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Why does it look so... lame? I was hoping for something like this: [1]. But no, it's just clear with only spikes on its head.

If you can't see it well, refer to this video:

Infodude57517:56, 16 December 2011

Please keep your personal opinions to yourself. Mabinogi World Wikipedia is NOT the forums.

The Paladin Slayer20:30, 16 December 2011

Uh... Freedom of expression?

Infodude57522:00, 16 December 2011

Discussion pages always have opinions, Paladin. That's the way things go.

Nadindel05:10, 17 December 2011

Look you're trying to turn this into the forum, that is NOT happening. @Nadinel If this was true, then the main page discussion would be overrun with useless rants. All I'm saying is this: How is this statement relevant? How is the opinion relevant?

It Is Not

If you had worded your statement better, we wouldn't be having this conversion.

"Is anyone disappointed with how the dragon looks? I thought it would look something like this (Insert Video/Image Here). Oh well. I don't really like it but I want to know what you guys think."

That would have been more proper and acceptable, and I would have promptly put in my answer.

The Paladin Slayer14:44, 17 December 2011