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Becoming the God

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Milletian

It probably was a ruse. As for the wars, Nuadha didn't have the power of Aton Cimeni's throne back in the wars. And now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure any mortal can become a lower-tier god if they somehow found a method to. (By lower-tier I mean like Morrighan, Nuadha, Neamhain, etc. and not Lymilark, Hymerark, Jeamiderark, and Aton Cimeni.) It may also be that any god can turn a non-god into a god (but not turn them back, which is why Nuadha may have not done so in the wars, to stay in authority). But for now, anything we say is not canonical so lets just leave this out.

Pyro - (Talk)21:06, 4 September 2011