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Automated Server Status

Automated Server Status

Hey, Xcelled. I was wondering, if you could, make the script allow admin changes even with " Allow changes to the configuration " option disabled. Thanks in advance!

Hey, sorry for the delay, been busy with college applications 'n stuff.

Making that change would require me to re-design the whole script, which I'm perfectly happy doing - it needs to be done anyway. At that time, I'd move the script from PHP to Python/Django, as well as make it so everyone has to log in to edit the statuses.

If that sounds okay to you, I'll get started, but it's (probably) not going to be a "I'll have it ready at the end of the day" thing, just so you know.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19412:47, 8 December 2012

Would changing to python/django require anything else to be done in order to access/view the status? If it does, then keeping it like it is now is okay. Otherwise, sounds good.


The only things that would change would be the url (Unless you WANT the .php extension on it...), how you and the other admins log in/edit statuses (It should be easier), and the fact that others will need to create an account/log in to edit the statuses.

In terms of the functionality or the fancy blue table, those won't change.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19420:07, 8 December 2012

Hey, sorry to bother you, but what happen to the server status? It seemed to have disappeared a few days ago and the spot's now just white.

Huh, didn't notice :o Thanks for pointing it out

For some reason, the server seemed to be in hibernate mode. Dunno why, but I cycled power on it and it should return momentarily. If not, I'll take a look at it in the morning.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19421:48, 9 July 2013

Sorry to bother you again, but the status still doesn't seem to be appearing.


No bothers, don't worry :P

Due to the heavy rains here on the east coast, my basement is now flooded with several inches of water. Thanks, mother Nature! My server is across the brand new lake (on a shelf, thank god) so I can't really look at it until the water gets cleaned up. I'll toss up a maint page in the interm, though. Until then, back to vacuuming!

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19418:12, 10 July 2013

No galoshes? ;~; But really, if it's going to be a while, we should revert it to the fully manual version.

Kadalyn (talk)18:38, 20 July 2013

Yeah, let's keep it on Manual for awhile. The server is majorly messed up, the script is due for an overhaul, and I'm going to college on the 19th. Wheeeeeee.

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19419:18, 8 August 2013

I know it's been quite some time now, and you're probably super busy. Did you ever redesign the script for automatic updates on the Mabinogi servers? I, along with several other I assume (this is the part where you speak), don't mind updating the server status manually, but I do miss the convenience of the automatic server status.

Unfortunately not. I'm lacking certain information and don't presently have the time to acquire it (college is annoying >_>)

Your friendly Server Status Script admin, Xcelled19416:21, 9 March 2014