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Unfathomable Victory

Unfathomable Victory

Anyone able to test if Golems count towards it? Would be a way that people can still contribute to the battle and get it. I'll try and test it myself, but not sure when I'll get a good opportunity.

Tharm (talk)14:13, 18 December 2014

Not sure about that but you can use pets to help. In my case I just spammed party heal and buffs.

The Lazy but truthful~11:27, 19 December 2014

yea, but if golems work, it's easier to alchemists too, and not just restricted to bards and clerics.

Tharm (talk)17:27, 19 December 2014
Edited by author.
Last edit: 02:13, 16 January 2015

Golems absolutely work. I've done this several times, using the Golem's AI, and the UI where you become the golem. You just have to be careful not to accidentally attack the Girgashy when you're inevitably knocked out of the control UI by Mineral Hail or whatever else.

TLMike (talk)02:12, 16 January 2015

(Had to edit, sorry.)

TLMike (talk)02:13, 16 January 2015

What about the player character hitting only Holy Confinement and Soul Absorption and not attacking/splashing Girgashiy?

Infodude575 (talk)20:54, 21 December 2014

Hitting crystals doesn't count as damage for the quest. I would think souls wouldn't either.

Meru (talk)21:21, 21 December 2014

Tested with both Colossus and Pierrot Marionettes, a single hit from them plus the remainder of the raid while on my Windmilling Bone Dragon gave me the clear.

Infodude575 (talk)17:33, 6 January 2015

You can also use Celestial Spike if it deals 1 damage per second to him; 1s aren't registered as an effective attack. Alternatively, use a partner with a rag doll equipped; their rag dolls and attacks don't count towards your damage. Be warned you may lag considerably from that.

Aikion (talk)08:47, 27 January 2015