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{{{{{format}}} |Name=Neid |Page=Neid

|FieldBoss=yes |FieldLocations=*Lake Neagh |DungeonLocations=*None

|HP=120,000 |CP= |Defense= |Protection= |Speed= |Element=

|MeleeHits=1 |MeleeDamage=800-1000~ |MagicHits=1 |MagicDamage=?-1100

|Aggro=y |MultiAggro= |AggroRange=Wide |AggroSpeed=Fast

|DropsOverflow=y |EXP=500,000 (+10,000) |Gold= |DropEquip=*Weapons

|DropMisc=*Enchant Scroll

|SkillAdvancedHeavyStander=y |SkillManaDeflector =2 |SkillTailAttack=y |SkillRoarMonster=y |SkillWaterBomb=y |SkillWaterCannon=y

|Notes=*Can dive underwater.

  • Usually only uses Tail Attack.
  • Its Water Cannon hits multiple targets and has a fairly wide splash radius.
  • Sometimes it will spit out items through Water Cannon. The item can be found at the place of impact. The items are selected from the Lake Neagh Fishing List.

|Advice=*Because it generally only uses Tail Attack, you can use range or magic to be able to hit it outside of its attack range.

  • A high ranked Windmill can also hit from outside its tail range.
  • Spamming anything at maximum range works well.
  • Simple melee-spamming with several players works like a charm, since Neid cannot be knocked back.
  • Using Doppleganger on Neid will result in you teleporting inside the lake. You will still be able to attack Neid and obtain drops but you cannot walk out of the lake.
