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Meditation affecting Durability

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Meditation

My results on Bolts (5 charges):

  • Firebolt Medi Off: 9.290 - > 9.235 (0.055)
  • Firebolt Medi On: 9.125 - > 9.062 (0.063)
  • Icebolt Medi Off: 9.062 - > 9.003 (0.059)
  • Icebolt Medi On: 8.949 - > 8.889 (.06) That's really strange...I'm guess it has to do with the variable loss o.e
  • Lightning Bolt Medi Off: 8.889 - > 8.823 (.066)
  • Lightning Bolt Medi On: 8.823 - > 8.748 (.075)

Icebolt has some really consistent losses...It doesn't seem to change as much... It should be noted all of this was done with a Trinity Staff. I'll grab my combat wand and check the losses...

A few Icebolt Tests (5 Charges):

  • Medi Off: 4.619 > 4.566 (.053) > 4.516 (.05) > 4.460 (.056) > 4.387 (.073) That last one is really really odd...
  • Medi On: 4.387 > 4.331 (.056) > 4.276 (.055) > 4.226 (.05) > 4.170 (.056)

Yeah that is really consistent...except for that last one with meditation off. Each number for this test represents 5 ice bolt charges shot at once, switch weapons in-between numbers to prevent the 5 minute tick from taking more dura away.

まそっぷ ! (talk)00:04, 25 August 2013