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User talk:Darkiller617

From Mabinogi World Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Figure Skating Outfit Images1901:21, 27 February 2014
Cello image revert issue.007:22, 19 December 2013

Figure Skating Outfit Images

Can you please retake your images? Your images are jpeg'd pngs. I would also recommend turning off the Film Shader and outline rendering.

You can take clean pngs by clicking outside of the Mabinogi window to something like the task bar. From there, use the PrntScrn button and paste the screenshot into an image editor such as Microsoft Paint. Make sure to crop the image as well. For more information regarding how to take images to wiki standards, please refer to this quick guide.

~Thanks in advance

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)23:28, 26 February 2014

Well thats what i did. im verry sory the qualtiy isnt that good. i can retry to take them, sorry.

Darkiller617 (talk)23:30, 26 February 2014

Okay i red the pictures now and im sure they look good. but what do you think?

Darkiller617 (talk)00:00, 27 February 2014

My only complain is the idle pose. You legs aren't straight. But I was ever harsh on that, so wait for Mikaya .3.?

Nise Panda (talk)00:01, 27 February 2014

Other than legs misaligned, that's about it.

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)00:05, 27 February 2014

Thank you this was first thing i ever got to the wikki that was good. And what do you mean wait for mikaya?

Darkiller617 (talk)00:14, 27 February 2014

You got me (I'm Mikaya btw o -o;)...Anyone coulda told you that. Unless Sakura didn't want to come off as harsh :x...

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)00:16, 27 February 2014

The person you just replied to is Mikaya. Not sure if she was going to ask for a change or not.

Nise Panda (talk)00:16, 27 February 2014

Someone may stop by to replace it due to leg position. I'd fix it before someone else does. just saying.

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)00:24, 27 February 2014

ill see what i can do

Darkiller617 (talk)00:27, 27 February 2014

so im really confeusd by leg postion. what do you mean by that?

Darkiller617 (talk)00:30, 27 February 2014

When standing idle with Bare Hands, your character will assume one of two idle positions that are not custom idle positions linked to clothing. Your character will either have their left foot out while standing or keep their feet next to each other. Ideally, you want their feet to be next to each other in all shots.

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)00:32, 27 February 2014

so i have to retake the picture but showing all of the legs?

Darkiller617 (talk)00:35, 27 February 2014

If it does have socks/stockings/highthighs, then yes. Otherwise, they can be left out, but keep something around mid-thigh or so, like the angle of the images you took them in is good enough.

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)00:37, 27 February 2014

the figure skating outfit doesnt have stockings or socks or highlights. but should i retake all the images showing the legs?

Darkiller617 (talk)00:39, 27 February 2014

Just some of the thigh (upper legs).

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)01:02, 27 February 2014

wpicture, one of them or all? /

Darkiller617 (talk)01:17, 27 February 2014

wich picture, one or all? sorry the other message got a bit messed up.

Darkiller617 (talk)01:18, 27 February 2014

I'd just do front and back. Side and Angled looks fine.

レキシス・ミカヤ (talk)01:19, 27 February 2014

ok, ill get to work on it

Darkiller617 (talk)01:21, 27 February 2014

Cello image revert issue.

I would politely request you to stop the "revert war" on the Cello page.

Since you seem to be new here with uploading images, I'll give you the basics for uploading images:

  • Take natural .png images
  • Do not take photos of items that are black/white
  • Turn off glow effect
  • Turn off rendering outlines
  • Crop

If I missed anything, then see the Image Policy.

Additionally, if you're going to replace any images, please give a reason for your revision.

If you don't give a reason for it, then your image is most likely going to be reverted over.

Otherwise, "revert wars" are just pointless and annoying to those who actually know what they're doing and take it seriously.

If it continues, I'm sure an admin will lock the page so you won't be able to do it anymore!

Anemki's siggy is better than Kevin's! ║ talkcontributions07:22, 19 December 2013