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Aonbharr (Family)

From Mabinogi World Wiki
Aonbharr, known as the Flowing Mane, is the guardian of Falias. He guards the treasures of the gods hidden in the tomb of ruins.


Falias Gatekeeper

Basic Information

  • Sphinx-like monsters related to Falias.
  • They seem to be more vulnerable to attacks such as Smash and Magnum Shot.
  • Gold Aonbharrs are classified as fire element and therefore are vulnerable against ice attacks.
    • This type only appears in mainstream versions of Falias.
  • Silver Aonbharrs are classified as ice element and therefore are vulnerable against fire attacks.


Normal Monster Aonbharr

Picture of Aonbharr
Edit Link
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
3 Very Fast Very Fast Far Yes100 Multi Ice Elemental.png Ice
Skills Icebolt.png100 Instinctive Reaction.png100 Smash.png100 Heavy Stander.png100
Location Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
? ? - ? (?) ? ? ?


Quest Monster Aonbharr (Gold)

Aonbharr (Gold).png
Edit Link
Shadow Mission
  • (G12) Goddess in Danger
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
3 Very Fast Very Fast Far Yes100 Multi Fire Elemental.png Fire
Skills Firebolt.png100 Instinctive Reaction.png100 Smash.png100
Mission Difficulty Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
1,000 ? - ? (?) ? ? ?

Normal Monster Corrupted Aonbharr

Picture of Corrupted Aonbharr
Edit Link
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
3 Fast Fast Medium Yes100 - Fire Elemental.png Fire
Skills Icebolt.png100 Firebolt.png100 Instinctive Reaction.png100 Smash.png100 Heavy Stander.png100
Location Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
? ? - ? (?) ? ? ?

Shadow Monster Aonbharr (The Saga - Iria)

Picture of Aonbharr (The Saga - Iria)
Edit Link
Shadow Mission
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
3 Fast Very Fast Medium Yes100 Multi Fire Elemental.png Fire
Skills Defense.png100 Counterattack.png100 Smash.png100 Heavy Stander.png100
Mission Difficulty Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
? ? - ? (?) ? ? ?
? ? - ? (?) ? ? ?
? ? - ? (?) ? ? ?
2,000 ? - ? (?) ? ? ?

Shadow Monster Berserk Aonbharr

Picture of Berserk Aonbharr
Edit Link
Shadow Mission
Melee Hits Running Speed Detection Speed Detection Range Aggressive Aggression Element
3 Very Fast Very Fast Far Yes100 Multi Unknown
Skills Icebolt.png100 Firebolt.png100 Instinctive Reaction.png100 Smash.png100
Mission Difficulty Hit Points Melee Damage Ranged Damage Def. (Prot.) Experience Gold Combat Power
3,100 ? - ? (?) 3,000 0 5,000


  • In Irish mythology, Aonbharr (Also called Enbarr) is a steed that could traverse both land and sea and was faster than the wind. It belonged to Manannan and was lent to Lugh for use in his endeavors, as it made whoever was mounted upon its back unable to be killed.
  • Despite translations of the myth generally agreeing the Aonbharr was a horse (Mabinogi even calls it by its title of "Flowing Mane") the creatures depicted in Mabinogi more closely resemble the Aralez from Armenian mythology; a winged dog that descended from the heavens to lick the wounds of fallen heroes and revive them.
    • The mythological Aonbharr is also not particularly associated with protecting treasures itself. However, in Irish myth, Lugh refuses to loan Enbarr to the sons of Tuireann, and thus is inadvertently forced to later lend them the self-navigating boat, the Wave-Sweeper. This could be the connection drawn upon to assign them this role in-game.