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Image Policy, again.

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Lovely

Sorry, I don't remember being told this other than now.

Delete the images then.

Lovely13:19, 19 January 2012

If you checked your talk page, instead of just the New Messages tab, scroll down to the bottom and you'll find a message from last August. I've been assuming you've seen that, which is kinda why I took a bit harder tone...sorry.

And I kinda also assumed you owned the clothes, since I didn't see any credit given to someone else, so I thought you had the ability to dye it.

While I do agree with both you and Sakura's assertion that an image, however bad, is better than no image, keep in mind that images do take space. I'd think that if everyone uploaded a marginally better picture under the assumption that since it's going to be replaced anyways, it's okay in the meantime, then the empty bytes left are going to be gobbled up faster than Pac-man hyped by sugar. If you have the capability to (as I assumed), it just saves room and the trouble of finding a replacement if the picture uploaded was perfect from the start.

Akira20:11, 19 January 2012

Oh, I wasn't the person who uploaded whatever the images were in August, I was just using this account because I remember something about Wiki needing people to delete their accounts if they didn't use them. I could be wrong, because I only remember it vaguely.

My apologies then, I'll upload the perfect images from the start.

Lovely20:40, 19 January 2012

I don't think accounts can be deleted...if that was the case, the vandals' accounts would have been deleted too. I think. that you say what I said, I start sounding unreasonable, heh. I'll just have to add that "try" is the keyword.

Thanks for listening.

Akira20:56, 19 January 2012