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User talk:XDippi

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Icons211:21, 30 June 2012
Welcome020:57, 7 June 2012

When taking pictures of an item's icon, please do so while the item is in your inventory—not equipped. An equipped item's icon is often shrunken and distorted.

Ginkgo18:59, 29 June 2012

Okay thank you. I'm not quite sure how to clean sprites like that so I was expecting someone to replace the sprite anyway. But thank you, I didn't realize.

XDippi08:28, 30 June 2012

As long as the icon you upload is taken from an inventory window, someone else can clean the icon for you.

There's a more detailed explanation here if you're interested.

Ginkgo11:21, 30 June 2012

Template message removed, be sure to read the policy for an explanation on why you got this message on your talk page.

Your userpage is saved into the wiki db and can be restored at any moment. If you do reach the requirements to keep a userpage, me (or another administrator) will restore your userpage.

Thank you.