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The server status....

do you have anyone who is currently on Alexina playing right now? Is there any proof that Alexina is online right now? If it is, then this is quite interesting @@

Kikiwai16:17, 29 January 2012

Because that is exactly what the documentation for the Automated Server Status page states. "if you're setting it because the Game Servers are "online" while the login server is "update/maint", then do not use this! The statuses are correct!" There is an automatic script that checks on the status of each server. If Alexina is reporting to the script that it is online, then it is online.

TheFarix16:19, 29 January 2012

If the game server is online and If the log in server is offline then dont use it.

Right now the situation is...

The game is Maint (not online) and Log in server is Maint then should we not use it?

Kikiwai16:21, 29 January 2012

No. There is no reason to override the script.

TheFarix16:23, 29 January 2012

Humm, I guess my question is... How does "the script" know that Alexina is online right now?

Kikiwai16:25, 29 January 2012

You will have to ask the person who wrote it. But I'm assuming that it pings the same port the clients use to see if there is a response. It's not unusual to see the login server in maintenance/update mode while the game servers are reporting as being online. That is why that instruction was put into the page's guidelines.

TheFarix16:29, 29 January 2012

As Farix said, the script pings the server and port of each and every channel/server. If a response is received, the server is set as online. Otherwise, the server is put as offline, unless there is an offline override set, in this case "maint".


Did someone call the creator? c:

Yes, as Farix and Kevin said, the script is automatic. However, I feel the need to point out one technical detail that might confuse people. The script does not "ping" in the normal sense. Instead, it actually opens a connection to the server, exactly like the client does. Based on this connection succeeding or failing, the script knows the status of the server.

Now, as to the instruction in the guidelines: During a (typical) maintenance/update, Nexon doesn't take the servers down for long. They patch them, brig them up, test the patch, tweak it, ect. During this process, only the login server stays down. In the interest of being totally accurate, the script displays the "true" status, as opposed to, say, automatically making every server offline. There are several reasons for this:

  • It means that the script will still display the correct info if the login server crashes.
  • It contributes to the general clarity of information.
  • Knowing exactly when the servers come up allows for timing boss spawns/ancients/ect - things that would otherwise be impossible.

We've already been down this discussion path, and decided on keeping the script as accurate as possible. However, it does cause come confusion as to why the servers are online during a maintenance - hence why the instruction not to override the statuses was inserted.

Xcelled19416:54, 29 January 2012

so the script can act like a game client to see Alexina's server status without needing to have login server online?

Sorry if I am asking a heck lot of question, I am just interested cause I am also a programer.

Kikiwai17:02, 29 January 2012

If you want to talk with Xcelled194, can you do it somewhere else other than my talk page?

TheFarix17:04, 29 January 2012

It's fine, I'll move this thread to the server status page as a kind of Q and A.

Each server has their own IP address (Head over to the Lag page to see them). The login server simply handles the authentication and displaying the char select screen. When you push "Start Game", the client disconnects from the Login server and instead connects to the selected game server. In theory, this means that you could completely bypass the login server (I believe this is what Nexon does to test the servers during a maintenance)

By connecting directly to the game server (Just as the client does), the script can get the real time status of the server, regardless of if the login server is online.

Xcelled19417:08, 29 January 2012

Have you tried logging into Ch1? That's the only Alexina Ch that isn't in maint.

Pyro - (Talk)16:28, 29 January 2012