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Homestead/Pet House

From Mabinogi World Wiki


After a long day of hard work, there's no better way for your pets to relieve all that Fatigue than to relax in one of the many new Pet Houses available to install in your Homestead!

Pet Houses come in 5 types, each with multiple levels that you can upgrade. You can only have 1 of each Pet House type installed on your Homestead.

  • This means Cloud Cushion Stage 1 and Cloud Cushion Stage 2 cannot both be on your Homestead at the same time.
  • However Cloud Cushion Stage 1, Cat Tower Stage 2, and Stable Stage 3 can all be on your Homestead simultaneously.

Pet House types include the following:

  • Cloud Cushion: For Small pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
  • Cat Tower: For Small, Terrestrial, and Cat pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
  • Medium Pet Pasture: For Medium pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
  • Stable: For Medium and Horse pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 4.
  • Large Pet Pasture: For Large pet types. Can be upgraded up to Stage 2.

Pet Houses require multiple materials including a blueprint in order to install or upgrade. Check the Pet Adventurer Guide to see where the materials can be obtained from.

Once you install the Pet House, click on the sparkling spot in order to bring up a list of pets that can rest there.

While resting at the Pet House, your pet will graciously provide stat buffs to you, the Milletian!

After fully resting at the Pet House, your pet's Fatigue will be gone, and the stat bonuses they were providing will also go away. You can always let your pet rest longer if you want the bonuses to stay!

You can check on your pet's rest progress by clicking on the Pet House. You can also cancel the resting period, though by doing so your pet's Fatigue will not decrease.

Pet houses allow your pets to rest after an Pet Expedition. They reduce fatigue and grant EXP upon a rest's completion.

What is a Pet Expedition?

Pet Expedition Bulletin Board overview
  • These are assigned based on the character's cumulative level, and they are categorized into Normal Expeditions, Today's Expeditions, and Special Expeditions.
    • Normal Expeditions: Four are assigned each day.
    • Today's Expeditions: One random expedition from the Normal Expeditions will be selected as Today's Expedition. There is an additional 15% chance to trigger a Huge Lucky Bonus.
    • Special Expeditions: These expeditions are not guaranteed to show up. You will be rewarded more handsomely compared to a regular expedition, as the completion time will take much longer.
    • Including the Special Expeditions, a maximum of 5 expeditions will be given per day, and a new list of expeditions will be assigned daily at 7:00 AM PDT.
  • An expedition that you've already claimed or started on will not be refreshed until 7:00 AM PDT the next day.
  • The list of expeditions that you can partake in may be different for each of the characters on your account.
  • An expedition identical to the one you're currently tasked with can be given again.
  • Expeditionary Venture Contracts are special items that can drop from certain Dungeons and Missions. Using them will automatically add the Pet Expedition that corresponds to the Dungeon or Mission the contract dropped from.
    • Expeditionary Venture Contracts cannot be used if you do not meet the cumulative level requirement, cannot be used if the mission board already offers the Contract's mission, or cannot be used if you have already used a contract that day.

Pet Fatigue

  • Pets will gain 1 fatigue per expeditionary venture that they finish.
    • Pets will not gain fatigue if you cancel their current expedition.
    • Pets whose fatigue level is 3 or higher cannot partake in another expeditionary venture.
  • The fatigue level will reset to 0 when/at:
    • the pet rests in a Pet House in the Homestead.
    • the pet undergoes Rebirth.
    • you transfer a pet with fatigue to an Pet Adoption Medal.
    • 12:00pm PDT100 Saturday.
      • this is true even while an expedition is still in progress, but that pet will still gain 1 fatigue upon clicking ‘Expedition Complete’.


Thrilling Pet Expedition!

How to Get Quest

Log in after the My Little Pet update with a level 4 Homestead.

Briefing Fear not, fair and faithful friend! Your brave and adorable pets are here! I'm sure you have many questions about Pet Expeditions, some of which I can probably answer if you come see me.
- Nicca
  • 15000 Experience Points
  • 5000 Gold

Pets Need Rest Too!

How to Get Quest

Clear [Guide] Thrilling Pet Expedition!

Briefing Your pets are always there for when you need them. Wouldn't it be nice if you could return the favor and help them get the most out of their hours of relaxation? Come see me to learn about Pet Houses.
- Heulfryn

Pet House Information

  • Pet Houses of identical types such as the Cloud Cushion (Stage 1) and Cloud Cushion (Stage 2) cannot be installed together.
  • Pet Houses of different types such as the Cloud Cushion (Stage 1) and Cat Tower (Stage 2) can be installed together.
  • Installed Pet Houses can be upgraded in stages by going into Edit Mode and clicking on the Pet House
    • When a Pet House is upgraded, the upgraded version will replace the previous stage
  • Removing the Pet House will convert it into a non-tradable prop item.
  • You cannot delete or upgrade a Pet House while a pet is resting within it.
  • The time it takes when it comes to installation or resting happens in real time, and time will continue to pass even while you are logged out.
  • It takes 36 minutes in real time for a pet to finish resting for all pet houses and pet types.
  • It takes 18 minutes in real time for a pet house to finish construction or upgrading.
  • Some Pet Houses can be painted
Material Item Method to obtain
Bought from any Trade Assistant Imp
Pet Essential Oil.png
Pet Essential Oil
Rewarded for completing Special Expeditions
Fine Wool.png
Fine Wool
Shearing Sheep
Cotton Cushion Stuffing.png
Cotton Cushion Stuffing
Crafted with Rank 9 Handicraft
(Item Difficulty: Rank 1) (Requires 20 Fine Wool and 5 Thin Thread Ball)
Fresh Grass.png
Fresh Grass
Hoeing in any Flower Field
Artificial Turf.png
Artificial Turf
Crafted with Rank 9 Handicraft
(Item Difficulty: Rank 1) (Requires 20 Fresh Grass and 5 Bundles of Flowers)
Large Mythril Nail.png
Large Mythril Nail
Crafted with Rank 6 Refining
(20 Mythril Ingot)
Soft Fur Pelt.png
Soft Fur Pelt
Rarely dropped from defeated Wing-eared Rabbits in Avalon
Soft Fur Fabric.png
Soft Fur Fabric
Crafted with Weaving
(20 Soft Fur Pelt)
Wheat Chaff.png
Wheat Chaff
Harvesting Wheat in Tir Chonaill
Hay Bale.png
Hay Bale
Crafted with Rank 9 Handicraft
(Item Difficulty: Rank 1) (20 Wheat Chaff, 1 Finest Leather Strap)

Cloud Cushion

Pet Types Unlocked Rest Effect Homestead Stones Blueprints Oils Cotton Cushion Stuffing Tough Thread Finest Fabric
Stage 1 Small STR +2 x10 Cloud Cushion (Stage 1) Blueprint x1 - x5 x3 x3
Stage 2 Small HP +10 x15 Cloud Cushion (Stage 2) Blueprint x1 - x15 x5 x5
Stage 3 Small DEX +5 x20 Cloud Cushion (Stage 3) Blueprint x1 x3 x25 x15 x15
Stage 4 Small Music Buff Effect +1 x30 Cloud Cushion (Stage 4) Blueprint x1 x4 x50 x20 x20
Total Item Quantity - - x75 Each of the above x7 x95 x43 x43

Cat Tower

Pet Types Unlocked Rest Effect Homestead Stones Blueprints Oils Soft Fur Fabric Large Mythril Nail Wood Board Finest Firewood Sparkling Glass Marble
Stage 1 Small, Terrestrial, Cats DEX +2 x15 Cat Tower (Stage 1) Blueprint x1 - x8 x8 x3 x3 -
Stage 2 Small, Terrestrial, Cats SP +15 x30 Cat Tower (Stage 2) Blueprint x1 - x15 x15 x5 x5 -
Stage 3 Small, Terrestrial, Cats Luck +15 x50 Cat Tower (Stage 3) Blueprint x1 x3 x35 x35 x15 x15 x10
Stage 4 Small, Terrestrial, Cats Critical Damage +2% x100 Cat Tower (Stage 4) Blueprint x1 x4 x50 x50 x30 x30 x20
Total Item Quantity - - x195 Each of the above x7 x108 x108 x43 x53 x30

Medium Pet Pasture

Stage 1 Usable by Pet Types: Medium
Rest Effect: Intelligence +2 while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 1) Blueprint x1, Artificial Turf x5, Wood Board x3, Finest Firewood x3, Homestead Stone x10
Stage 2 Usable by Pet Types: Medium
Rest Effect: Intelligence +2, MP +10 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 2) Blueprint x1, Artificial Turf x15, Wood Board x5, Finest Firewood x5, Homestead Stone x15
Stage 3 Usable by Pet Types: Medium
Rest Effect: Intelligence +2, MP +10, Will + 5 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 3) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x3, Artificial Turf x25, Wood Board x15, Finest Firewood x15, Bottled Water x3, Homestead Stone x20
Stage 4 Usable by Pet Types: Medium
Rest Effect: Intelligence +2, MP +10, Will +5, Critical Damage +1% per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 4) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x4, Artificial Turf x50, Wood Board x20, Finest Firewood x20, Bottled Water x3, Homestead Stone x30


Stage 1 Usable by Pet Types: Medium, Horses
Rest Effect: Will +2 while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Stable (Stage 1) Blueprint x1, Hay Bale x8, Large Mythril Nail x8, Wood Board x3, Finest Firewood x3, Homestead Stone x15
Stage 2 Usable by Pet Types: Medium, Horses
Rest Effect: Will +2, HP +15 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Stable (Stage 2) Blueprint x1, Hay Bale x15, Large Mythril Nail x15, Wood Board x5, Finest Firewood x5, Homestead Stone x30
Stage 3 Usable by Pet Types: Medium, Horses
Rest Effect: Will +2, HP +15, Strength +5 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Stable (Stage 3) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x3, Hay Bale x35, Large Mythril Nail x35, Wood Board x15, Finest Firewood x15, Building Stone x10, Homestead Stone x50
Stage 4 Usable by Pet Types: Medium, Horses
Rest Effect: Will +2, HP +15, Strength +5, Magic Attack +5 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Stable (Stage 4) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x4, Hay Bale x50, Large Mythril Nail x50, Wood Board x30, Finest Firewood x30, Building Stone x20, Homestead Stone x100

Large Pet Pasture

Stage 1 Usable by Pet Types: Large
Rest Effect: Intelligence +5 while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Large Pet Pasture (Stage 1) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x3, Artificial Turf x25, Wood Board x15, Finest Firewood x15, Homestead Stone x20
Stage 2 Usable by Pet Types: Large
Rest Effect: Intelligence +5, Max Attack +3 per pet resting location while the pet is resting
Installation Material: Large Pet Pasture (Stage 2) Blueprint x1, Pet Essential Oil x4, Artificial Turf x50, Wood Board x20, Finest Firewood x20, Homestead Stone x30

Rest System

Click on the resting area of the Pet House to have your pet rest there.

Only the types of pets that are eligible to rest in the selected Pet House will display on the list.

The resting area will display with a sparkling effect, and you can have a pet rest only on that spot.

The resting progress will display at the bottom of your pet. Clicking on a resting pet will allow you to check the progress of resting, or stop/finish resting.

When the pet finishes resting in the Pet House, the [Pause Rest] button will change to the [Rest Finished] button.

You can claim the rewards from resting by clicking the [Rest Finished] button, and the buffs you obtained while your pet was resting will disappear.

Resting Effect

While your pets are resting in the Pet House, you will receive various buffs based on the kind of Pet House and the location in the Pet House that they are resting in.

  • For Pet Houses with multiple Resting Slots, each Resting Slot offers a distinct buff, which can be seen on the Resting UI
  • You will only receive the buffs corresponding to the chosen Resting Slots; unused Slots will not confer their buffs, even if another slot at the same Pet House is occupied.

When the resting time is completed and the pet status changes to [Rest Finished] button status, the resting effect is still maintained.

Just like the Homestead Figures, only the highest stat effects from identical ones will be applied.

The effects from Homestead Figures and the Pet House Rest effects will stack. (Homestead Figures + Homestead Sequel Figures + Pet House Rest effects)

After resting, pet fatigue will reset to 0, and the fully rested pet will gain EXP depending on the type of house.


  • Cloud Cushion and Pet Pasture: 30,000 Pet EXP
  • Cat Tower and Stable: 80,000 Pet EXP
Resting Slot Pet Rest Effect by Resting Slot (Higher stages also offer previous stage's bonuses)
Cloud Cushion (Stage 1) Strength +2
Cloud Cushion (Stage 2) HP +10
Cloud Cushion (Stage 3) DEX +5
Cloud Cushion (Stage 4) Music Buff Skill Effect +1
Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 1) INT +2
Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 2) MP +10
Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 3) WILL +5
Medium Pet Pasture (Stage 4) Critical Damage +1%
Cat Tower (Stage 1) DEX +2
Cat Tower (Stage 2) Stamina +15
Cat Tower (Stage 3) LUCK +5
Cat Tower (Stage 4) Critical Damage +2%
Stable (Stage 1) WILL +2
Stable (Stage 2) HP +15
Stable (Stage 3) Strength +5
Stable (Stage 4) Magic ATT +5
Large Pet Pasture (Stage 1) INT +5
Large Pet Pasture (Stage 2) Max ATT +3