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do homesteads receive precipitation? (rain, thunder, snow, etc.)

and if so, does this effect maximum materials from gathering firewood/homestead stones/herbs?

§ýkl☼00:32, 3 May 2011

I do not know, but I'd like to add a few more questions to that.

  • Can it snow in non-Physis homesteads?
  • Can it rain in Physis?
  • Can you use Rain Casting in homesteads?
    • Will it make it snow in Physis homesteads?
Pyrus00:37, 3 May 2011

Im not a player on the american server but in response to Pyrus, even though we don't have homesteads in EU, i think the homesteads will folow the same rules as physis itself. In this case: Snow is the rain of physis therefor: No it cannot snow in non-Physis homesteads No it cannot rain in Physis Yes I'm pretty sure you can. (What and if the effects of the rain work, is a different question) Yes I'm pretty sure it will.

FireSource07:12, 3 May 2011

From what I've heard Rain casting is possible in homesteads

whether it snows instead of rains in physis based homesteads im not sure, though it should.

§ýkl☼03:24, 4 May 2011

When i played KR server,

homestead received precipitation and was affected by it.

However the weather wasn't shown so people had to bring potion coconctidfasoisgn kit to see if their potion making chance was increased or not (if it was increased, it meant it was raining) and collected herbs.

the weather bug was only fixed few weeks before g14 in NA so i am not sure if NA implemented bug-free one or not.

Fallenonesigniture.PNG17:44, 4 May 2011

What I discovered is that it's randomized when you enter the homestead and as Falleone pointed out can be checked with a potion making kit or with a Handicrafting kit or various other production tools on the homestead.

Kingofrunes07:03, 8 May 2011

After reading what everybody said... I did some additional research, based on 3 individual homes. Percentage boosts were checked with potion making.

Data taken (please excuse the bad formatting)-

Home1: Physis, Home2: Physis, Home3: Uladh


|Home1: Rain bonus

|Home2: Rain bonus

|Home3: Did not check


|Home1: Rain bonus (character did not leave home since 12:48pm)

|Home2: No rain bonus

|Home3: Rain bonus


|Home1: Rain bonus was present, character left (closed instance) and entered, rain bonus still present

|Home2: No bonus

|Home3: Bonus was present before 1:00PM, remained on farm. Left and re-entered after 1:01PM and bonus was gone


|Home1: No bonus

|Home2: Bonus

|Home3: No bonus

It seems a new roll is given every 5 minutes, but your farm does not update automatically and you have to re-enter. Also all percent boosts seemed to be the same %

Would appreciate if others could try this and confirm it, this is just my best guess

Also I did not check for a success boost in furnaces.. I used raincasting and anvils and furnaces showed no apparent increase in success rates, can anybody else confirm that? First encountered this when doing Dorren's Request, they may have nerfed stationary tools in general rather than just the oven, I'm not sure. Much appreciated if somebody could clarify this for me

Pieko13:24, 10 May 2011

From everything I could gather on this, it's been completely random up to the point of the recent update which changed a bunch of things about Homesteads. Prior to the Bird Update, I would enter and leave and it would change, or simply cc and it would appear like it was raining so I don't know.

Kingofrunes02:17, 19 May 2011

I have seen no difference between before and after the most recent update.

Pyrus11:06, 19 May 2011

Since Thursday's maint rain no longer be working? Seems like entering every few minutes and hoping for rain no longer works.

Also wagon stacking isn't working? I have over 6 wagons but pumpkins are only giving 280 + 14

Not really sure what's going on

Pieko12:47, 20 May 2011

I just tried, it still works. They may or may not have made it more unlikely, but it still works.

You can also check if it is raining by attempting to water the event's unwatered flower.

Pyrus15:31, 20 May 2011

@Pyrus Thats how i discovered that rain still works. tried to water it with a bottle but rain overrode it, lol. Now all that needs discovering is whether the bonus is fixed or not. And im not sure if it's linked with the area you were in prior to entering homestead, because when i discovered it was "raining" in my homestead, it was already raining in the area i warped from.

§ýkl☼03:05, 22 May 2011

I did several tests after first hearing about this. Where you are beforehand is irrelevant, it is a coincidence. And the herbs will always be 8 if you do not have any ornaments that do not raise, if you do, then it will be 9. Both of those two are excluding lucky bonuses. Production will have 3% more than non-rain zones on all percentage production. The only thing I have not tested is if r1 Rain Casting + Hidden-Weather-Effects ends up in 11 (12 with ornaments).

Pyrus04:19, 22 May 2011

since the last patch they fixed that typo; herb patches now give 5 herbs instead of 8

§ýkl☼23:22, 1 June 2011

I haven't attempt to gather herbs in a long time, so I cannot respond to that, however I have a screenshot with something that strikes me odd...
Snow Flakes in Homestead.png
It seems as if homesteads do have visual weather effects now. Has anyone else noticed any weather changes? Another thing is, that girl couldn't see the snowflakes. So it might be possible that only the owner can see, or only people who entered when it was still normally raining can see.

Pyro - (Talk)22:29, 7 July 2011

whoa, i havn't experienced that on my physis homestead yet so that IS ODD INDEED!

Since i havn't experienced it myself, although i did get the weather bonuses, your first theory doesn't seem to hold true although your second theory could. Then again it might also rely on:

Type of homestead And original location prior to homestead warp (i.e. it might be just you warping to homestead from physis while it was still snowing in physis)

also, i see what pyrus meant: he means you get 8 herbs a patch WITH the weather effect; without it, you get the normal 5+(bonus) herbs.

§ýkl☼00:24, 8 July 2011

As for where I was before entering Homestead, I was in Ch4 Dunbarton in Ruairi near Glenis, and I was an a Male Elf. In case that helps.

Pyro - (Talk)00:32, 8 July 2011

do you know how long you were in it and did you re-enter?

§ýkl☼18:17, 8 July 2011

I don't know exactly how long, but I would say around ten minutes, but the snow flakes were there when I entered and didn't disappear until I left. After that, every time I entered, clear as day.

Pyro - (Talk)18:28, 8 July 2011

probably a glitch then, assuming that girl entered with you around the same time

§ýkl☼00:46, 9 July 2011

She entered like 4 minutes after me.

Pyro - (Talk)13:35, 9 July 2011

my theory is that the snowflakes appeared because the "weather effect" started while you were being warped to homestead, or just before.

Highly unlikely though.

Unless you remember the exact time you entered?

§ýkl☼01:52, 10 July 2011

That is a possibility. And no, I don't remember the exact time.

Pyro - (Talk)14:29, 10 July 2011

hm, here's something odd

After a maint, rain rarely happens

However, as time passes by (real life), rain becomes more and more frequent

I forgot to account for the day when I was recording data, I believe it was on a weekend though (several days after a Tuesday maint), which explains the 5 minute intervals

If you're not sure what I mean, think of mob AI speed monsters react very quickly right after a maint ends, but they begin to slow down a few hours later in this case... the rain becomes more frequent a few days later

You can test this by checking for rain before a maint, then after a maint

Pieko01:24, 26 July 2011

That couldn't be possible, since weather depends on the real life time, meaning it is scheduled to occur. It has a pattern.


Well it certainly seems to be less frequent after a maintenance (from my experience anyway), and despite one homestead having rain, another may not at the same given time. If it were a pattern it'd have to be different for every single player. My assumption is that it's based on probability and you're more likely to "roll" a rain bonus when you instance your homestead if the server's uptime is higher

Also I don't quite believe it works like regular weather since it follows the shadow realm's qualities,especially the part in which if you never leave your homestead the rain will never go away.

That and I seem to get fixed rain bonus rates, similar to alchemy ovens (the level of rain doesn't matter, either it's not raining, raining, or there's a thunderstorm)

Really though, give it a try? It doesn't take much work, just enter your homestead every few minutes with a potion making kit or something before and after a maintenance and compare how often you get a success rate boost

Just be sure to exit your homestead and make sure nobody is in your homestead after you check so the instance can close

Pieko12:12, 2 August 2011

Weather on homesteads is just like the random invisible weather in shadow missions. Completely random with no pattern.

Also may i add that this weather also negatively affects the sword of elsnoire too. Meaning 50-80% of the time you do an outdoor shadow mission, your attack will be lowered with the sword.

And yes this weather seems to be completely random. Most likely due to the fact nexon can't sync up the weather correctly.

Aubog00715:45, 2 August 2011