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The "Now Open!" Sign

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Wiki Home

In regards to this entire thread, there are exactly 4 people that dislike this change to any extent. So I'm sorry to say, but you are only a noisy few.

The Now Open sign was left because of the significant change to MabiWorld, mostly in regards to reopening after the downtime. We do plan to remove it after discussing suitable replacement text.

The official image from the game files cannot be used as our logo, it's copyrighted.

As for Saria's replacement suggestion; it does look good. However, we serve a lot more than North America; including Oceania and Europe. If we could find something that is all inclusive of the service range, I would prefer it. Though, NA is fine in the end, considering it is Nexon NA that manages it.

Kadalyn (talk)16:44, 2 November 2012

I don't mind changing the "Now Open" text. I'm actually for it. All that really bothers me is the terrible coloring. Why not just leave its brown outline alone?

Maxwell (talk)19:06, 6 November 2012

I think you totally missed what I said. That first sentence was in regards to the colours.

Kadalyn (talk)18:11, 7 November 2012