
Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (Expires in 15 days) 15
Platinum Hammer of Durability (Expires in 15 days) 30
Age Potion - Age 9 10
Age Potion - Age 18 10
Pet Age Potion - Age 1 5
Dungeon Revamp Pass Box 10
Elite Pass Box 10
Baltane Mission Elite Pass Box 10

Multibox - Brown Brown Brown.png Premium Roast Coffee Box

Event Quests

  • These quests are given to any character that logs in during the duration of the event.

[Guide] Coffee Aroma

How to Get Quest

Log in during the event period.

Briefing Someone is looking for you near the gallery in Tara. Use the Orange Wings of a Goddess (Tara Gallery) to go to Tara Gallery.
  • Register a Main Character with Liam
  • 10000 Experience Points

[Hidden] Gwen out for Deliveries (1)

  • This quest is not shown in the quest log.
How to Get Quest

Register a main character for the event.

Briefing (None)
  • Speak to Gwen while she is out for deliveries five times
  • Choice between +1 Consecutive Login Count or +1 Total Login Count

[Hidden] Gwen out for Deliveries (2)

  • This quest is not shown in the quest log.
How to Get Quest

Register a main character for the event.

Briefing (None)
  • Speak to Gwen while she is out for deliveries ten times
  • Choice between +1 Consecutive Login Count or +1 Total Login Count

Daily Quests

  • These are quests held each real-day for the duration of the event.
    • To fulfill the daily coffee coin event quest, "A Coffee Coin (1)", complete either the Tara or Taillteann daily shadow mission.
    • After completing the first quest you'll receive the next quest, "A Coffee Coin (2)", which will require you to complete any Pet Expedition.
    • The time resets at: 12:00am PDT100 (midnight).

[Event] A Coffee Coin (1)

How to Get Quest

Register a main character for the event.

Briefing Clear the Daily Shadow Mission to earn 1 Coffee Coin.

Participate in the Daily Shadow Mission by checking the Shadow Mission Bulletin in Tara or Taillteann.

[Event] A Coffee Coin (2)

How to Get Quest

Complete the previous quest.

Briefing Obtain Coffee Coin by completing Pet Expedition.

Try Pet Expedition using the Homestead Pet Expedition Board.

Hidden Quests

  • This quest is not shown in the quest log.
  • These are quests held each real-day for the duration of the event.
    • The time resets at: 12:00am PDT100 (midnight).

[Hidden] Gwen out for Deliveries (Daily)

How to Get Quest

Register a main character for the event and speak to Gwen daily at the Tara Gallery.

Briefing (None)
  • Speak to Gwen at Tara Gallery
  • Speak to Gwen in Iria
  • (+1 Progression Count)


