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I found another spot at the very bottom left of the map, but I was killed before I got to it...

Infodude575 (talk)19:39, 14 July 2013

I found another spot directly south of the south west spot, is that the one you were referring to? Though, I wasn't able to gather much new information. There seemed to be one extra trigger south of that door, and another trigger MUCH later nearer to the herb.

From what I gather, the way I interpreted this is wrong. It's not you walk over an area and a monster spawns, it's more of a radius and getting to close to the epicenter of that circle spawns the monster near you, not necessarily at the spawn or a specific side. I would like to map these circles but I have no methods of mapping these without vigorous, hours worth, of testing provided I can actually walk through walls which is an impossibility. Any ideas? (Also, I accidentally saved over the master copy of my map without one with merged layers so I'll have to guess the transparency to add more spots or need to redo the map. . .)

E6 needs a map for where the statues are in the Shaman village, though I'm not going to be redoing that shit. . . If anyone makes this map, also point out where Akule and his dragon is.

Pyro - (Talk)22:15, 3 August 2013

I have no idea how to make a map, sadly. There's no guide and all.

Infodude575 (talk)09:59, 4 August 2013