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Memory Loss?

Memory Loss?

Was it really the Curse of Irinid that actually caused the amnesia state of the Elves? If I remember right, Generation 8 portrays Castanea erasing the memories of others to prevent them from suffering from the truth and becoming into despair.

Infodude57509:31, 19 December 2011

I don't think that's in G8. I'm pretty sure Castanae-related stuff are in G7.

Pyro - (Talk)13:50, 19 December 2011

The idea of memory loss continues in G8 with Yoff/Phaesalus and Kelpie. And I think it was Atrata- and Taunes-related stuff that was more in G7

I believe the Curse of Irinid has nothing to do with the amnesia, just the turning of elves into Desert Ghosts. Memory loss is something directly controlled by Castanea via the memory tower. Where that power comes from is never answered - Castanea only informs the player that "the answer may lie in Zardine" before they get wrapped up in the whole Conduction Ceremony mess.

Akira14:37, 19 December 2011

I never played Generation 7, but why did Castanea erase Atrata's memory again? Because they thought she was evil or something?

Infodude57515:40, 19 December 2011

Discussion like this goes in the forum. Not on wiki talk pages.

Angevon (Talk)16:29, 19 December 2011

We're not really discussing anything? I'm just wondering the cause of the memory loss?

Infodude57517:05, 19 December 2011

I respectfully disagree, Angevon. I think clarification of character motivation, significant events, and scope of abilities are all facts that would make an article more comprehensive.

Akira17:11, 19 December 2011

all non-milletian elves share memory with memory tower. Castanea, who had power to control tower(even though the power was bestown upon chief to protect elves) erased memory of Atrata and the mob to bring back peace to Connous (as there were many murdering of black-haired elf, causing chaos)

Fallenonesigniture.PNG17:12, 19 December 2011

I thought they said Castanea was leading the Obvious Elves?

Infodude57517:44, 19 December 2011

hmm really? i am not very familiar with that.

Still though, wasnt it Castanea that stopped others from killing Atrata?

Fallenonesigniture.PNG19:08, 19 December 2011

I think she was being sympathetic to Atrata and spared her, but didn't want her to be scarred by the memory and so erased it.

Infodude57519:24, 19 December 2011

Near the end of this page the Guide writer's narration indicates that Atrata was needed for some reason (perhaps her involvement with Taunes), which is why Castanea stopped the others from killing her, and persumably erased all memories relating to that to preserve peace.

It hasn't explicitly stated that there were many murders of black-haired elves, just that they always appear before disaster strikes, which is why a mob of elves wanted to kill Atrata.

And Infodude..."Oblivious" Elves, not "obvious" elves. Heh.

Akira20:53, 19 December 2011

... Why do I keep thinking "obvious"? Lol...

Did anything else happen to Atrata after that though, aside from the final?

Infodude57521:16, 19 December 2011

Nope. After that it should've all been focusing on Kelpie's memories, investigating Zardine, and the Conduction Ceremony.

Akira23:37, 19 December 2011

So Nexon decided to be lazy and leave in many holes in their plots... Typical.

Infodude57523:52, 19 December 2011

devcat, not nexon o.o; But that's beside the point.

Atrata in G7 (faulty memory warning) basically helped out taunes...and I think she was condemned for it and pretty much it. It's like a forbidden act to assist giants, let alone heal them.

LexisMikaya03:28, 20 December 2011

I'm aware of the forbidden act. Yet, during the Falcon Quest, Castanea instead locked you away rather than stripping your memories for wandering too close to the Giants? And yet they soon made peace in Chapter 3? And yet they live in solitary peace in Cobh?

Doesn't sound like it's "forbidden" anymore.

Infodude57511:42, 20 December 2011

No offence Mikaya but I think you're wrong there. There weren't any mention of retribution from other elves, Castanea or not, to Atrata for her helping Taunes - the pictures which showed the other elves with the torches displayed Atrata as younger than she is now (I think), so that was probably from the first lashout at black-haired elves during a war against Giants.

And in the Falcon quest...remember Fallenone already mentioned that all non-Milletian elves share memory using the memory tower, which means Milletian elves aren't necessarily able to be stripped of their memory. And besides which, they had just unlocked a powerful ability that could benefit the elves as a whole, so Castanea wouldn't want to lose that.

G3 and Cobh is unexplained though. -.- I'm pretty sure the elves had to stay near the memory tower to remember themselves...And as for peace with Giants, the only explanation I have (that I don't think the story gave) is that it's only accepted because of the necessary unity against the dangers of the Shadow Realm, in the same way that giants and elves united against dragons in ancient times.

Yeah, the story wasn't built all too properly. At the same time, they had good gameplay backing it up, so they probably felt safe leaving it.

Akira12:08, 20 December 2011

G3? You mean C3.

And I thought Castanea believed that the power of Beast Mode was dangerous? Strategy Guide: When you return to Filia and speak with Castanea, she will tell you that she has no choice but to punish you for conducting a rather dangerous research, not to mention your close encounters with the Giants. Soon thereafter, you will be locked in the Longa Desert Ruins.

Infodude57512:53, 20 December 2011

Yeah, I meant C3.

She's already shown herself to be a manipulator of memories, and you want to take her seriously word for word? Heh.

No, I think it's better in Castanea's situation to look from her perspective, and not so much her words. "Conducting a rather dangerous research" is a convenient excuse to lock the Milletian elf up, and be a scapegoat to warn off other elves from contacting giants, but it's not necessarily the whole reason (and nor does it have to be true). As a leader of her race it's definitely a plus to the elves against giants if she managed to get her hands on a secret ability with potential to fight off dragons, killing the elf or erasing the Milletian's memory is out even if she could. Heck, Hagel might've even been sent to free the Milletian on Castanea's orders, directly or indirectly, so she can observe the elf without making herself look bad.

Of course, this is stipulation and shouldn't be taken as fact, at least not yet. But consider that leaders generally have to keep the entire picture in mind.

Akira16:19, 20 December 2011

That's an interesting theory right there.

But... explain how Castanea can manipulate Kelpie's memories when he's not an Elf, where the Memory Tower only affects non-Milletian Elves.

Infodude57516:52, 20 December 2011

...With respect to confirmed in-game world? I can't. x.x

With a lotta fudging I can think up other possibilities, or we can just attribute it to the plot hole left when Nexon hurriedly tried to associate G8 with dragons, but yeah, you hit a really sore spot there.

Akira17:10, 20 December 2011