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Gunslinger comes out on the 9th?mini

Gunslinger comes out on the 9th?


I would assume this is the case since episode 7 and the "side story" come out on the same day. I'm willing to bet that the side story is how you get Gunslinger. If anybody has any info that I don't know ^^ feel free to share.

Pallotta (talk)20:34, 2 August 2013

I just don't see why people are so eager for gunslinger to be released.


An entirely new combat style with some very cool attack animations , mechanics, and a whole bunch of skills to rank?

Yeah, so hard to understand...

Kave Johnson (talk)06:52, 3 August 2013

I get that they're excited for something new, but -insert my previous post-.


If you get that they are excited for something new, then your previous post makes no sense.

Kave Johnson (talk)22:28, 3 August 2013
As for excitement and eagerness, I'm not disallowing them to be. But there comes a point where that excitement gets obnoxious, and constantly asking for release dates is one of those points.



That's different than your previous post... at least in this section of the thread.

Kave Johnson (talk)00:16, 4 August 2013

͟͞ҡ͟͞ε͟͞ѵ͟͞ו͟͞͞η [͟͞т͟͞α͟͞ι͟͞κ]‎15:18, August 3, 2013
͟͞ҡ͟͞ε͟͞ѵ͟͞ו͟͞͞η [͟͞т͟͞α͟͞ι͟͞κ]‎15:20, August 3, 2013

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 07:54, 10 March 2025

Actually from my experience, it's not that much of a new mechanic:

What is new is:

  • Bullet Storm: Just four ranged AoE attacks that stuns a bit
  • Shooting Rush: Teleportation+AoE damage with partial immunity to being targeted

I found guns fun but I agree with Kevin, it's not that huge of a deal.

Pyro - (Talk)13:34, 3 August 2013

Bullets to the head man...bullets to the head. Head shots all day and watch as a pathetic line of gunslingers raid the beginner areas of Tir, Filia, and Physis.

まそっぷ ! (talk)20:40, 2 August 2013

"watch as a pathetic line of gunslingers raid the beginner areas of Tir, Filia, and Physis"
Yep. Couldn't have said it better myself.


gunslinger just fits so well as a subclass for a fighter xP

Pallotta (talk)21:00, 2 August 2013

If you really think that, you're going to become a very, very bad gunslinger.

This is why I don't see why people are anticipating it so badly. Most of them don't even know what they're doing; they just see guns and go "OMG NEED." and have no clue as to what they're doing.


..because people can be expected to know how to play a new skill set before it comes out. You could just let them be excited for something new and different and let them find out how it suits them

WhitePass (talk)14:46, 3 August 2013
..because people can be expected to know how to play a new skill set before it comes out.


Hence why I'm saying what I'm saying. They're jumping into the pool without having tested the water. You're given a wiki full of resources, even those that are on these new skills. You're given the chance to learn to play the new skill set before it comes out. But nop. Full head-first dive to the pool of ice cold water.

As for excitement and eagerness, I'm not disallowing them to be. But there comes a point where that excitement gets obnoxious, and constantly asking for release dates is one of those points.


please tell me, how can reading about these skills show me what it's like to play with them.

Since you apparently missed my sarcasm, standard user does not have any outlet to test the gameplay of a new skill, hence they are eager to try it out when it comes. We have no opportunity to play the new skill set before it comes out.

WhitePass (talk)16:20, 3 August 2013

I'm guessing you don't know what "YouTube" is.

And don't worry, your sarcasm wasn't missed.


watching and playing are very different things.

WhitePass (talk)16:48, 3 August 2013

I never said they were the same. But watching achieves what you wanted, getting an idea of what the gameplay is like, learning how to use it, studying the gameplay before it comes out. Oh wait, isn't that what

people can be expected to know how to play a new skill set before it comes out


this was all about?!


That was sarcasm, you cannot expect someone to know what it feels like to play a skillset, or really how to properly execute before it's out and they have a chance to try for themselves, and watching only shows you what it looks like, not what it feels like. There is and always will be a huge disconnect between seeing and doing.

You can watch a youtube video 1000 times and watch someone pull off something cool or amazing, but that doesn't tell you what it feels like to pull it off, or how difficult it is in general.

You simply cannot watch something and know how fun it is to do it.

WhitePass (talk)17:10, 3 August 2013

For the last time, yes, I know that was sarcasm.

And again, like I said, I know they're two different things. That does not prevent you from learning about it (the entire point of this?).


Because it's the same youtube videos which get people excited and make them want to try it. It just seems like you feel this sentiment of theirs is in error.

WhitePass (talk)17:28, 3 August 2013
As for excitement and eagerness, I'm not disallowing them to be. But there comes a point where that excitement gets obnoxious, and constantly asking for release dates is one of those points.



Personally, I do feel videos can replace gameplay experience of how skills work IF you have very descriptive text, but that's besides the point. Why are you two talking about it? Not like it will help or harm the wiki or change anything about it, lets just end it here.

Pyro - (Talk)21:28, 3 August 2013

I think people just want to be "top gun." Ahh? AHHH? ...I'm surprised no one made this joke yet.

まそっぷ ! (talk)16:03, 3 August 2013

͟͞ҡ͟͞ε͟͞ѵ͟͞ו͟͞͞η is a nib. Don't listen to his nibby ramblings.

Anyway, according to KR Testers the Side Story is an interview with the Saga NPCs for their back story or something.

鍾国豪-BIassreiter (talk)16:13, 3 August 2013

On the forum, Sabina or something like that said it comes out on episode 7. Whoever it was they worked for Nexon.

Willi096 (talk)20:41, 2 August 2013

Sabina is a community manager if I am not mistaken and works closely with the staff (supposedly). I'm not to eager for gunslinging ever since DFO closed. my dreams as a gunslinger will remain in the data graveyard that is, Nexon.

まそっぷ ! (talk)20:42, 2 August 2013

Was DFO's Gunner class really that wonderful?

Infodude575 (talk)20:46, 2 August 2013

Yes. I was a Corsair (an awakened Female ranger) and running around shooting things to bits while utilizing +12 reinforced revolvers at the lv cap was the best thing ever. I even went around and sluaghtered countless billions with the awakening skill that is, Guns with blades tied at the end of the handle with chains and swinging those badboys around while wearing a cowboy hat, and boots. dam those were the days.

まそっぷ ! (talk)20:48, 2 August 2013

Actually, it doesn't come out AT the 9th. It comes out in a maintenance a few days earlier. Probably on Wednesday (7th) or Thursday (8th).

Infodude575 (talk)20:44, 2 August 2013

If you're talking about implementation, you still wouldn't be able to obtain the skills nor the guns themselves if op is correct. And if that's the case (for clarification [becauseiknowyou'regoingtomisunderstand], about implementation), then wrong: they've already come out.


I don't understand what you mean. The landscape changes to Iria, the Raid System, Explore Uncap to 30, Tara changes, and etc existed on a Thursday which was before Episode 1 launched. White Dragon Raid and the Shapeshifting forms existed on a Wednesday before Episode 4 launched.

Infodude575 (talk)20:50, 2 August 2013


Small word, large significance.


Not to mention, doubtful. If anything, it'll be similar to how fighter and puppetry skills were released: with a so-called "sidequest". And if it is, then op would be correct.

Besides, all those changes were small changes that had little to nothing to even do with the storyline (other than b/w dragon raid). On the other hand, dual gun is an entire talent class, weapon set, and skillset. I'm doubtful it'll just appear out of nowhere.

Sidenote: are guns even sold by any NPCs?


The Zeder Gun is sold in the mines and by a new NPC near every trade post. The rest are all from Engineering with the exception of Golden Dowra and Black Star which were from G18 in KR, a gachapon for JP, and unknown for NA.

Pyro - (Talk)21:02, 2 August 2013

You were able to obtain the skills immediately on implantation in KR and JP.

Pyro - (Talk)21:01, 2 August 2013

You mean through that Talent Beginner Quest or?

Infodude575 (talk)21:02, 2 August 2013

I meant you could obtain as soon as it came out in the maint through normal methods.

  • A: Get the first skill, rank it up, get two more, rank up one of those two new ones, get two more, etc.
  • B: Do a series of tutorial quests if you RBed into the correct talent.
Pyro - (Talk)22:07, 2 August 2013

Anyway, it'll probably be implemented somewhere around the 6th (Tuesday), since that's when the Sand Sculpture Event ends.

Infodude575 (talk)20:56, 2 August 2013

6th or 7th.

まそっぷ ! (talk)20:58, 2 August 2013