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Morgant = Human

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Morgant

Ah, I see your point there.

Oh and just to add on to the definition of Fomor point, do we actually know why Ruairi suspects her of being a Fomor? Because she's in a dungeon? Because she has red eyes? (A lot of NPCs, such as Alissa and Ferghus have red eyes.) Is it because of the clothing she wears? (That symbol on her necklace is repeatedly acknowledged to be Druid in Mabinogi. Only in Vindictus has it ever been said to be Fomor.) Is it one of those things where we are just left in the dark as to what makes Fomors distinguishable? For all I know, Fomors could have an insanely deep voice, even little girls, and that's how Ruairi was able to tell. (Enjoy that mental image.)

Kapra - (Talk)17:05, 4 March 2014