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Church of Hymerark

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Let not thy feet falter in carrying out thine own will. Let curiosity's guiding star lead thee down the pathways thy heart yearns to walk.



Basic Information

Wingheart Coin.png

The Church of Hymerark, sometimes known as the Order of Hymerark, is a religious organization of worshipers of Hymerark, one of the three second tier gods of Erinn, the other two being Lymilark and Jeamiderark. It is a marginal religious group, with much less followers than the Church of Lymilark.

Hymerark is the God of Freedom, under the direct command of the creator of Erinn: Aton Cimeni.

Faith Symbols

  • The shape of the Hymerark followers's talisman Order of Hymerark Talisman.png represents the Unbound Wings of Freedom, Hymerark's primary symbol.[1]
  • The shape of Piran's pendant Piran's Pendant.png represents one of the symbols of the faith, the Wingheart, which is two closed wings that form the shape of a heart.

Known Followers of Hymerark



  • "Stay not thy hand from taking action; close not thy mind to possibility."
  • "May the unbound wings of Hymerark guide your path."
    • A blessing recited by Piran and Order of Hymerark members during Generation 22.
  • "Let not thy feet falter in carrying out thine own will. Let curiosity's guiding star lead thee down the pathways thy heart yearns to walk."
    • Recited by Vayne during Generation 22.
  • "Cling not to thy belongings, but do not disdain that which comes into thy possession."
  • "Accept your hardships with gladness, and your suffering with open arms, for by these trials shall you be raised up, that you might stand unbowed in the days of adversity."
    • Recited by Piran in response to the Mabinogi Keyword after completing Generation 22.

