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Should be updated to include G18 completion

I am still looking for that source, whether or not I post it or not won't change the current matter, however.


Actually, for people who aren't brainless fools, it will make all the difference in the world. With all the sources you cite, I could say that DevCat sent me an e-mail last night stating that The Saga: Iria is actually Generation 18's story and there would be little for you to do because the argument has become "he said, she said" and not based off of listed, valid sources.

Until you can provide evidence that this quote actually exists, why should it be included in your list of evidence? Because you have confirmation bias, maybe?

Also, do not forget that that quote can be spun to support a number of arguments, including one that says there will continue to be a Generation series because DevCat might have been referring to the Zero updates, etc. as not Generations. In no way has this "quote" been presented in a way that contradicts that line of thinking... in your world, that means you have to provide evidence it is wrong and I don't have to provide evidence that it is correct. :)

And yes, Occam's Razor IS applicable. It's applicable in all situations, but is not always correct. In the same way it is not logical to assume that one illness is caused by black magic while all the rest are caused by bacteria, viruses, etc, it is logical to assume that, since X is similar to Y, then X and Y fall into the same category. Building on my previous example, if you do not have good evidence that it is not a duck when it is otherwise pretty much the same as one, why assume that it is not a duck?

Your problem is you take your own assumption/claim as fact. Your (apparent) list of evidence to support your claim is lacking, one being an ambiguous quote and the other being the fact that it has not YET been referred to as "Generation 18" by the developers (while ignoring that it is called so in the files".

I do not have time to refute your argument in full. Rest assured, however, your attempts to act like a creationist and shift the burden of proof onto the biologists while denying the weakness of your arguments and the copious amounts of evidence that already evidence are duly noted by me, the only one skeptical enough to call you out on your BS.

Kave Johnson (talk)07:44, 30 September 2013

"people who aren't brainless fools", "skeptical enough to call you out on your BS."
Whatever happened to:
"I would say you fail at logic, but that would be rude of me. Instead, I will explain 'why' you are incorrect."

The quote could be used as evidence that upcoming updates will not be called Generations. Keyword updates, not storylines. I did not say that included the Saga or the "G18" update. As I said, I am still looking for that quote (there are very few languages I can read without a translator mind you), you can choose to completely disregard the quote until then. But as I said and partially implied (I apologize, sometimes I have points in my head while reading things but forget to write them), it does not support my point of the Saga not being called "Generation 18", but it also doesn't need to, as there is currently no factual basis for calling it "Generation 18".

"I don't have to provide evidence that it is correct. :)" I am sorry if I implied I require you to find evidence to support that, rather, I said I require evidence that the Saga storyline (not the update it came out with/after) is called "Generation 18".

I'm going to go on a short tangent and skip to a previous post of yours because I forgot to write this when I had time.
There have been updates of arguably equal or greater size to the "G18" update since. Such as the Zero/Druid update.

My point being, "are similar to the Seasons of prior Generations and I consider them such.", it is arguably larger or smaller than "G18", but without question, they are comparably large update. When you consider updates such as "G17", had the replacement with destinies with talents, and 8 new life skills, I hope you agree with my opinion that both updates are larger than "G17". "Season" updates are usually shorter than that. Although they may contain some huge change, it's still usually very few physical changes. Such as "G17S2" added the puppeteer skills/quests and not much else. To consider them season updates or not season updates would not be accurate, as most of the new content don't even have a generation tag at all in package files, nor is there an associated name for them. It is not our place to judge the size of the file but if I were to use your logic, I would not call them smaller updates to that of "G18".

What is not under question: The Saga came out in the updates following "G18".
What is not certain without evidence: The name of updates, the name of storylines, and the name of "chapters".

Occam's Razor is applicable in most situations, and yes it can be wrong. No disagreements there. But I fail to see how it's application is beneficial in most situations. For example, in medicine. If one find a new illness, and that illness seems to be similar chicken pox but is not caused by the same virus as chicken pox, you do not call it chicken pox. They never claim the cause of a disease with an unknown cause is the same as another disease until there is solid proof. They do, however, mention coincidence factors, but not say those are the causes. That is what is currently being done on the saga in this wiki.

The only assumptions I have made is:

  • Updates/storylines have official names.
  • As a community, we assumed the definition of "Mainstream quests", even though the term was used very few times and it was a long time ago if at all used.

There is also the question of chapter names. Most chapters have either a name for the chapter, the mainstream storyline, or the update, usually not more than two if even two. For example, Advent of the Goddess. Is Advent of the goddess the name of the first mainstream storyline, the update it came out in, or the entire first three mainsteam storylines as a whole? Only one of those three I can confirm at the minute without research, all three first three storylines go in the "Advent of the Goddess" tab of the quest window ingame. I could probably search if "Advent of the Goddess" is used in all three contexts, and after writing this I kind of want to and think I should, but I doubt I would find it in all three contexts.

What we need is to buckle down and be strict on how we name things. A conservative method would be to leave things as is, but clearly marking on each page that it is under investigation, and one by one going by that three I mentioned before for each update. On the other hand, a radical move would be strip the wiki of all it's name for updates/storylines and its definition and use of the word "mainstream" until it is one by one confirmed. I do not necessarily support one way or the other, and am sure there are ways I didn't think of, but I do think something should be done. We shouldn't call something a thing just because it would be consistent, we need evidence.

Sorry, hit the other reply button.

Pyro - (Talk)14:00, 30 September 2013
Whatever happened to:

"I would say you fail at logic, but that would be rude of me. Instead, I will explain 'why' you are incorrect."


My mood varies, time to time, day to day, argument to argument. However, I do not consider those rude when I already explained why you were wrong.

The quote could be used as evidence that upcoming updates will not be called Generations. Keyword updates, not storylines. I did not say that included the Saga or the "G18" update.


As far as I could tell, you were the one insinuating that the quote was part of your evidence for your claim that Generation 18's story "The Saga: Iria" was not actually the G18 story. If I misinterpreted you apologies, but, if I did not misinterpret you then does this mean your argument is essentially supported by one piece of evidence: that The Saga: Iria has not yet been officially called G18?

I am sorry if I implied I require you to find evidence to support that, rather, I said I require evidence that the Saga storyline (not the update it came out with/after) is called "Generation 18".


Sorry, bub. Occam's Razor eliminates unnecessary assumptions. Unless there is good reason to suggest that the status quo has changed, there is little to no reason to assume it has like you are. You are the one making the claim that the status quo has changed and the storyline released in Generation 18 is not actually the Generation 18 storyline.

I'm going to go on a short tangent and skip to a previous post of yours because I forgot to write this when I had time.

There have been updates of arguably equal or greater size to the "G18" update since. Such as the Zero/Druid update.


With your... summarizing skills, I'd say you'd be a shoo-in for a position at Fox News. They always need people who are perfectly willing to distort the evidence and try to convince low-info people that they (Fox News) are the ones telling the truth.

I shall show you why you suffer from confirmation bias with an examples:

I mean, look at that. I applied similar summarizing techniques to the Zero/Druid update that you did to Generation 18, and look who's longer?

And, guess what, Season updates have been pretty big in the past. They have added new skills, new areas, changed stuff around... they aren't necessarily "tiny" or "minor" updates. If you followed your own typing you would have unwound your own argument without me having to do it for you.

This is why I view the Zero, Druid, Diva, Vate, et. all updates as a "Season" update, even if they are not named such.

What is not under question: The Saga came out in the updates following "G18".

What is not certain without evidence: The name of updates, the name of storylines, and the name of "chapters".


I don't see why any of those are uncertain at this point. We have no evidence to conclude that The Saga: Iria is not to be referred to as Generation 18. We only have evidence that it has not been called that. Occam's Razor eliminates the unnecessary assumption that something is different unless evidence is shown otherwise.

If one find a new illness, and that illness seems to be similar chicken pox but is not caused by the same virus as chicken pox, you do not call it chicken pox.


Then you do not call it Chicken Pox because you have 'evidence' that it is not Chicken Pox, therefore (somewhat) bypassing Occam's Razor and agreeing with virtually everything I said on the subject of Occam's Razor.


In order for this kind of scenario to happen in the current case, one has to provide evidence that Generation 18: The Saga: Iria is not actually called that. Burden of proof lies on those going against conventional thought, i.e. You.

We shouldn't call something a thing just because it would be consistent, we need evidence.


The only evidence that should be necessary is that you have little to no evidence that the pattern was broken. You assume it has. Occam's Razor eliminates unnecessary complications unless evidence is shown that a complication is necessary to explain the inconsistency.

So provide us with this evidence, Pyrus.

Kave Johnson (talk)23:13, 30 September 2013