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The Lost 50 Years

The Lost 50 Years

The Shadow Mission RP has a name, doesn't it? How come no one has ever gotten it?

Also, why does no one know how to start The Story of Golvan and Ascon...

Infodude57521:08, 10 November 2011

I think no one's actually gotten it because the names of the SM weren't really used in the walkthroughs until G15 when we really got details in. (That's just my guess though.)

The Story of Golvan only starts after G14's done. Ascon, I think it starts after G13, but I can't be sure since I was way into G14 when a patch made it available.

AKAAkira22:12, 10 November 2011

We've had names of missions in generation guides since at least G13. And some people have gotten Ascon without having to do G13 or G14.

Pyro - (Talk)22:19, 10 November 2011

Isn't there a list of Shadow Mission's in the game's code?

Infodude57512:05, 12 November 2011