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handicraft and ascon part-time jobs and lifeskills

handicraft and ascon part-time jobs and lifeskills

Handicraft is affected by carpentry, blacksmith, and weaving and also to some extent tailoring. Other lifeskills are affected similarly and their corresponding part-time jobs by what the player has learned or not. Most of Ascon's ptj's need carpentry and blacksmith one of my accounts has not learned any of that making it unable to do the thick-spars ptj at all. Some ptj that involve light silk and thin thread require tailoring at rank 9 and weaving to be learned and be unlocked for the player to even have it available. Ranking up handicraft is not going to simply advance the player's ptj opportunity but the player must learn other lifeskills also.

Ryuuri (talk)06:01, 23 July 2024

Handicraft is not affected by your other Life Skill Ranks in the way you have described.

The issue is that in-game, Light Silk requests "Poison Herb, Cheap Silk, and Finest Silk" but in reality, the game gives you Part-Time Job exclusive versions of those items that you do not need to craft (the text issue is a known bug).

It is also not a true statement to say that a player NEEDS to craft these items either, as players would still be able to purchase any of these from player Personal Shops or the Auction House.

It only serves to confuse players by suggesting they need a skill that they do not.

Lint (talk)14:06, 23 July 2024

After making accounts just to check on those, ranking up skill (handicraft) alone does not yield anymore/advance the level of job-opportunities with Ascon until I learn another skill and rank them up.

Does that mean the game just give random ptj's that have no purpose? This was my concern. Before the ptj update, from what I distinctly remember, Ascon did not give jobs that way unless this has become a new bug entirely because of that update. I can see other npc's giving random jobs the player can still perform and the certaintity/percentage of them completing it, or it is a delivery or some that still ask the player to eliminate; those remain consistent. However, Ascon, to my testing seems to only have this new issue unlike other npc's.

Again, it is not just rng of jobs in general but Ascon's part-time jobs itself. I am at a point that he's ptj's are the only one with an issue. Again, in the past, the ptj's he gives only applies to the handicrarft then the advanced and intermediate give ptj's that may need weaving, blacksmithing, carpentry and tailoring skills to be learned and ranked up.

Ryuuri (talk)18:08, 24 July 2024

Ascon PTJs do not need ranks in other Life Skills to complete or even obtain. More difficult Jobs from Ascon require Intermediate and Advanced Level Part-Time Job status with Ascon, which require 50 and 100 successful attempts.

If you have any real evidence to the contrary besides hearsay, feel free to present such evidence to the editors on any of the Discords (of which you can find the official Nexon Discord server on the side bar of this wiki; if you have the sidebar hidden you can open it with the ≡ Triple Bar Button to find the link).

Lint (talk)20:52, 24 July 2024