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Talk:Ice Dragon

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Base Stats Correct?809:31, 29 December 2011
Skill upon being summoned?113:08, 26 December 2011
Err...413:45, 17 December 2011

Base Stats Correct?

Can any verify that these are actually the base stats of the Ice Dragon before skill boosts? These numbers are way too high compared to the other dragons...

Doomsday07:49, 25 December 2011

These are the stats straight from the client files.

Angevon (Talk)09:26, 25 December 2011

Just to make sure it's clear, the stats I am referring to are the base damage (11~16 higher than the thunder dragon!), the critical chance (not only a fraction, but 7 higher than the thunder dragon), the wound rate (NOT 0~3%?), and the balance (9 higher than the thunder dragon).

I find it very hard to believe that the ice dragon's base stats would be so much massively better than the thunder dragon that costs the same.

Doomsday21:15, 28 December 2011

From a marketing perspective, it has to be. Companies have to keep making things bigger and better, no? Or else the only reason people would buy the exact same thing would be the aethetic change, and that can't really be counted on.

Akira22:36, 28 December 2011

I'd honestly have to agree with Doomsday. Why is it more powerful than the Thunder Dragon yet it has the same cost to obtain it? That's kind of unfair to those who got the TD.

Infodude57500:02, 29 December 2011

...Didn't you see my reasoning? I mean, it might be unfair to people who got the Thunder Dragon, but that's kind of the point. They're compelling people to get the *upgraded* version.

Otherwise why would people go and get the new dragon?

Akira00:06, 29 December 2011

Capitalism or not, the stats listed put the Ice Dragon in a league of its own. Considering the dragons are limited time pets, there's hardly enough time for most people to discover that this particular dragon has "superior" stats. Unless there's some marketing campaign I'm not aware of, it's selling on the fact it's another dragon.

None of this guessing is my point, though. Doesn't anyone actually have the Ice Dragon? I'm asking them to do the math with the skills their dragon currently has and see what the base damage actually is. Because I'm guessing whoever put in those stats just put in the stats of a level 1 Ice Dragon. Angevon, they're not in the client files, are they? They were added separately by Nadindel a few minutes afterwards.

Doomsday04:58, 29 December 2011

Stats that come from client files: STR, INT, DEX, WILL, LUK, HP, MP, Stamina, Defense, Protection, EXP %, summon time & bag size.

So, wound rate and critical and balance (I forget if base balance is in the client) are not from the client. They are probably from a level 1 ice dragon's in-game character screen. The reason the critical rate is so high is probably because the base luck & will are so high.

Angevon (Talk)09:31, 29 December 2011

Skill upon being summoned?

I don't think the skill that the Ice Dragon uses when being summed is the Hail Storm that the Crystal Deer pet uses, what happens when the Ice Dragon is summoned is more along the lines of Ice Spear, while as the Crystal Deer just stuns the enemy. It makes sense, the Ice Dragon having Ice Spear, Thunder Dragon executes Thunder upon being summoned, and the Fire Dragon uses Fireball. Relativity speaking, of course.

Nadindel09:01, 21 December 2011

The effect is closer to that of Frozen Blast. But yes, they are not the same summoning skill.

MSZShadow13:08, 26 December 2011

Why does it look so... lame? I was hoping for something like this: [1]. But no, it's just clear with only spikes on its head.

If you can't see it well, refer to this video:

Infodude57516:56, 16 December 2011

Please keep your personal opinions to yourself. Mabinogi World Wikipedia is NOT the forums.

The Paladin Slayer19:30, 16 December 2011

Uh... Freedom of expression?

Infodude57521:00, 16 December 2011

Discussion pages always have opinions, Paladin. That's the way things go.

Nadindel04:10, 17 December 2011

Look you're trying to turn this into the forum, that is NOT happening. @Nadinel If this was true, then the main page discussion would be overrun with useless rants. All I'm saying is this: How is this statement relevant? How is the opinion relevant?

It Is Not

If you had worded your statement better, we wouldn't be having this conversion.

"Is anyone disappointed with how the dragon looks? I thought it would look something like this (Insert Video/Image Here). Oh well. I don't really like it but I want to know what you guys think."

That would have been more proper and acceptable, and I would have promptly put in my answer.

The Paladin Slayer13:44, 17 December 2011