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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Homestead

After reading what everybody said... I did some additional research, based on 3 individual homes. Percentage boosts were checked with potion making.

Data taken (please excuse the bad formatting)-

Home1: Physis, Home2: Physis, Home3: Uladh


|Home1: Rain bonus

|Home2: Rain bonus

|Home3: Did not check


|Home1: Rain bonus (character did not leave home since 12:48pm)

|Home2: No rain bonus

|Home3: Rain bonus


|Home1: Rain bonus was present, character left (closed instance) and entered, rain bonus still present

|Home2: No bonus

|Home3: Bonus was present before 1:00PM, remained on farm. Left and re-entered after 1:01PM and bonus was gone


|Home1: No bonus

|Home2: Bonus

|Home3: No bonus

It seems a new roll is given every 5 minutes, but your farm does not update automatically and you have to re-enter. Also all percent boosts seemed to be the same %

Would appreciate if others could try this and confirm it, this is just my best guess

Also I did not check for a success boost in furnaces.. I used raincasting and anvils and furnaces showed no apparent increase in success rates, can anybody else confirm that? First encountered this when doing Dorren's Request, they may have nerfed stationary tools in general rather than just the oven, I'm not sure. Much appreciated if somebody could clarify this for me

Pieko13:24, 10 May 2011